Dang… my posts have been getting sparser and sparser. I’ve been so busy with getting ready for Market (that’s SPRING ‘09 Market… not Fall ‘08 - sadly I won’t be able to attend Fall Market, sniff). Busy, busy, busy… but I did manage to get in some fun play-time with my friends. And what a wonderful time it was!
My little girl gang recently was treated to a wonderful day at my friend Sally’s house to celebrate her new craft studio. Many know of my friend Karen and her talented ways… but there’s another Snyder-girl who has the same gifts… Sally! Karen… cloth. Sally… paper. What a dynamic sister duo. So much to show, so much to tell. I think this is the longest/biggest post I’ve ever made, so I’ll keep my words to a minimum (I can hear the sighs of relief).
Lime + Black + White = Bliss
Sally with Bette. Bette is Karen and Sal’s mom… and also my pretend mom/my second mom. Bette is gifted too… with kindness, wit, humor, generosity, grace, beauty, style, extraordinary fashion sense and so much more.
Big sis Karen (R) and Connie’s sis Carol (L). Carol was visiting from Oklahoma and became an honorary member of our girl gang/mini guild for the day. I think she should move up here and become a permanent member.
L to R - Connie, Carol and Karen. (say that 5 x fast)
Sal shows us what’s in her drawers… Robin is caught off guard by what I just described.
Bette… so proud of her talented daughters. Behind Bette is a mural Sally had commissioned. It looks so real and you can’t help but want to touch it.
Endless storage hidden behind cupboard doors.
Wow… it [the cupboard] recesses really far back. I bet it almost reaches Idaho.
Sal showing Connie and Carol the closet. Something very foreign to me… a closet door that opens - and nothing spills out of it into a big heap on the floor. Must take notes.
So this is what those big sliding things at the bottom of a cabinet are for.
This is what organization looks like up close. Again, very foreign to me.
Serious knobby love.
Bette typing on a vintage iPhone.
Who are you sending a text message to, Bette? “Why to Monica, of course!”
Window delight.
Sparkle delight.
We all wore lime, black and white for the occasion. I made little fabric flower broaches for us to don.
Even Chris and Michelle dressed in lime/black/white for the party.
Ok, not really. Psyche.
Craft tote I made for Sal. I used my Quilts & More purse pattern and extended the width of the pocket piece by 4″, and pleated it to make the pockets expand to hold crafty tools.
Tree-o-gifts on Sally’s kitchen table.
Look, look! A little bit of PamKittyMorning at Sal’s! Licorice scotties from TJ’s. Mmmm.
Sal set her lunch table so beautifully. It was almost too pretty to eat at. Almost. Nothing will stop me from partaking in a food event - no matter how pretty or cute.
Karen dishing up some YUM mac-n-cheese. Another talent of the Snyder Sisters… mac-n-cheese. I love both of theirs equally (keeping the peace so they’ll both feed theirs to me again).
A nice shot of Robin - she always has a wonderful smile on her face. Always.
Dessert for the eyes. Glass candies.
What a wonderful day it was - and it was even SUNNY!