Wednesday, July 9th, 2014
It’s Sew Yummy Day at Fabric Depot in Portland this coming Monday!! (I wonder if I’ll get a key to Fabric Depot?)

Come hang out from noon to 2:00 on 18 July 2014, at Fabric Depot in Portland for a little meet-n-greet with Michelle Engel Bencsko (Cloud9 Fabric’s Creative Director) and me! We’ll be chatting, talking about fabric, and sewing, and showing my new Sew Yummy collection and saying hello. Won’t you come? I’ll have a few Sew Yummy goodies, too! Read all about our visit on the Fabric Depot blog post.

Oh, and did I mention that Sew Yummy will be available for purchase the first time ever in the history of the world at Fabric Depot on Monday?!! Yup, Sew Yummy is getting it’s cherry popped at Fabric Depot! Hope to see you there!
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Posted by Monica in Sew Yummy 
Friday, May 2nd, 2014

I’m beyond excited to be sharing more about my Sew Yummy collection with Cloud9 Fabrics. Crazy excited. Beyond belief excited. Squee all over myself excited. And my hope is that lots of people will be using it to sew and quilt some really fun stuff! Sew Yummy is just about here, getting itself ready for it’s big debut at Spring International Quilt Market in Pittsburgh.

Quilt Market is kinda like a farmer’s market - where everything is fresh and just picked, but also juicy and ripe. Because fabrics are so fresh, there’s a hurry up and wait urgency to get projects made and finished in time for market. This can mean being ready to go while waiting for the UPS truck to back up in the drive way. It’s a crazy, hectic and sleepless rush to get things done - but I wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world!

One of the projects I’ll be making that will be in the Cloud9 booth is my Yo, Stitch! pattern. It’ll be available free at Cloud9’s MAKE IT SEW PROJECTS section of their website. There will be some other projects to show, too, a little bit later on. For now, I hope everyone who’ll be attending Quilt Market will visit the Cloud9 booth (1713). Maybe hang out and browse all the beautiful delights Cloud9 has to offer.

In the coming future I’ll have more pics to share. For now, here’s a sweet little peek at the entire Sew Yummy collection. Stay tuned!

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Posted by Monica in Sew Yummy