Poof! Somehow it went from December 1st … to the 31st in the blink of an eye. How did this happen? Me thinks my little Heinzelmännchen from Karen had something to do it. And just what is he hiding behind his back anyway? I’m guessing it’s the days of December 2nd - 30th.
Christmas at our house was magical. My parents and brother came up and we all spent a glorious time together and it came and went much too soon. We lounged, we laughed, lounged some more, we ate, laughed some more, lounged some even more, ate some even more and then laughed some even more.
“Oscar” - From Laurie
While it would have been perfect had my oldest son and his family been here from Australia, at least we all got to take turns talking on the phone with him and I had a wonderful converstation with my granddaughter and learned that cookies are called biscuits in the Land of Oz.
The best gift for all of us was finding out that my darling granddaughter started calling our DS1 “daddy” (she’s 6 and DS1 and DDL have been married 2 years now - and DGD’s bio dad is very much a part of her life). Oh my heart swelled like I never thought possible.
From Raesha
The icing on the cake was when DS1 told me how he’s carrying on with some of our fun traditions for Christmas morning. Santa left DGD a note, “Dear J, I had a problem with my sleigh as I was flying over your house. One of your presents has fallen out of my sack and has landed in the palm tree in your backyard. Ask your daddy to get a ladder and fetch it - Love Santa”. And there at the top of the palm tree dangled a brand new pair of ice skates. I get giddy imagining it. And ha… my son hates to wrap presents as much as I do!
From Louise
Holy crap, here it is New Year’s Eve. How the eff did that happen? I’m just NOW getting used to writing “2007″. Guess I better brush up on my 8’s. No big plans for us this evening - we stay home - I don’t like being around drunks or drunk drivers. Glitzy New Year’s is just not my gig. Our epicurean extravaganza will be crafted in the kitchen from Pizza Schmizza. We’ll be playing Monopoly with DS2 (so he can kick our butts as usual) and then we’ll be watching our delicious Tivo’d stash of 50 zillion episodes of Project Runway that I recorded when they had a marathon last week and today. GOSH I love that show and now see why everyone is so into it. OMG… even the T-man likes it (but you didn’t hear that from me). We’ve seen all of season 1 (I heart Jay - he’s so funny!) and season 3 now. Oh yeah… I’m so hooked! Me thinks Mimi wants to try out for season 5 or season 6. ;) It’s like I can almost hear Tim Gunn telling Mimi, “Mimi… make it happen”.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year. I can’t wait to catch up with everyone in blogland. The blogland train has been waiting in the station for me for weeks now. Oh my Gorsh (shout out to Mary & Chicago), more like closer to a month now. I think my bloglines post count is going to reach 8000 here soon. I have so many blogs to visit, so much to catch up with. But I am the human slug. Soon I hope to get caught up with life so I can get my fat butt back on the blogtrain. My Christmas was filled with such goodness, creativity and kindness from my bloggy friends. It’s amazing when I look back and first started blogging… never in a million years could I have imagined the friendships I have made! I’m beyond words for the gifts I’ve been sent, the cards and emails (still waiting to be answered - please forgive me!). I’ll never stop gushing with joy over the gift of friendships I have received. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
And now I must nap. And then sew - for I have a quickly approaching deadline. And then… then… OMG then… I’m jumping on the blogtrain and I’m going to hop from seat to seat, and I may even run up and down the aisle with scissors. And I’m most definitely going to be flailing my arms out the window! Happy Spoonie New Year!!!
From Mary