Christmas Tree Pants Sew-Along - DAY 3 (because not all trees like to wear skirts)
October 21st, 2011
Please join me today on my third and final day of the Sew,Mama,Sew! Christmas Tree Pants Sew-Along. If you’re just getting started and need to back-track to the beginning - you can start here, and continue here - and then finish here.
Sew along with me and post your photos each week to the Christmas Tree Pants Sew-Along Flickr group for a chance to win sleigh-load of great goodies from the Sew,Mama,Sew! Holiday Sew-Along. Every photo you post in the Tree Pants flickr group is an entry! All the SMS prize info is at the bottom of my tutorial on SMS.
Day 3 of the sew-along is joining all of our units and finishing our project. My supermodel is the lovely Violet Craft, and we’re in the beautiful backyard of Chez Bedell’s “Sofa n Lunch”.
Zing… pants!
I have the final little bundlette of 5″ strips of a Holiday Happy & Happy Mochi Yum Yum combo - waiting to go to good home.
Because this is my final day - I’m adding goodies to the pot. The nice folks at Wiley Publishing sent me a copy of Better Homes and Gardens Scrappy Quilts to give away to one of my blog readers. I have two quilt patterns in this book, one of which is from the 2007 Summer issue of Quilts and More (the one on the cover). Scrappy Quilts is a collection of some of THE MOST AMAZING quilts that have graced the pages of Quilts & More and American Patchwork & Quilting. This book is a GOLD MINE of goodness, and perfect for any quilter - from the modern quilter to the traditional quilter. Along with my bundle and the Scrappy Quilts book, I’m including a copy of the 2007 Q&M issue.
Leave me a comment here to enter for this week’s superbundle of bundlette/book/magazine. If you feel like telling me/everyone what your dream location is to go with friends on a quilt/sewing/crafting retreat to is - please share, it’s so fun and interesting reading everyone’s responses. I’ll announce the superbundle winner next Friday on this post.
My teaser and give-away posts here at HZ: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3
Sew-along tutorial posts at Sew,Mama,Sew!: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3
Christmas Tree Pants Sew-along: Flickr
October 28, 2011 Edited in:
Winner, winner! Give-away of the Day 3 Holiday Happy/Happy Mochi Yum Yum bundlette/Book/Mag Super Bundle has now ended. Thank you all for joining in on the give-away! Using for comments 1-234, the winner is: Comment #209 - Toni!
Posted in Quilty n Crafty, Make Something |

I think a beach retreat would be fun. Especially if the room looked out over the ocean.
October 21st, 2011I can’t believe what a slacker I am. I still have not started my pants! I would “sew” love to win.
October 21st, 2011Thanks
How cute! Violet’s playing peek-a-boo! The pants are awesome and I’m stoked that my first sew-a-long was a success. The tree pants are all kinds of awesomeness.
Oh! Where would I go? I’d head over to Koh Samui off the coast of Thailand, so I could get all sorts of silks for a reasonable price and spend time on an island that I love-love-loved. I mean, really, if we’re gonna dream…dream big!
October 21st, 2011LOL! (literally, i hate when people type ‘lol’ to mean ‘i’m amused’) i finally get why this is called tree PANTS. and anyway, it’s sexist to think all trees want to wear skirts.
October 21st, 2011Utah! Snow n’ cabin makes for a awesome getaway! But I’m also a local so I’m kind of biased.
October 21st, 2011The Christmas tree pants look great - very different than I imagined. Yep, they look like the cutest pants a Christmas tree could wear, especially in Holiday Happy prints!!
My idea of a perfect quilting retreat would be a snowed-in cabin in Vermont with plenty of milk, coffee (and hot cocoa too) and leftover turkey/stuffing/ cranberry sauce sandwiches. Of course, the electricity would have to be on so we could sew and watch Christmas movies.
October 21st, 2011To be honest, anywhere with plenty of space to spread out (no phones, no technology links to the “outer world”), lots of yummy food/chocolate and my girlfriends there sounds like heaven. A B&B is nice, the coast….anywhere with a wonderful quilt shop nearby for plenty of shopping!!!
October 21st, 2011The place would have to involve chocolate, alcohol, turquoise coloured waters, warmth, unlimited fabric and lots of minions to assist in cutting, pressing and binding. Don’t ask for much. I wonder if there is a quilting retreat like that.
October 21st, 2011You are so flippin’ funny! Finally, the pants thing is clear to those of us in the remedial corner. LOVE it!
October 21st, 2011I’ve never been on a quilt retreat, but my ideal place would be someplace with lots of windows looking at beautiful scenery with a fabulous quilt shop a short walk away.
October 21st, 2011What an awesome giveaway. I would like to win, so like to win this prize as I’ve never won a thing and this would be WONDERFUL!
October 21st, 2011I LOVE the pants! I mean … TOTALLY!
October 21st, 2011I’d actually choose to go somewhere totally boring, so I could just focus on sewing. LOL!
To win this great giveaway would be just the motivation I need to clear up my scraps (well some of them!).
October 21st, 2011I would love to go where you can look out over a mountainous range. In the fall when the colors are at their peak. Hmmm.
India so I can go and gawk at the batik dyers, the whole process blows my mind.
October 21st, 2011I’ve often thought a quilting cruise would be fun, but then again, would I want to quilt or do fun stuff? I think I would need to go to a really snowy location with a BIG warm cabin with all the luxeries you don’t have at home, like a cook and someone to clean. Give me tons of fabric, thread, friends, and a sewing machine and I’d be happy! :)
October 21st, 2011a beach retreat during fall or somewhere in the woods - nothing better then staying warm and doing some quilting!!
October 21st, 2011Honestly, I’m going to make these fabulous pants. I am easily distracted and got distracted by my Go baby tumbler die instead of joining in. Bad girl, Chris!
October 21st, 2011This is my first visit to your site. I found you after reading your article in American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. I always love being at the beach! I’d do a morning and evening walk and sew all day long! I look forward to visiting your site again!
October 21st, 2011I like to retreat right here in my home…grin.
October 21st, 2011Awesome tree pants!!! Awesome fabric!!! Awesome mags!!!
My friends and I love to frequent the Wimberley Quilt Ranch when we need a weekend away. :)
October 21st, 2011i have never been to a retreat, so anywhere would be fun for me. i especially wouldn’t mind if it was in switzerland!
October 21st, 2011I would love to take my quilting group, The Society of Sexy Sewing Sisters, to Lake Quinault in Washington. Hiking in the Olympic National Park and sewing - what could be more perfect!?!
October 21st, 2011I have never been to a sewing retreat. So honestly, I would be thrilled just to go to one, but I think it would be fun to go up to a mountain…in the middle of winter, with snow outside. And be sitting inside with hot cocoa and my sewing machine.
October 21st, 2011Ah, V looks so cute in your pants! Dream location? Hows about your house! Hee Hee, I would love to go to Palm Springs or the Birkshires.
October 21st, 2011Aha! Now I see why they are tree pants… :-). So sad we are away for the next week and I can’t finish mine just yet - but I love yours.
My dream location for a sewing retreat - South of France! I have a friend who would love it to and we would have a brilliant time - it will have to wait until the children are grown up though.
October 21st, 2011I love this! I will be starting my holiday sewing after Halloween and this will be first on my list. I would love to go on a sewing retreat to a lovely old New England town and sew in an old mill that had been converted into hip lofts and studios. Ideally we could walk to coffee shops and for shopping.
October 21st, 2011I think a retreat to a beautiful lake at a cabin that has 1) a tremendous amount of space, but yet still feels cozy 2) a personal room and bathroom for everyone and a personal chef AND 3)excellent eye-candy in the shapes of fabric, creations, nature or human :D How’s that?
October 21st, 2011my dream getaway would be away from the real world of my 9-5 job and to a place where i could just sew quilts for the love of it.
my grandmother taught me to sew as a child, but i didn’t start quilting until a year ago, and i’m in love!
October 21st, 2011Thanks for the giveaway!
October 21st, 2011I would love to go to a sewing
retreat by the ocean. It would
be so relaxing!
I would love to go on a sewing retreat near a great fabric store and without kids & husbands.
October 21st, 2011Yummy fabrics!! How I would love to win them, and the other goodies. Thanks for letting me have a crack at it. I would love to go to a quilting getaway in the Smoky Mountains. But I do NOT want it to really be smoky when I do. ; > )
October 21st, 2011Love, Love, Love, the pants! Mostly I just love your fabrics! Can’t wait to see what you sew up next!
October 21st, 2011Me please!
October 21st, 2011Great photos. Loved the “open” “closed” photos and the legs to match. :)
October 21st, 2011My favorite place to go on a sewing/crafting/quilting retreat would be in the mountains. Of course, there would have to be a good quilt shop nearby!
October 21st, 2011Love this! I my self have been known to run with scissors.
October 21st, 2011ha ha that picture of the “pants” made me laugh.
I’ve never been on a retreat so for now “anywhere” would be great!
October 21st, 2011Those are so cute! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
October 21st, 2011I love this idea of Christmas tree pants, my poor tree may get some pants this year :) I would love to go to Craft Weekend with Meg from the Whatever blog. I think that would be such a neat exerience!
October 21st, 2011I would love to go to the snow for a quilting holiday, I have never seen snow and imagine snuggling in front of a heater sewing and laughing with friends
October 21st, 2011Ha - I finally get why they are “pants”! (Yes, it was bugging me, I just didn’t get it at all)
While we are dreaming, lets dream big, how about a quilt retreat in Paris, France? Ooh, la la!
October 21st, 2011Hmmm….any getaway that involved sewing with my friend sounds good! The ideal place would be somewhere lovely like a Hawaiian island or something exotic like that!
Thanks for the fun! Love your “pants”!
October 21st, 2011My favorite place to go on a retreat is where I’m leaving for in about 10 minutes when my daughter picks me up: Clamshell Beach Resort in Pequot Lakes MN!!!
October 21st, 2011I think a quilting cruise would be fun, to Alaska maybe. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
October 21st, 2011It would have to involve a beach. With warm weather. And a pool so I could wash off the sand :)
October 21st, 2011Ah ha! Now I see why you call them ‘pants’. Very cute. I’m in the middle of another project, but plan to use a fabric bundle that my husband bought me years ago to make this. Where would I like to retreat? How about the coast of Oregon? It’s a beautiful state and seems to have great quilt shops. Thanks for your giveaway. Kathie L in Allentown
October 21st, 2011I am so going to make my tree some pants, but Im gonna have to have two of them bundles cause my trees got a big trunk!!! LOL Sooooo please pick me!
October 21st, 2011I like to quilt anywhere, but I think the ideal would be somewhere rainy on the outside and cozy warm on the inside…with lots of windows in between!!!
October 21st, 2011I love the ‘pants’, hope to follow your tutorial soon! Thanks!
Love the cool Christmas colors! Dream retreat is anywhere with my quilting friends, but I”d like to do a quilting cruise….thanks for reminding me to dream big!
October 21st, 2011I really like those tree pants! Thanks for the info. I’d love to justmake it to Sewing Summit one year! But anywhere away from the kids with just sewing time would be awesome!
October 21st, 2011Somewhere cold would keep me focused on sewing….but somewhere with awesome fabrics to stock up on might be incentive enough to use up what I have *grin*
October 21st, 2011this is such an awesome idea! I would definitely want to go somewhere back east. I miss the Fall something awful!!
October 21st, 2011I vote for a cozy retreat at the shore…not to hot, lots of sunshine and lovely walks amongst the trees! So cute Monica, I have got to get my act together!
October 21st, 2011I would love to go away to a week long retreat at Asilomar in Monterey, California.
October 21st, 2011somewhere in the woods! while it is snowing so everyone can play in the snow and snuggle up to a big roaring fireplace to sew/knit
October 21st, 2011I have my fabric but still haven’t started yet! I love the scrappy look! Can’t wait to make mine! Thanks for the tutorial! :)
October 21st, 2011love the pants! my fav place to go when sewing with pals is Eugene!!! Yep…we take over a hotel room at the Hilton next to the Hult Center and do NOT let house keeping vacuum until we pack up and head home…yep…that’s what we do! Sewing at the Hilton…wanna join us sometime??? It wouldn’t be too far for you to drive!
October 21st, 2011what a wonderful bunch of goodies!!!
my idea of a perfect quilting retreat would be in a snowed place, having a cozy wood cabin, with loud and funny girls with a lot of music and drinks!
thanks a lot for this oportunity, I hope win!
October 21st, 2011xo
Hawaii. Sounds nice, yes? Thanks for chance to win.
October 21st, 2011I am going to say a cabin retreat. Beautiful cold weather a roaring fire quilts galor and well just plain AWESOMENESS with hot food. mmmmm
October 21st, 2011My fav retreat is Chehalis … you know why (what happens there, stays there..)…!!
October 21st, 2011But my fav sew in is just when the MG’s do a sewing day!!
I think my little house needs some of those really cute, adorable fabrics….I would give them lots of love and sunshine, too!!
I think a cruise anywhere would be nice, no cooking, or cleaning, just sewing. I’m off on an annual retreat next week to a “Retreat Center” in the woods and it is beautiful there. The chef is awesome and the hot tub is great for soothing those achy sewer’s muscles.
Love to win your giveaway!
October 21st, 2011Door County in Wisconsin would be “the” perfect spot for a quilt retreat!!
October 21st, 2011Ah ha–now I get the “pants” part…lol! As for a retreat–the beach, baby. Especially if its stormy.
October 21st, 2011I’m thinking a Caribbean quilting cruise sounds like fun! Blue water, warm air, and sandy beaches with quilting thrown in the middle sounds like heaven to me!
October 21st, 2011Love the pants! I will have to keep this in mind….would make a great new house gift….and my dream getaway is Asilomar; I have heard great things about the retreat and just think the view would be amazing.
October 21st, 2011Oh so stinken cute. And clever. I ?? it. xo
October 21st, 2011Ha! If you’re sewing with friends, I don’t really think the location matters all that much. My only preference would be during the blistering heat of the sun (and the place would have to be well air conditioned!) or the frigid temps of winter (in which case, there would be lots of chances to try out any quilties made!). :)
October 21st, 2011Not that I’d be jumping in but, I’d love to have a retreat in a great beach house on Lake Michigan. The water crashing onto the beach is such a calming sound and the breeze would be wonderful. Hmmm do they have cabana boys in MI? LOL They would sure be a nice touch to bring us drinks whenever we wanted too.
I LOVE the tree pants and your pattern is great. Thank you very much. Medical stuff around me and family members right now have prevented me from even starting these but I am hoping to before the holidays because we have a few in the family that have their own places this year and need some new tree “pants”.
October 21st, 2011I love your Christmas tree pants!! I’m going to try to make them as soon as I can =D I’ve never been on a sewing/quilting retreat before. I think anywhere with lots of sunshine and pretty scenery would be fun!
October 21st, 2011I think somewhere cozy where you want to drink plenty of tea or coffee to stay warm.
October 21st, 2011Christmas pants! Now that’s is funny! I would love to go to a lakefront cottage with my quilty friends. Sewing, going for walks, campfires….now that’s a perfect quilty retreat.
October 21st, 2011Love the pattern! I have needed pants for my tree for years. Maybe this will be the year!! Where to go for a retreat? Somewhere sunny!! As a fellow Oregonian you know you gotta soak it in while you can!! :)
October 21st, 2011lol - I finally ‘get’ the tree pants name because of the pic, ha! I would LOVE to go on a quilting retreat with friends but not many of them sew…I think a cabin in the woods would be awesome where we could relax and prepare meals and stay up late chatting & sewing!! thanks for this great sew a long!
October 21st, 2011These pants look so much better than my hastily tossed (but carefully arranged!) length of fabric.
I would love to go on a retreat to Paducah, Three Sisters or the place in Pennsylvania - Intercourse I think?
October 21st, 2011The tree pants are so fun, what a cute idea.
I have never been on a retreat but I would love to go to one in maine, on the ocean in a big old house, so we could sit on the porch and sew.
October 21st, 2011Ooh I hope I win. I got into quilting with my grandma so i would want to go on a retreat with her in Northern WI.
October 21st, 2011Hawaii!! Such a beautiful place and would be fun to sew with quilt friends there.
October 21st, 2011Tree pants not a tree skirt! I really like it.
I am thinking one of the quilt cruises would be great. I love scrappy and would love to win!
October 21st, 2011I go to a sewing retreat on Vashon Island in Washington state twice a year and wouldn’t miss it for the world. We formed an organization called the Stitching Girls Society and you can find us with the Google machine. Even if it’s raining (I know, raining in Washington state, what are the odds of that), it’s OK, because a rainy day at sewing camp is better than a sunny day at work.
October 21st, 2011I’d go to a sewing retreat in Moose Jaw (haha, it’s real and about 30 minutes away from where I live, look it up if you don’t believe me!) so the location doesn’t really matter. Of course, I have always wanted to visit Hawaii so I guess that would be a fun idea!
October 21st, 2011I’d love to have a retreat with my BFF in Port Townsend, WA.
October 21st, 2011Great pants :) Very cute!! Would be happy just about anywhere, would love to go on a quilt retreat someday.
October 21st, 2011I have a wonderful beach house in Yachats. Its the perfect place for a sewing retreat. Big windows and great views.. Its relaxing… Love the pants… they look great and easy to make. You have a great bolg…
October 21st, 2011Oh, those Christmas tree pants are very cute! I just love the stars. Not sure where my dream retreat place would be, I’ve only ever been to one…must do some research.
October 21st, 2011My favorite is a cabin up in the foothills near Yosemite in CA. Love the mountain air, roaring fire and company of good friends….can’t be beat!!
October 21st, 2011On a beach or lake, with beautiful weather and no children! Love my kids tons…just not productive if they are “helping” me!!
October 21st, 2011Nice. I’m not so much of a skirt girl, so I know how some trees feel.
October 21st, 2011I pretty much would love to go anywhere in Japan. I would use any excuse to go over there, but there would be great influence anyways. I always wanted to incorporate sashiko and quilting.
I haven’t started on this yet, but I am SOOO going to make it! Dream retreat…. hmmm… I’d say somewhere with a nice beach and warm water! :)
October 21st, 2011Those pants are darling! I have a Christmas tree skirt, which I loved at one time. It is old, and I think my tree needs new pants instead!
I would love to quilt someplace in a cabin with no kids around. Quiet, with friends, and my husband who is now a quilter, too!
October 21st, 2011Love the photo of the pants being ‘worn’ by Violet. I am really looking forward to having some time next month to do some sewing and make some pants for my tree.
October 21st, 2011So glad that I’m not the only one who didn’t get the “pants” thing until I saw that photo!
I’d love to go on a sewing retreat to the mountains in winter, preferably with some snow.
October 21st, 2011A quilting retreat in the mountains in winter with a sweet, cozy log cabin would be lovely … especially if there’s a great big quilt and fabric shop right next door. Is there any such place?
October 21st, 2011my dream retreat?
anywhere I can sew hexagons WITHOUT any of my younger children coming and asking a BAZILLION questions ; )
October 21st, 2011The “pants” thing caught my attention. I thought… “what?” I know my trees never liked wearing skirts so great idea and love the pics!
October 21st, 2011A warm and cosy place that is big enough for all of us to sew and with adjacent rooms for our fabric stash ;o))) That would be fun!
October 21st, 2011The Christmas tree pants look great . What an awesome giveaway. I would like to win, so like to win this prize as I’ve never won a thing and this would be WONDERFUL!
October 21st, 2011I would prefer any place near the sea so you can take walks on the coast in between sewing.
October 21st, 2011I’ve never been to a retreat before, so any where would be great. Would kind of fancy some where in the States, as you have all the best fabric!
October 22nd, 2011Ooohh I think I would like to get away to a lovely warm cottage with roaring fire and no children BUT with great internet connection so I could still scour the web for ideas and how-tos!
October 22nd, 2011BTW, love the fabric!
We have a lovely place that we go for our quilting retreats, with a house, and a seperate studio for sewing, purpose built for Patchworkers and Quilters. What I really need is a clone, so that I can get the time off from work that I need to be able to go along with our little group. Can you help me with that??!! OK, then the giveaway would be wonderful!!!!!!!!
October 22nd, 2011The lake district here in england on a cold winters day with a warm fire and a mug of coco defently ,
October 22nd, 2011Love your blog and would love the chance to win xxx
Dream retreat? Probably a week away at the beach along the Oregon coast. So close yet so far away. But really anywhere with good food and friends will make for a great crafty retreat.
October 22nd, 2011I hadn’t thought about not all Christmas trees like to where skirts! Your ‘pants’ look great!
October 22nd, 2011Loved the tree pants. My choice for a retreat would be somewhere in the Colorado mountains.
October 22nd, 2011I’ve never been on a quilt retreat but beach or mountains would be great. Somewhere not to far so as to not waste too much time traveling — more time for sewing!
October 22nd, 2011A cabin in Tahoe would be great!
October 22nd, 2011Alas, I too am a slacker. :*(
My Holiday Happy is washed and ironed and ready to go. But darn are my kids time consuming! It is no help that my one son feels the need to get up at 6 a.m. and start yelling out “Is anyone awake yet?” Um, we are now.
I promise I will make a pair of tree pants before Xmas and post my pics. Heck, I might even make two, sew them together, and wear them. Am thinking of doing red with green for the stars. Hopefully it isn’t too overwhelming.
October 22nd, 2011I love your tree pants!
October 22nd, 2011Love the Christmas Tree Pants–maybe another project to add to my ever-growing “I’ve got to do this” list.
October 22nd, 2011I would love to go on a quilt/crochet/craft retreat to the Smokey Mountains, in the fall when the leaves are changing and the air is cool and crisp. Living on the beach in FL, we don’t see Fall that way.
Thanks for offering a chance for a wonderful giveaway.
My dream place for a quilting retreat would be a place in Colorado where you looked out at the mountains while you were sewing. Also Colorado because then my hubby could come and ski all day with his dad and his mom and I could just sew!!
October 22nd, 2011My friends and I go to Kinderhook Lodge in western Illinois twice a year. It’s a gorgeous place out in the country. We have a big sewing space, nice private rooms and no cooking! We’re going in January and hope to get snowed in!
October 22nd, 2011Your pants turned out wonderful. A great retreat location…..the Maine coast where we could dine on lobster fresh off the boat every day while sewing to our hearts’ content.
October 22nd, 2011I’ve just retired and began quilting so all will come in handy and will be much appreciated. LOVE the colors of the stash. My dream quilting location would be out on Block Island RI with a spacious sunny room overlooking the ocean.
October 22nd, 2011What an awesome giveaway from a super awesome lady. (No, I am not sucking up either!). Seriously though, a sewing retreat to anywhere without phones ringing, puppies that are potty-training, sick husbands, but with bottom-less Starbucks lattes, margaritas, choc chip cookies and pasta sounds like a good place to me.
October 22nd, 2011Love the Christmas tree skirt! My dream sewing retreat would be in a cabin in the NY Finger Lakes with wine tour thrown in for good measure. It’s so beautiful there in the fall!
October 22nd, 2011I need to make tree pants too! Love yours, great idea!
October 22nd, 2011I would definitely prefer a quilting retreat in the mountains, probably because I don’t live near them. Thanks!
October 22nd, 2011What a lovely bunch of goodies. My favorite place that I would want to go with friends to quilt would be St. Lucia. Quilting on the beach sounds pretty nice.
October 22nd, 2011Love the tree pants! So cute! I’d love to do a sewing retreat in the Lake Tahoe area…
October 22nd, 2011I think my tree would like to wear pants this year. If I win that fabric bundle, I’ll definitely be making some! :)
October 22nd, 2011Most definitely, a light-filled mountain getaway somewhere in the southern Appalachians with a creek nearby. It would be spring, and the rhododendrons would be in bloom. And, we’d all be working on scrappy quilts!
October 22nd, 2011Aha - I finally get The Pants! And now I’ll just go back to my spot on the clueless couch.
My dream spot for a retreat would be somewhere warm and tropical with a beautiful beach & cocktails with umbrellas. And with tons of fully stocked quilt shops nearby.
October 22nd, 2011a nice warm place may be a cottage.
October 22nd, 2011It was wonderful to see the Christmas Tree Pants in person at PMQG and now the lovely Violet holding it too.
October 22nd, 2011Thanks for the giveaway ~ it’s very generous!
I love sewing retreats ~ I’d love to go to a place where there’s lots of windows to look out while I’m sewing and have lots of friends around too! that sounds best to me.
Well, I’d retreat almost anywhere! I’m another transplanted Michigander that would love to retreat on the shores of Lake Michigan, sewing while gazing at the brillant fall foliage, listening to the waves lapping on the shore…ahhh!
October 22nd, 2011I’d go on a retreat wherever there’s free Coca-Cola and a machine to sew on that is much more fabulous than my own!
October 22nd, 2011I love the idea of sewing pants! Circles are hard for me!
I would love a sewing retreat somewhere high up on a mountain with windows all around so that there would be beautiful views. I sewed in a basement for so long, the idea of natural light and a view is almost too much.
October 22nd, 2011What an awesome, generous Giveaway!! I’d love a retreat somewhere in the woods or mountains, overlooking a lake, in the fall or winter! Ahh, sounds like heaven. Lake Tahoe, maybe! Well, off to finish up my “pants”!!
October 22nd, 2011I would go somewhere cold…so I can stay inside sewing and sharing ideas without the feeling I miss out on something ;o).
October 22nd, 2011I love your fabrics especially the yummy fabrics for the Christmas tree pants (why can’t I find these happy fabrics at the quilting stores around here?) My dream retreat would have a beach in the front and mountains and hiking trails in the back so I could just soak up nature and get inspired.
October 22nd, 2011I would love to have a retreat in Greece! Quilting while watching the beautiful sunset…ahhh!!!
October 22nd, 2011Would love to win.
It is always so fun and inspiring to visit your blog!! To go anywhere there are wonderful sights to see, wonderful people to chat with, and wonderful fabrics to create with would be my ideal quilt retreat!!
October 22nd, 2011Nice slacks Violet!!! I love retreating in many different locations, all of which I do with frequency. The big gang retreat for 28 that I run annually in November is at a gorgeous mountain lodge about an hour outside Vancouver (sadly lacking in lattes, but I survived 4 whole days last year on tea along, so I think I can do it again). In spring I retreat with 2 friends to a lakehouse in the interior of B.C. We eat simply, I make lattes, we go thrifting. The house is a 70’s extravaganza or orange shag, green curtains and garish floral upholstery. Heaven. I’ve never been on a retreat to anywhere that I didn’t totally appreciate and enjoy (well there was that one time….but that’s not appropriate for your happy place here).
October 22nd, 2011I love the idea if a beach retreat. Mine would be the coast of Maine. I have always wanted to go there and I can see myself finding inspiration for sewing and cool walks.
October 22nd, 2011Love the “pants” for the tree. I’d like to have a sewing retreat at the beach even though I live 10 minutes from the nearest beach.
October 22nd, 2011I just ordered Scrappy Quilts last night! Good luck to all!
October 22nd, 2011For retreats, I’ll drive anywhere for a goodie bag! But, the 2 I loved most were in Shipshewana, IN (Amish Country) and Door County, WI (trees, lots and lots of trees).
October 22nd, 2011I would Love to do a quilt retreat in Maine by the sea!
October 22nd, 2011i would love to be in a cabin the mountains, snowed in…with tons of good food and a fire in the fireplace…. and just sewing and sewing and sewing
October 22nd, 2011I’d love to go on a colorado mountain retreat…or maybe a minnesota lake retreat. something far far away from me would be fun!
October 22nd, 2011Any place with beautiful scenery.
October 22nd, 2011Since I am so homesick for Utah right now I would have to say that is where I would want to go. Of course I may never want to come back to California! Thank you for the great project.
October 22nd, 2011Need a trip to Cape Cod. Love the Tree Pants
October 22nd, 2011Somewhere in the central coast of California, at a beach house… Love the pants — so clever!
October 22nd, 2011MMM pants not a skirt what more could a Tom Boy Christmas Tree need- have just stumbled across your blog and love the idea of the pants - have a Christmas jelly roll and coordinating fabrics somewhere….wow thanks for such a lovely giveaway I have been adoring your fabric for a long time but am saving for an airconditioner for my sewing shed so have put a self embargo on buying more..thanks for a wonderful giveaway
October 22nd, 2011To be perfectly honest, to get to sew with my friends for an extended period of time anywhere would be a BLAST. Anytime,anywhere would fit the bill just fine!
October 22nd, 2011The tree pants are so cute! I really need more time in my day to create all the wonderful projects I see. Maybe a crafting retreat to Maui would help. :)
October 22nd, 2011I love the pants! I would love to quilt with my friends at a beach house. Love the gulf coast!
October 22nd, 2011My dear friend, currently lives in Nanjing. And before she moved, there were three of us that sewed, Mrs. C, Mrs. D, and Mrs. E. No kidding.
So Mrs. D is my neighbor, and I’m Mrs. E. so I think we should pack up and go to Nanjing to visit Mrs. C. And sew and shop and sew some more.
October 22nd, 2011Please oh please oh please let me win this! please please please please….I am not beneath begging here. :o) My dream place to take my friends for a retreat, if money was no object, would be Scotland. I am Scottish but have never been there. The first thing I would sew is something for the wee lads to wear under their kilts so they could walk safely outside during a windy day. :o)
October 22nd, 2011What a great give-away. Thanks for the chance to enter. I think a quilt retreat in the Colorado Rockies would be a great place to sew and sip hot tea!
October 22nd, 2011i love that trees can have pants and I would love to win this bundle!!
October 22nd, 2011I want to join Colette for the retreat in Maine though I don’t know her, I love Maine. It would be wonderful.
October 22nd, 2011OK, I am slow. After seeing the photo, I really “get” the tree pants!!! Love it! I bought the Quilts and More magazine because of your cover quilt!!! I think a dream sewing retreat would be a tropical location with yummy drinks with little umbrellas and flamingo straws, along with cabana boys to do the cutting, pressing, and ripping (especially after too many drinks and scenery distractions!!!
October 22nd, 2011I’ve never been on that kind of retreat, but I imagine somewhere on a beautiful lake with lots of natural light. Thanks for sharing the pants!
October 22nd, 2011I would love a San Juan Island sewing weekend at Doe Bay! The water is a deep green blue, the food fantastic, the outdoors have deer walking through the fields and the hot steam mineral baths are perfect for weary stitching shoulders. I should make one happen!
October 22nd, 2011I have never been on a retreat and would lo ve to go on one, but I imagine the area where I went to high school in Rabun Gap, GA would be an awesome place to have a retreat! Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!!!!
October 22nd, 2011My dream place to have a sewin weekend would be home! Of course I would want hubby & kids gone & someone there to do the cooking and cleaning!
October 22nd, 2011I would looooove to go to Australia on a quilting retreat. lol Maybe I just really want to go to Australia and the quilting retreat would be a bonus…whatever works. ;) Thanks for the giveaway, I love your fabrics!!!
October 22nd, 2011I am so glad I’m getting caught up on google reader and didn’t miss this opportunity!! Love all included!!
October 22nd, 2011Love the Tree Pants! I am so going to make that pattern. I would love to retreat in Montana. Big open skies, lots of mountains, and fresh air…yum!
October 22nd, 2011Hmm, my dream location for a sewing retreat would be a cruise! But I wouldn’t need it to stop anywhere cool, because I’d be too busy sewing to care. But it would be extra nice to just step out of my room and have dinner cooked for me. :)
October 22nd, 2011I would love to go on any sewing/quilting retreat as I’ve never been on one yet. But the ultimate would be a retreat cruise! I love your tree pants! I’ll have to try them one day soon! Thanks for a chance to win! :)
October 22nd, 2011I’ve never been on a quilting/sewing/crafting retreat. I think what would be ideal would be a cabin in the country, somewhere where you can be outside during the day (even if you are quilting/sewing/crafting) and somewhere where’s there’s lot of room for continuing to create at night. There would be a hot tub for relaxing after a long day of creating. And there would be mani-pedis at the end of the retreat.
October 22nd, 2011My favorite place would be to be home with just one best friend, a ton of snow, warm house, soup, wine & lots of sewing. No contact with outside world for at least 2 days! No power outage though!!! LOL It would be “sew” fun:-) Thanks
October 22nd, 2011I’m doing the SMS sew-along! my ideal retreat is somewhere with a cook, a maid, and warm weather.
October 22nd, 2011Well now we have the perfect pants for the tree it would have to be a Christmas retreat with all the family. A big house in the middle of nowhere (maybe in Scotland) lots of snow, log fires….. Boys can do manly things like walking and looking after the kids and the ladies can bake, quilt, and drink lots of hot chocolate!!!!!
October 22nd, 2011Just bounced to your site. Like the tree pants. Looks interesting. Would like to get to a retreat where I can get somethings done. Last weekend’s guild retreat started on 2 projects (full size quilts) and brought home 4 others (still in the containers). Think I have to work on wall hangers or tablerunners. Thanks for letting we enter. Robert, the scrap quilter in norther IA.
October 23rd, 2011Thank you for the chance to win. I love both lines of your fabric!
October 23rd, 2011My dream location for a quilting retreat is a small little place called Crieff in Ontario. My mom has been going there on retreats for as long as I can remember and in February is the first time I will be going with her. I am so excited to bring along my best friend who just started to quilt!
October 23rd, 2011I love your blog, fabric, patterns, everything :)
October 23rd, 2011I just love that you call it Xmas Tree pants…and not skirt. Love your blog and sense of humor.
October 23rd, 2011I would love to go to an Australian quilt/stitching retreat one day. That is really my dream, with all those lovely designers (o:
October 23rd, 2011Love your fabric! Just received my entire fat quarter collection of yum yum and indeed it IS yum yum. Have searched for your holiday fabric, but cannot find it to my distress- so would love to win a bit!
My dream retreat- Denpasar, Bali Indonesia! Quiet cottage on the coast, close to mountains, good food, and plenty of opportunity for fabric! Love it!
October 23rd, 2011Oh I think my tree is in need of these pants - I’d love to go any where that the cooking and cleening are done for me…and then we can concentrate on sewing and eating cake!
October 23rd, 2011For me it is always the Great Smokey Mountains around Townsend, Tn and Cade’s Cove. Hiking trails to shake off the tension. Having the window open so you can hear the water rushing down the steam and looking out over the blue smokey mist of the mountains.
October 23rd, 2011Wow what a great giveaway, thanks for a chance to win. I would love to have a get away in the mountains anywhere
October 23rd, 2011Eureka! I finally see the pants! Christmas tree pants, that is! A sewing get-a-way for me would have to be in the mountains. No phone, No tv. A few friends, some food, some wine, and a lot of laughter! Gotta’ make a pair of pants for my tree! Thanks for the inspiration and humor!
October 23rd, 2011What a fantastic giveaway! I have loved following along with your tutorial. A fabulous quilt retreat, anywhere with no kidders/hubbs, right?! =p
October 23rd, 2011You’re so right about this book! I discovered it at my library months ago & have been re-borrowing it ever since! Thanks for the chance to win my own!
October 23rd, 2011Pants…now I get it! My dream retreat: anywhere with a beautiful view from the window, a fireplace (lit) and crispy cold outdoors. Oh, and a place for a nice walk for a break from sewing.
October 23rd, 2011Oh man, thanks for the reminder - I need to get started on my Christmas pants…you know, now that I’ve unpacked my sewing machine and all (last night!)
October 23rd, 2011And thanks for the gorgeous giveaway opportunity!
Great give away. Love your pants. LOL
October 23rd, 2011I am a beginner and I don’t have any friends that sew.. :( My kids have been stressing me out lately more than usual so any place away from them for awhile is good enough for me.
October 23rd, 2011How fun! I need to track back and start these pants :) Love it! As for a quilting retreat…I think I would love to go somewhere in the northeast in the fall to experience the colors. How inspiring would that be? Thanks again!
October 23rd, 2011I haven’t started my pants yet but have the fabric and can’t wait to get going on them! The design is so awesome! I absolutely love it! :)
October 23rd, 2011Nice pants! As long as the friends are fun, the happy hour is happy, and there’s a cook cooking, I’d love to retreat anywhere!
October 23rd, 2011So glad I know why the “pants”! I’m almost done too! I think a cruise to somewhere warm would be fabulous! With lots of good food, of course!
October 24th, 2011I haven’t started my ‘pants’ either.
October 24th, 2011I don’t even have the fabric.
I don’t have any friends here that quilt. I don’t even know if they have a guild.
I might have to look that up.
I’d go anywhere for a quilt retreat. When you live miles from stores, let alone like-minded folk, it is just a dream! Love the tree pants by the way.
October 24th, 2011I’d love to win this. Love the tree pants!!
October 24th, 2011I think the ultimate quilt retreat would be in Hawaii. Any ‘ol island would do :c) Love your quilt pants. I thought the red/white was perfect, but your fabric is so pretty as quilt pants. Thanks for doing this sew along! My tree so needed help.
October 24th, 2011Tammy Mabry
Cute pants! Cute fabric!
And my dream retreat is actually a reality — every year, a group of friends come with me to a cabin in the woods for a weekend of food and fun and crafting and no other responsibilities. : )
October 24th, 2011Your tree pants are very cute. I would really love to win your great giveaway please. Lovely fabrics and magazines!
October 24th, 2011I’ve never been on a retreat, so first I thought of beautiful Hawaii, but then I figured, save some money and maybe a nice
inn with lots of space and from what I’ve read, great Quilt shops…Portland. Thank
you for the chance.
I would “sew” love to go on a retreat ANYWHERE!!! :) I love retreats and get “sew” much done and have “sew” much fun with current, past and new “sew” friends!!!! Love your tree pants! such a great idea and “sew” true!!! :)
October 24th, 2011Love the colours! Sisters, Oregon … for the show of course.
October 24th, 2011I love the tree pants!! Can’t wait to get started on my own :)
October 24th, 2011And if we could go anywhere, I would choose Scotland. Of course, I’d probably feel an overwhelming desire to quilt plaids….
I love the tree pants you made. I like how whimsical and non-traditional it is while still being super cute Christmas!
October 24th, 2011Next June, three friends and I are going to Ireland for its International Quilt Festival. I can’t wait!
Deb S.
October 24th, 2011Love reading your blog.
October 24th, 2011I just found your blog through Pinterest! I really love it here!!! And I find you really hilarious! Lol if I were to go on a vacation somewhere, I would go somewhere cold, so I would spend time indoors sewing and not be distracted by the warm weather! :) since I live in a cold state already, (Alaska), I guess there isn’t very many other “cold” states to name. LOL
Happy Sewing!!
October 24th, 2011I think I need some new pants! A retreat anywhere would be good for me - not remotely picky!
October 24th, 2011Love this pattern - My ideal spot for a retreat would be in the wilderness of northern Minnesota - beautiful lakes and wildlife.
October 24th, 2011My dream is simply to GET to go on a quilting retreat. Does not matter where!! ;)
October 24th, 2011How clever to call this project tree PANTS! However, in holding the pants up in your photo, I think the pants a re a ‘tad too big’ for you! ;^)
October 24th, 2011I am blessed in that I usually attend 2-3 retreats (close to home) every year. With that being said, a retreat I have never done is a cruise retreat. That would be a dream retreat for me! :)
I totally need to give my tree some pants!
October 24th, 2011I would go to Montana in winter because it is beautiful but I would want to stay inside and actually sew.Thanks!
October 25th, 2011Can I just say how jealous I am of the people who get to go on quilt retreats?? They always look like so much fun! Maybe in the future when I don’t have three little boys and um…when there is actually a quilt guild in my area….When that time comes I hope it involves excellent food not made by me, good beer, an endless fabric supply, and hilarious friends.
October 25th, 2011My mother and I have met in Des Moines for the past 2 Septembers, to go to the AQS quilt show. We get a nice hotel room and do nothing but sew and quilt-show for a whole weekend. So, that’s pretty high on my favorites right now.
I’ve got 2/3rds of the top put together, I’m loving the little stars!
October 25th, 2011Love your “pants”! I’ve never had the pleasure of going to a quilting/sewing/craft retreat. :(
October 25th, 2011So just to be able to go to one, would be ideal for me.
that is to cute… so funny i love the tree pants. i cannot wait for mine to be finish.
October 25th, 2011thanks, for doing the sew a long.
Love the pants! Any retreat with friends is always fun, but I would love to go to Oregon or Utah in the States…everyone’s photos look so beautiful!
October 25th, 2011LOVE the pants! I think I’ll have to make some ASAP. I’m not sure where a good place for a quilt retreat would be. Anywhere, really. A cabin in the mountains sounds cozy…but a beach house would be fab, too.
October 25th, 2011Anywhere would be great for a retreat!!Just give me a couple hours’ notice!!
October 25th, 2011I really, really need a new tree skirt “pants”. This pattern is just what I need!
October 25th, 2011Fabulous pants, I must say.
My dream retreat would be some winter wonderland cabin, stocked with yummy treats and hot chocolate. A beach retreat would be great and all, but let’s face it: if I’m at the beach, I’m sure as heck not going to be crafting. But a snowed in cabin? That’s a crafting isolation chamber.
October 25th, 2011I love your Christmas Tree Pants! I came over form PamkittyMorning’s Blog. Thanks for sharing the fun with your give-away.
October 25th, 2011I love to win these fabulous fabrics. I just bought a FQ bundle of mochi Yum Yum and I just want to cut into it and play! Best is at a snowy retreat place up in the mountains, the best place to get sewing done! When the fridge is filled with lovely goodies and hubby is cooking! Oh what a dream!
October 26th, 2011Haha dream location? anywhere it wouldn’t matter! I have 3 small children so just ‘away’ would be amazing! thanks for a great series and giveaway
October 26th, 2011I’d love to go to Yosemite and sew outside!
October 26th, 2011My dream location would be in a log cabin somewhere in the snowy alps!
October 26th, 2011I want to make those pants for my Christmas tree! Beautiful! I haven’t been to a sewing retreat but I would LOVE to go - anywhere would be fine with me but probably somewhere like the mountains would be fun!
October 26th, 2011This site is really great. I will come back often. My dream retreat would be in the Smoky Mountains. Back to nature and quilting, what more could you ask for.
October 26th, 2011First—I have to say–I just LOVE that name “Sofa and lunch” Soo creative!!!!
I am just getting back into quilting/sewing. I was on a major scrapbooking roll—but feel the call of the fabrics taking over.
To be honest–I would love to have a retreat in YOUR Studio!!!! LOL No, I am not a stalker–but when I saw your room in a magazine this summer–I just had to come find your blog. We recently redid my craft room and it is yellow with red and apple green accents–after seeing yours..I am starting to add some vintage blues in. So—if I am going to retreat–I want to go somewhere that will make me happy-your room makes me smile! I would love to be able to walk around and take in all the little goodies you have sprinkled around in there!
October 26th, 2011Awesome giveaway, Monica. Never been on a retreat, but I think I would like somewhere near the ocean where I could get inspired by the beautiful colours of the water. A chilled glass of white wine and a platter of cheese would complete the picture. Might not get much sewing done, but it would be enjoyable. Nice pants by the way.
October 26th, 2011This pair of tree pants is great! I need to make one for my tree! It currently wears a round table cloth that was on sale at Target.
October 27th, 2011I love having mini sewing retreats at my aunt’s house in Fort Worth, Texas. I get there Friday evening and we don’t stop sewing until Sunday afternoon. Although sometimes big cutting or sewing mistakes happen around 2 a.m. and we decide to break for sleep.
She has a great sewing room upstairs but lately it is my uncle’s job to move everything we need downstairs to the dining room so that my grandmother can join us; she can’t get up the stairs very well anymore.
Thanks for sharing!
hmm…I would love to go to the mountains in a log cabin and sew for a week straight!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
October 27th, 2011Reading all of these ideas…are WONDERFUL…I would love to go to a place that had plenty of room for everyone to spread out…a fireplace with an entire cord of wood…someone to pick up after us so we wouldn’t have to work, cook, or clean…lots of lovely music and Christmas movies…lots of fabric…did I say lots? Just thinking of such a dream week makes me almost cry……..what a dream come true that would be. Thankyou for inviting us all to participate in this dreaming out loud. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win your fabric and book.
October 27th, 2011A dear friend has a vacation home in Montana that is pure heaven. It would be a delightful place for a sewing/quilting weekend. Thank you for a very generous giveaway.
October 27th, 2011thank you so much! i gathered the fabric for a tree skirt last year, but didn’t get around to it. when i saw the qal, i knew there was a reason i’d put it off! i finally had the chance to start mine this week, and now it’s all pieced, ready to be sandwiched and quilted. maybe even tomorrow!
i’ve only been to day-long retreats, and honestly, i don’t REALLY understand the point of fancy or exciting locations when you’re spending all day sewing anyway! maybe it’s because i don’t have a lot of money, but really, the people are what matters, not the location.
that being said, i do enjoy the beach view of the space where i’ve done day retreats, and a hot tub would be really nice after sewing for hours!
October 28th, 2011I will be making some Christmas tree pants this year. Mark my words. Thank you for sharing your genius my friend. Go Unicorns. xoxomf
October 28th, 2011I simply love the TREE PANTS idea! You’re a-m-a-z-i-n-g! Need to find the time to create mine!! I think the perfect place to go for a quilt retreat would be Colorado, up in the MOUNTAINS! I live, in HOT (yes even in October), sweaty Texas, so I am thinking of SNOW now! Not that we shall see any this year. We only get ICE, but a nice, breezy, quilting retreat up the mountains would suit me just fine! Thanks for asking!! LOVE YA!
October 28th, 2011The tree “pants” are so darn cute! I can’t decided between a retreat near the ocean or in the mountains. Living in the midwest farm country I’m not really close to either but they both sound relaxing and exotic! But really, if you have fun quilty friends and plenty of munchies, it doesn’t matter where you are.
October 28th, 2011How did I miss out on the pants thing??!!! How cute….ahhhh a nice retreat somewhere with my sewing machine sounds delightful!!! The mountains for me!
October 28th, 2011Cool pants, and yes I will be making one for my tree, oh if I could go anywhere for a quilt retreat it would definitely be in Monterey, Calif. Great scenery, great food, a lovely quilt shop in Pacific Grove and great shopping, oh yea and we would also make time for quilting!
October 29th, 2011Wendy
Love the pants! My dream quilting retreat would have to have snow to see from the windows, a roaring fire and Irish coffee!
October 30th, 2011Darling pattern! I just finished mine yesterday (still need to cut the hole & quilt). We are going to donate it with a Christmas tree to a local charity event in December.
October 31st, 2011That is spectacular! I just found your blog and it is a treat-and-a-half! I’ve never heard of tree pants, but it’s an adorable look I’ll have to try.
October 31st, 2011I think the ideal sewing retreat would be in the mountains where it is quiet and peaceful and beautiful! Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!
November 1st, 2011LOVE THESE FABRICS!
November 3rd, 2011THANKS SO FOR SHARING ♥
wow! your fabrics plus two publications, what a score this would be. I could use a bit of inspiration, havent spent much time in sewing room of late, just finished six and a half weeks of radiation…grueling…but it is over. Yipee first time in awhile actually reading my fav blogs.
November 5th, 2011love your site