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Day 6 - 5 or so Days of Holiday Happy

December 8th, 2010

5 or so Days of Holiday HappyWelcome to Day 4 of my 5 or so Days of Holiday Happy - 5 or so days of celebrating Gnoma Claus from my Holiday Happy fabric.

My last project is a no sew project - a Gnoma Claus “window appliqué”. Easy on, easy off - appliqué your windows with fabric and liquid starch. I learned this nifty little starch trick 20+ years ago on the Home Show from the 80’s craft queen Carol Duvall. Carol had on a guest who not only fabric starched her walls… but she covered stuff like her telephone - and her VW Bug!  I’ve been hooked on liquid starch ever since.

You can use any cotton fabric - it doesn’t have to be Gnoma Claus fabric. I know Gnoma’s getting hard to find - but you can always tell Lecien (in your best Oliver Twist typing accent), “More Gnoma, please“.  A list of shops (that I know of) that carry my Holiday Happy line are listed on my blog here  and via Lecien’s website here. (I’m sorry, but I don’t know their inventories). If anyone is aware of a shop that has any Gnoma panels - please don’t hesitate to mention the shop(s) name in a comment.
5 or so Days of Holiday Happy (Day 6)

Trim Gnoma or make into shapes (snowflakes, snowmen, my gears spin).  The Gnoma “backs” I used to make trees and their stumps.
5 or so Days of Holiday Happy (Day 6)

I used concentrated Sta-Flo brand liquid starch that contains no dyes, a foam brush and an old cutting board (that won’t have food on it again).  With some gentle strokes (to not stretch the fabric and to avoid fraying at the edges) - paint on some liquid starch.  You only need to paint one side, and either side is ok.  Fabric piece should be soaked, but not dripping.
5 or so Days of Holiday Happy (Day 6)

Adhere fabric piece to the window using your fingers.   Press from the center outward.  Try not to press beyond the cut edge.
5 or so Days of Holiday Happy (Day 6)

Wipe off any drips (and you will have some) with a damp cloth.
5 or so Days of Holiday Happy (Day 6)

Gnoma can stay on as long as you like (just dab on some liquid starch if he needs a touch-up or some curious fingers pulled on him).  When it’s time to remove him, just peel off (and use him again next year!).  Clean the window as you normally do.  Starch residue should come off with your cleaning product of choice (even plain water and a soft rag - AKA spit and a finger at my house).
5 or so Days of Holiday Happy (Day 6)
The gears are spinning with fabric window appliqués that are dancing in my head right now. My dishwasher could use some Holiday Happy’n up, too. If you make something with Holiday Happy/Gnoma, or you spot something with HH/Gnoma, or you’ve made something from 5 or so Days, or you want to see what others are making/have made (like Pam) - be sure to check out (and Join!) the Holiday Happy flickr group.

As a grand finally goodie - I’ll give a Gnoma Claus panel and a little charm pack of Holiday Happy to one lucky commenter who answers the question of the day (or just leave a comment).
Gnoma Claus panel
5 or so Days of Holiday Happy - Day 2

Q: If you could have anyone famous person(s) (dead or alive) join you for your holiday dinner… who would it be?   Mine would be Princess Diana, Queen Liliuokalani and Oprah.

I’ll let the comments marinate until Monday, December 13, 2010 10:00am PST and I’ll have random.org pick a winner’s name. (I’ll edit in the winner’s name here on this post).

EDITED IN 12/13/10:
Winner picked for this day has now been picked (by random.org), and is… comment #25 Sarah of Byneedleandthread! Congratulations, Sarah!!!

[Day 1] ❄ [Day 2] ❄ [Day 3] ❄ [Day 4] ❄ [Day 5] ❄ [Day 6]

[See what others have made @ HH flickr group]
[Shop] ❆ [Lecien]

Posted in Holiday Happy |

247 Responses

  1. The fabulous Amy allegedly said:

    Oh my! That is so adorable M!! I do love starch too :) Holiday dinner…you! Your famous ;)

  2. The fabulous gigi allegedly said:

    such a fab idea! thanks!!

    & hmmm…Christmas dinner party you say? i’d love to invite george, john, paul & ringo. & maybe yoko just to jazz it up & provide some vibrant dinner convo :)

    cheers & merry christmas!

  3. The fabulous carolbrowne allegedly said:

    Well, Happy Zombie, if I couldn’t have YOU come for our holiday dinner I would have to have Johnny Depp. Just know I you were my first choice. :-)

  4. The fabulous Susan allegedly said:

    I would love to dine with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Julia Child.

  5. The fabulous pam allegedly said:

    TOOOOOOOOOO TOOOO CUTE. Love all the around the house photos that go with this tutorial. So cute. ??? u. xo

  6. The fabulous Kate allegedly said:

    There are so many people I would like to dine with. Jesus is one of the main ones. I would like to have dinner with C.S. Lewis who wrote the Narnia books. Louisa May Alcott or Jane Austen. Guess you can tell I’m a bookbug.

  7. The fabulous Crystal allegedly said:

    If I was to have a famous person (or two) join my holiday get together it would be Lucille Ball and Robin Williams. Can you imagine how much your cheeks would hurt at the end of that dinner. You would be laughing so hard it would be impossible to eat. :)

  8. The fabulous Patty allegedly said:

    Dang, I used to have a bottle of that starch back when I was teaching preschool. This is such a cute idea, I may have to buy get another bottle.

  9. The fabulous Ashley allegedly said:

    hmmm… I think it would have to be Mary as in Mary, mother of God. What was it like to have The Perfect child? hmm.. makes me wonder. I am crossing my fingers that I will be the winner on this one.

  10. The fabulous Liz Boswell allegedly said:

    anyone famous dead or alive? hhhmmmm…..Dead? my great gma Bessie McGhee. She, along with her 4 sisters, were quilters like me. I would love to show her how far along doing quilts has come. Alive? Whoopi Goldberg, love that woman and her warped sense of humor ( alot like mine) She has a voice and not afraid to use it, like me! (mauh) Liz

  11. The fabulous aztel2000 allegedly said:

    I would have to invite Paula Deen for dinner because I’m sure she would want to take over and do all the cooking–at least that would be my hope. I’ve got my jug of Sta-Flo so now I just have to get my hands on some of those adorable little Gnoma Clauses!
    Karen in Breezy Point

  12. The fabulous Carla allegedly said:

    Hello. Enjoyed all your blogs. glad I already home my gnomes and I won’t share. I would need to invite someone who could cook so I would have to say Julia Child.

  13. The fabulous Sarah Z. allegedly said:

    Mine would be Johnny Depp because he’s such an interesting actor. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I love the gnomas!

  14. The fabulous Ruth Fidino allegedly said:

    Cute gnomas hanging out on the window there…so sunny and happy. Dinner…I’ll take John Travolta today. Not sure why but it sounds like fun.

  15. The fabulous Beth T. allegedly said:

    No doubt about it: Theodore Roosevelt. I highly recommend you adding him to your guest list as well. He was incredibly well-read, loved life, loved to laugh, had many adventures to share. A wonderful guest.

  16. The fabulous Kimberly R allegedly said:

    First things first, this little project is ADORABLE! And, if I could have invite someone to our holiday dinner it would be a toss up between Robert Downey, jr (he makes me weak in the knees and is SUPER funny and charming) OR Charlaine Harris so I could pick her brain about True Blood!

  17. The fabulous Tara allegedly said:

    I agree with the Johnny Depp comments. Other than being fabulously gorgeous, he’s intelligent and seems to have an interesting array of things he’s passionate about. Choice 2 would be Dave Grohl from the band Foo Fighters. He’s hilarious and has a true love of music. It’d be so fun!

    P.S. So in love with Gnoma Claus, he is just the cutest! Thanks for the great projects!

  18. The fabulous Jen in NY allegedly said:

    Cutie-cute-cute! Love the DIY window clings. Maybe those will keep the birds from crashing into my windows. :-(

    I’d have to say first I’d want my mom at a holiday dinner party (she passed away 4 years ago)…that would be awesome. But someone famous?….I’d say Brian Regan. I think he’d be the funniest guest ever.

  19. The fabulous Mary on Lake Pulaski allegedly said:

    If I could have anyone for dinner it would be all four of my grandparents!

  20. The fabulous Sonia allegedly said:

    Love your window decoration, cool idea. Now fame means little to me. At christmas or any time it is Family and friends..I am happy. (pretty lame but true)

  21. The fabulous SewLindaAnn allegedly said:

    For dinner, my husband’s mom who passed when he was a teenager.

    Love the gnomes, thanks!

  22. The fabulous Charming's Mama allegedly said:

    My mom and dad. Sigh.

    Cool idea on the window decorations.

  23. The fabulous Kathy allegedly said:

    You have the best questions.

    I think I would pick George Washington, Sir I. Newton, and L. DaVinci…it should be an interesting conversation!

  24. The fabulous Becky M allegedly said:

    Oh, definitely Martha Stewart! I’d love to know what she’s really like.
    Love the gnomes in the window!

  25. The fabulous Byneedleandthread allegedly said:

    Obviously I’d love to be able to see my parents this year. On a lighter note, I would love to know the Gilmore Girls. Yes the characters. I’d love to live in Stars Hollow too.

  26. The fabulous ~Michelle~ allegedly said:

    I like your choice of Princess Di - I’d ask her what she thinks about the upcoming royal wedding hullabaloo!

  27. The fabulous Jane allegedly said:

    I have loved all your fun days and projects. Thank you for sharing.
    Benjamin Franklin!!

  28. The fabulous Marci Girl allegedly said:

    Hugh Jackman baby….I would eat dinner with him anytime! Yes, I know this is a flaky answer, but I don’t care.

    Lovely giveaway!

  29. The fabulous Jenny allegedly said:

    Id enjoy dinner with Gwen Marston, Sarah Fielke, kaffe fassett…i have quilting on the brain tonight!

  30. The fabulous Norma allegedly said:

    I love Carol Duvall, I was bummed when HGTV got rid of her show. I too have been wanting to fabric starch my walls.

  31. The fabulous Billie K allegedly said:

    Corrie Ten Boon that wrote The Hiding Place or Pearl S. Buck that wrote The Good Earth.

    There books have stuck in my mind forever.


  32. The fabulous Kim allegedly said:

    I DEF would want a sit down with Oprah. She fascinates me and I think even a few minutes with her would be super exciting.

  33. The fabulous Rita Burhans allegedly said:

    if i could have one person in my home for Christmas dinner it would be Mother Teresa. i respect her greatly and all the wonderful work she did while with us. i would love to see her laugh and smile and just be happy! oh, the questions i would ask her — the knowledge and experience i would hope to gain from her, all too wonderful!

  34. The fabulous laurie allegedly said:

    Love the happy Christmas decorating!!

    Long before Carol Duvall was on HGTV she was on local t.v. in Detroit. She came on like at 9:30am until 9:35am. She was sponsored by the local craft stores. This was WAY BACK. She did things like barbie doll toilet paper holders. Oh, Carol…. how we miss you.

    Oh, and for dinner….. Abraham Lincoln, Jane Austen, Tim Gunn.

  35. The fabulous Amy allegedly said:

    I’d like to invite Moe, Larry and Curly and make sure that all three of my younger brothers were there with us. Nyuck, nyuck.

  36. The fabulous Christine allegedly said:

    I’d invite Daniel Radcliffe for a holiday dinner… or maybe Brad Pitt, if I also get a time machine to when he was married to Jennifer Aniston…. and I’d also invite some of my favorite “celebrity bloggers” like you, Camille, and Vanessa…

  37. The fabulous Betsy Lynn allegedly said:

    Princess Diana, Mark Lipinski and my granny Muench.

  38. The fabulous mean sarah jean allegedly said:

    this is going to be really nerdy of me, but i would have to invite Jim Parsons; just so long as he comes in his ‘Sheldon’ character from the “Big Bang Theory”.
    P.S. i would love to win the Gnoma Claus panel. Material Girls does not have it!!

  39. The fabulous Lorie NC allegedly said:

    I would definitely choose my Grandfathers. Both of them passed away when I was really small, so I never got to know them. Seeing how much my Father loves and cherishes my 2 boys, I would love to have the chance to talk with my Grandfathers. From what I hear, they were quite the characters!

  40. The fabulous delia allegedly said:

    I would pick Conan O’Brien. He’s so smart, hilarious, adorably hot and tall!

  41. The fabulous Linda allegedly said:

    Cute post…I would invite my mom. I wish she could see my grandchildren. She would laugh and laugh. Nice giveaway!

  42. The fabulous Samantha allegedly said:

    This was a fun one! I think I’m showing my nerdy side, but I’d invite Ralph Waldo Emerson and Emily Dickinson. Both of them seemed so interesting.

  43. The fabulous Marcia W. allegedly said:

    I would be honored to have dinner with Jesus Christ, my mother, late father, and late sister, and have Julia Child and Paula Deen cook for us. How humbling to just be there…

  44. The fabulous Anita allegedly said:

    Hum, Mary Todd Lincoln, Queen Victoria, and Julia Child. Happy holidays!

  45. The fabulous Nichole allegedly said:

    I’d love to have George Washington over for dinner! Cute idea with the gnoma!

  46. The fabulous Janice allegedly said:

    I’d have Jamie, Ina, Nigella and Rachel and hopefully they’d do the cooking!!

  47. The fabulous Maribeth Sala-Gietzen allegedly said:

    I’d invite Eleanor Roosevelt, Louisa May Alcott and Michelle Obama. They’re all fascinating women. And I love the Gnomes!

  48. The fabulous amylouwho allegedly said:

    What a great idea! I have some starch for putting fabric on the back of my built-ins. I wouldn’t have thought of doing this with it! My Gnomas are cut out and I’m going to stuff them. I think my kids will have fun. I also cut our stockings out of the red and white snowflake and I made one of those stuffed birds from the spool tutorial out of it! SO cute. I need to take pictures and blog about it all when I’m done. I love the stuff. You are so creative! and I love looking at them and being reminded of you!

  49. The fabulous Christine M allegedly said:

    I’d like to have my grandparents and great grandparents so my three boys could meet them.

  50. The fabulous Kelly allegedly said:

    Ben Franklin, of course!

    Swiftly followed by;
    Oh Franson
    Film in the Fridge
    Handmade by Allisa
    Crazy Mom Quilts
    Pink Penguin
    Cluck Cluck Sew
    Jaybird Quilts
    I’m a Ginger Monkey
    and um well everyone on my blogroll eyecandy list
    and of course saving the best for last you!

  51. The fabulous kelly allegedly said:

    paula deen, because i’ve had a recurring dream where i make her a coconut icebox cake and she says it’s the best she’s ever had.

  52. The fabulous Samantha allegedly said:

    OK, I think it would be fun to have dinner with my great grandparents to see what they were like and where they came from. I also think it would be cool to have dinner with my grandparents as children or teenagers and to get a sense of their personalities at that point. I wonder if my children have any similarities to them?

  53. The fabulous DianeY allegedly said:

    I think I’d want it to be Erma Bombeck & the Happy Zombie! Should be good for a few laughs!

  54. The fabulous kitty allegedly said:

    Martha Stewart!! And she’d say “Why Kitty, these mashed potatoes are simply divine.” and it would be the happiest day of my life.

  55. The fabulous Donna allegedly said:

    Paula Dean and Martha Stewart. Now wouldn’t that be a great two to get together!

  56. The fabulous MollyP allegedly said:

    I started cutting into a gnoma panel last night. I’m making a fabric bowl from the dark green snowflakes print and filling it with stuffed gnomas! The hot pads turned out great, of course. The window clings are beautiful. I’m tempted to stock up on more panels in case more great ideas keep popping up here… hint, hint.

  57. The fabulous gina s. allegedly said:

    Your projects are fabulous! Thanks so much for sharing with us!!


  58. The fabulous Jennifer allegedly said:

    My Grandmother!

  59. The fabulous Natalie VV allegedly said:

    Throw my name in the hat! I want me some gnomes!
    Famous Ladies Dinner… how about: Amy Sedaris, Natalie Wood, Josephine Baker, Frida Kahlo, Monica Solorio-Snow, and Elanor Roosevelt!

  60. The fabulous Jessie allegedly said:

    I would pick Jimmy Buffett, I’m pretty sure he would be a blast!

  61. The fabulous Debbie St. Germain allegedly said:

    I would invite Jesus, and bake him a cake.


  62. The fabulous Robin allegedly said:

    Monica this is adorable. My mom has been starching fabric to the walls for years…I would love to have dinner with my great grandparents and their children. I would like to know more about their lives and how they survived and why they moved so dang much!
    I don’t think anyone locally has your darling gnomas so you could add my name to the list…thanks and Merry Christmas

  63. The fabulous Kaye Prince allegedly said:

    Gah, I’d most definitely invite Lucy Maud Montgomery (although I have a feeling she wouldn’t actually like me), Jane Austen, and Queen Elizabeth II…oh yes, that would be interesting! Oh, and my great-grandmother, Alice Kate, who my grandma says I am very like!

  64. The fabulous Rachel allegedly said:

    The stockroom on etsy still had Gnoma panels on cyber Monday.
    For dinner, I would pick Charles Darwin, Vincent Van Gogh and Margaret Atwood.

  65. The fabulous Laurie allegedly said:

    Please enter me, I’m not sure who I would pick at this moment… Nate Berkus is coming to mind! I know, profound!!!

  66. The fabulous MoeWest allegedly said:

    I’ve heard of starching fabric onto walls, but I never thought of doing it on windows. Very clever! How about John Denver, I’m listening to one of his songs now.

  67. The fabulous Tabitha O. allegedly said:

    Hmm I must be off some days or else you’ve been traveling around in your DeLorean again? I would like to sit down to dinner with Jimmy Stewart or even HG Wells or Jules Verne or Alfred Hitchcock or a James Bond Sean Connery oh the list doth go on and on….

  68. The fabulous Annette allegedly said:

    Amelia Earhart…so I could finally find out what happened and put it all to rest!

  69. The fabulous joann allegedly said:

    I’d have to say Pearce Brosnan….just to get it over with already!

  70. The fabulous Kristie allegedly said:

    I would have to say Jennifer Garner. I feel like she is a really down to earth gal. It would be so cool to talk about life, kids, being a mom and husbands! Definitely Jennifer Garner!!!!!

    Thanks for the giveaways!

  71. The fabulous Renee allegedly said:

    That big meal is supposed to be a lot of fun, so first I’d choose my Mom. Add to that Austin and Santino, and Tim Gunn, and it would be an entertaining evening if they joined the rest of my family for dinner.
    If I was ever where they actually sold HH, I’d buy it in a minute!

  72. The fabulous Sarah Fielke allegedly said:

    Clearly the fabulous Jenny is a woman of great taste :) If you’re ever in Hosuton when I am, let’s have dinner! Can I throw in my two cents Monica? I don’t have any Holiday Happy believe it or not. Being a history fiend, I would have Edward the First, Richard the Third and Anne Boleyn, just so I could find out what the heck went on.

    And Hugh Jackman. Because no fantasy meal would be complete without him :)

  73. The fabulous Laura K allegedly said:

    I would have to choose Johnny Depp since my 7 year old absolutely loves him and keeps saying she wants to meet him. I would love to meet Lucille Ball.

  74. The fabulous charlene allegedly said:

    Love the gnomes, collected them since the early 80’s. Would invite Abba, Sex and the city girls and the Gilmore girls and Luke too

  75. The fabulous Gale allegedly said:

    I think I’d have to pick Miranda Cosgrove. Not because I’m a fan but because my kids are-they would go wild!

  76. The fabulous Mhairi allegedly said:

    I love your fabric and think that Sarah at Quilt Fabric Delights still has some panels left.
    As for the famous person I would invite Heston Blumental so he could cook!!!
    And if he wasn’t available then Jamie Oliver, Manu etc all for the same reason. No one should have to cook on Christmas day especially in Australia.

  77. The fabulous Erin allegedly said:

    I’d want David Crowder, Brennan Manning and C.S. Lewis. I’m kinda on a Christian theology kick right. I would say Jesus but I don’t speak his language. If he could magically speak English then I’d just want Jesus over. Probably nobody else. Except my family and friends, because they’d probably want to eat with Jesus too.

  78. The fabulous Paula allegedly said:

    Bruce Springsteen!! Thank you for the great question and the giveaway!!

  79. The fabulous Shanna allegedly said:

    Mary(Jesus’ mama)Jesus.hope they don’t argue at the dinner table…..George Washington thrown into the mix……and a little George Bush too,cause I like him….Better figure out what they guests like to eat…Amen

  80. The fabulous Leslie Schmidt allegedly said:

    I think I would like to meet Eleanor Roosevelt. Of course I would be too tongue-tied to converse with her, and I haven’t the vaguest idea what I could serve to her, but she has always been someone I really admire. Boy, just thinking about that really blows my mind!

  81. The fabulous Carol in E TN allegedly said:

    Well, IF I should win this great, fantastic giveaway, I would invite the Happy Zombie!!!

  82. The fabulous PeachRainbow allegedly said:

    My Grand Father - (though he is not famous!)

  83. The fabulous Knititall allegedly said:

    I’d like to have Bono from U2 over for holiday dinner. He seems like a pretty cool and interesting guy.

  84. The fabulous Barbara allegedly said:

    LOVE the Gnoma Claus! Hilarious! Famous people at Christmas Dinner? Jamie Oliver and Super Nanny?? No?

  85. The fabulous Sharon allegedly said:

    John Travolta. He has to wear his pilot gear. Thye might have panels left at Keepsake Cottage Fabrics in Bothell WA. Thanks for all the Days of Holiday Happy!

  86. The fabulous Kira allegedly said:

    Hmmm…that’s a hard one. I’m gonna go with Rhett Miller of the band the Old 97s.

  87. The fabulous Gill allegedly said:

    I would choose Christopher Lloyd and Ruth Goodman (I’m from the UK so you may have to google these two!)

  88. The fabulous DianeP allegedly said:

    I’d love to have my parents and my two brothers for Christmas because they’re in heaven now - they’re famous to me.

    I would also like to have Princess Diana, Queen Latifa (as the character from Last Holiday) and Santa, of course!

  89. The fabulous Rhian allegedly said:

    Neil Gaiman I think, though I think I’d be constantly terrified of making an idiot of myself or not being very interesting!

  90. The fabulous Johanna allegedly said:

    I can’t believe I have never used starch before. Will add it to my 2 miles long list of what to buy before christmas :)
    The one famous person I would love to have in my home at christmas would be Pippi Longstocking. She couldn’t add more chaos but she would certainly make the chaos that we already got more fun :)
    Thank you for the chance to win!

  91. The fabulous gillian allegedly said:

    You mentioning Princess Diana got me thinking. I would love to spend a bi tof time with the soon to be Princess Kate - I am dying to know what her dress will look like. I have already made my husband take the day off from work to watch the kids so I can devote my full attention to watching the wedding. I know - pathetic!

  92. The fabulous Debby Moreau allegedly said:

    Hmm, this is a tough one. I guess I would pick
    Harper Lee
    My Dad (he was famous to me :) )

  93. The fabulous kern allegedly said:

    Hmmm. Susan B Anthony, Maud Hart Lovelace and Laura Ingalls Wilder.

    BTW, I finally got my own Holiday Happy stack! It’s even better in person. I can’t wait to start my Glow quilt!

  94. The fabulous Nancy allegedly said:

    Definitely Jesus & Martha Stewart!

  95. The fabulous Mama Spark allegedly said:

    I would have Jesus for the first choice. If I could ask another person it would be King Arthur. What an interesting table discussion that would be huh??

  96. The fabulous Colleen allegedly said:

    I would love to have any one of my great great grandparents back so I could find out more about our family tree and their lives! Happy Hoidays! thanks for the great giveawayay!

  97. The fabulous Dana allegedly said:

    Having someone famous could really cramp the family style so I would pick Ellen Degeneres. I think she could be fun and not so intimating.

  98. The fabulous Sally allegedly said:

    I’d love to have Ben Franklin over; what would he think of the U.S. today?!? (What would he think of my eyeglasses, my furnace, email, all things he directly influenced - yow!)

  99. The fabulous Josette Marcellino allegedly said:

    It’s a toss up for me…I would have either Thomas Jefferson or George Washington.

  100. The fabulous Tommie Sue allegedly said:

    I think I would quite ejnoy Jeff Foxworthy or Bill Engval at our home for Christmas. They are so down to earth and so funny, they would just fit right in.

  101. The fabulous Tommie Sue allegedly said:

    And I for got to write, if it was a deceased person, I would love to have my grandpa back. He was such an insperation in my life and was the rock of our entire family.

  102. The fabulous Alicia Key allegedly said:

    I’d have YOU for dinner and try to get your creativity to rub off on me!

  103. The fabulous pam allegedly said:

    what a cute idea!!
    I would have Ina Garten (as long as she cooked) and Martin Luther King Jr.

  104. The fabulous pam allegedly said:

    Oh and I love that lampshade. Where did you get it if I might ask. Very cute!

  105. The fabulous Becky in Georgia allegedly said:

    Great question! I’d love to have Red Skelton for dinner. He was funny, kind and a great gentleman:) I think we would be laughing so hard we would have trouble eating.

  106. The fabulous Ricki allegedly said:

    What a great idea! I used homemade starch to decorate my baby boy’s nursery, but I never thought about using it for Christmas decorations too. I will definitely be doing this!

    I would choose to invite John Lennon to dinner. I think he’s a fascinating person. As a history buff, I would also invite Cleopatra. She seems so interesting!

  107. The fabulous Robyn allegedly said:

    I just found your blog yesterday, I have already called Material girls they have a quilt pack on hold for me. I think a famous person to have at dinner would have to be…..Pink (she is my girls favorite) and Glenn Beck he is mine. That would be an awesome combo.

  108. The fabulous Louise allegedly said:

    I thought about this for a while - my first thought was Leonardo Da Vinci - I wanted to ask just who is Mona Lisa, and why was she smiling? Next thought was my darling son Issac who passed away suddenly last November, but it would be too sad to see him for only one dinner. So then I thought about Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert since my son Walter just loves them and we went to their Oct 30 Rally in DC together. But I think that Eleanor Burns would be the best guest for me, since she started me and so many others on their quilting journey with her PBS programs on quilting.

  109. The fabulous Vicky allegedly said:

    I would like Santa to show up at my house for dinner. Otherwise, I think Ellen DeGeneres would be fun :)

  110. The fabulous Cindy allegedly said:

    Who do I want to dine with?

  111. The fabulous Cindy allegedly said:

    Paula Deen, Debbie Mumm and lots and lots of friendly squirrels and chickens. :)

  112. The fabulous Teresa allegedly said:

    Hmm, famous person? I think I’d love to have dinner with Elizabeth Zimmermann. I’m sure my family would hate the conversation, but I would love it!

  113. The fabulous Carol allegedly said:

    My dinner companions would be family members–parents, grandparents, great-grandparents…so many things I would ask them about……and sure wish I could find a panel or 2….no luck anywhere I have checked. boo!

  114. The fabulous Sherri allegedly said:

    Oprah and Princess Diana would be definites on my list! What a fun question to think about!

  115. The fabulous Angie allegedly said:

    I would pick John Lennon, J.D. Salinger and… Jason Bateman. Yep!

  116. The fabulous Lil allegedly said:

    For me someone creative and a bit “off”, like say Quentin Tarantino or Tim Burton… that would be an interesting holiday dinner for sure :)

  117. The fabulous kelly allegedly said:

    what an amazing idea! i never knew you could even do something like this!! um, i don’t know who i would have dinner with…maybe marie antoinette? but the kirsten dunst version.

  118. The fabulous Jaime allegedly said:

    Hmmm oprah would be on mine as well! Probably John Mayer ( because he is my favorite musician) and Ellen! That would be a fun group!

  119. The fabulous Maria Nestor allegedly said:

    This is such a great idea! I LOVED watching Carol Duvall… they need to bring back her shows! Even if they are reruns. :) Let’s see… someone famous that I’d invite would have to be some of our founding fathers. (Washington, Jefferson, etc.) I’d really like to see what they have to say about where we have gone in the last couple hundred years and if they are disappointed in what we as a nation, have become.

  120. The fabulous Turtle allegedly said:

    my aunt and i gre up in the time of gnomes and adore them still. My mother in law is freaked out by them… lol, so each spring daughter and i go to find a small kind of fugly looking one and hide it somewhere in her garden then wait…. :)

  121. The fabulous Stray Stitches allegedly said:

    I would like to have Katherine Hepburn at my holiday dinner. I think she was a marvelous actress and would probably make a very enchanting dinner guest!

  122. The fabulous Paula L. allegedly said:

    My grandmother, whom I miss so much!
    Thank you for another wonderful giveaway!

  123. The fabulous Katie allegedly said:

    Jane Austen - definitely. Love her books and think it would be fascinating!

  124. The fabulous duff allegedly said:

    Starch–it’s defintiely a wonderful thing. I’d love to see the car!

    No panels, but some yardage available at Pink Chalk Fabrics. direct link:

    I’d like to have dinner with James Joyce; I want to hear how his mind works first-hand.

  125. The fabulous Sharrieboberry allegedly said:

    I’d have Julia Child for fun in the kitchen and Oprah, for dinner conversation, and then the FlyLady, to help me clean it all up. I mean, we’d have a lovely time cooking together, talking and cleaning together.

    And if they’re not available (JC might have hard time visiting) then I’d just invite Mom!

  126. The fabulous Judtih F allegedly said:

    My ideal dinner companions would be Michaelangelo AND Leonardo DaVinci - and why not, throw in DiCaprio too!

  127. The fabulous IamSusie allegedly said:

    I don’t really want to host a famous person at my holiday table. I want to enjoy my family, but um.. maybe Oprah? Julia Child? She seems like she would be fun.

  128. The fabulous Deserae Fiedler allegedly said:

    I would love to have dinner with Abraham Lincoln and JFK.

  129. The fabulous Amy allegedly said:

    Oprah sounds fun! You’re welcome too!

  130. The fabulous Heather allegedly said:

    I’d love to chat with Eleanor Roosevelt or Whoopi Goldberg.

  131. The fabulous Abby allegedly said:

    I’d love to have dinner with Audrey Hepburn. It’d be so great to hear her stories, her style advice, etc. She’s fabulous!

  132. The fabulous wendyvee allegedly said:

    Dinner with Dorothy Parker, John Lennon, Woody Allen, and Andy Warhol would be great :)

  133. The fabulous Lynne allegedly said:

    Katharine Hepburn- I think she’d be a hoot.

  134. The fabulous kathy harris allegedly said:

    I would love to have my grandparents back for dinner again but if I had to pick a famous person, I would pick Robin Williams and Paul McCartney. We could have music and laughter with dinner, definitely a favorite.

  135. The fabulous Carrie allegedly said:

    Mine would be Adam Sandler because I just love him and have for years. I know people think I am weird!

  136. The fabulous Heidi allegedly said:

    My dad would definitely top my list, but for famous folk, I would choose George Carlin, Katharine Hepburn, and Leonardo DaVinci.

  137. The fabulous Kay allegedly said:

    I would have to have Jesus, Ree Drummond (for humor & fun ideas), Sarah Palin & Andrew Jackson for my husband. Wouldn’t that be a fun dinner party.

  138. The fabulous Michelle allegedly said:

    I would choose Queen Elizabeth the 1st, she managed a country at a time when men ruled everything and women were things WOW!

  139. The fabulous Amanda B. allegedly said:

    I love these cuties! I would love to have my whole family together for Christmas.

  140. The fabulous Alisa allegedly said:

    Well, I think I would love to chat with Paul Newman. He is a sort of hero of mine because of his charity work that is now being carried out by his family. He always seemed so “normal” as well as a wonderful actor, father, husband and philanthropist.

  141. The fabulous Jean Burke allegedly said:

    I’d like to have dinner with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert - it would be hilarious! Thanks for the opportunity to win the fabric - so cool! Love the window idea! Piece….

  142. The fabulous Chasity Sharp allegedly said:

    I would love to have Elmo (four kids here people!), Gene Simmons, John Wayne, and Dolly Parton for Christmas Dinner. I think it would be fabulous! There would be someone fascinating for everyone to talk to lol

  143. The fabulous Amanda allegedly said:

    I’d have dinner with Mark Twain. He was such a character. :)

    Thanks for all the cute ideas!!

  144. The fabulous Deanna allegedly said:

    First LOVE your blog!
    Second I’d want the Dalai Lama, I need further enllightenment.

  145. The fabulous Susie allegedly said:

    I would love to have Holiday Dinner with my Mom. She is famous to me. :)

  146. The fabulous Julia allegedly said:

    what a cute idea…i wouldn’t ever thought of putting fabrics on my windows…

    christmas dinner you ask?
    huh? even more people to feed! okay, but if they’ll promise to help with the preparation i think i’d like to invite rosalind franklin (the woman who made (nearly) all the work so that watson & crick could take the credit for the discovery of the dna’s structure) and maybe winnie the pooh. he’s wiser than most of us :)

  147. The fabulous Sarah allegedly said:

    It would have to be Joan and/or John Cusack. They are nutty and it would be hoot to sit with them and share a meal.

  148. The fabulous Megan M. allegedly said:

    I’d have Gnoma Claus to dinner

  149. The fabulous Marianne allegedly said:

    Love your ideas!! For dinner I would invite Jesus, it is His birthday after all, and my grandparents and my two uncles. What fun it would be!!

  150. The fabulous Sivje Parish allegedly said:

    Well, in my truest “Happy Zombie Stalker” fashion, I would have to say you! But I would also have to say that I would love to have Mary Engelbreit for tea and cookies at my table. I would also love to have Laura Ashley, but she is in fabric heaven and has been for a long time.

    Back to packing for me. Happy December!

  151. The fabulous kathleen grace allegedly said:

    Who would I have dinner with? I don’t know, too many fascinating people to choose from, but I would love to win that charm pack and gnome panel:>)

  152. The fabulous Emily allegedly said:

    These little fellows are fabulous! Hard to say who I would have to dinner. So many wonderful people have lived on the earth that picking one is nearly impossible.

  153. The fabulous Sharon Feigl allegedly said:

    Hi Monica,

    I must admit that is a fascinating question, but every time I think of it, I cannot go past my father…he may not be famous (except to me), but I would adore to have him there to meet his grandchildren and in my case, their wives.

    Hugs, Sharon

  154. The fabulous Angela allegedly said:

    Ooooh — love, love, love the Gnoma’s (and the spray startch trick too).

    Holiday dinner? Ben Franklin. One historical figure I have always wanted to meet — and I hear he could throw down a party with the best of them :0).

  155. The fabulous Sarah allegedly said:

    Oooh I love these.
    I would have Russel Brand, there is no way I could keep up with him but he would keep me amused all night.

  156. The fabulous Shasta allegedly said:

    A famous person I’d like to meet. Hmm. Don’t know who would fit my criteria - someone who would be fun to be around, and be able to keep me entertained! Someone who comes bearing lots and lots of gifts.

  157. The fabulous Wendy Peatross allegedly said:

    I’d love to have my daughters and two little grand daughters. They are who I enjoy being with and creating with.

  158. The fabulous Amber Polk allegedly said:

    I’m gonna say Jesus! And I LOVE your lampshade! I’ve never seen anything like it before!

  159. The fabulous Carinne allegedly said:

    Mad crush on Brad Pitt, though my hubby might not appreciate it. Eva Longoria for him (he never misses Desperate Houswives!).

  160. The fabulous tammy allegedly said:

    i really love the gnomes; they are getting increasingly hard to find in quilt shops. i can’t think of a single famous person to have a meal with, but i would love to have another meal with my mom. in typical fashion, i think of her more often now that she’s gone than i did when she was here.

  161. The fabulous Ellen Lai allegedly said:

    I’ll invite one of my favourite Canto pop singer, Leslie Cheung Kwok-Wing. Just love his songs, and his baby-look handsome face.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  162. The fabulous kay allegedly said:

    i’d have vincent van gogh, craig ferguson, carl edwards (NASCAR driver) and donald miller. that would be a cool party!

  163. The fabulous Carole Evon allegedly said:

    I would have my grandparents that I never met and my other grandparents I only met once or twice that I can remember. Love the gnomes and everything else you create!

  164. The fabulous Judith Hogan allegedly said:

    I think I would like to invite you for dinner. You have such a great sense of humour. If you weren’t available, I’ve always wanted to meet Oprah, I think she would be an interesting dinner guest. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. Love the gnomas, but more importantly, love the quilt on your couch.

  165. The fabulous Char allegedly said:

    I would have Rosa Parks, Merle Oberon and Anna Williams.

  166. The fabulous Deborah allegedly said:

    Throw my name in the hat and please pick it! I would love some of your gnomes! Dinner guests? My dad (he passed away 2 years ago), my ex-mother-in-law (she passed away the year before I got pregnant) and Sean Connery. Even at his advanced age, I think he is so HOT.

    Again, love your fabrics. And this is such a neat idea you’re giving us.

  167. The fabulous Laura allegedly said:

    Those gnomes are precious! I haven’t seen liquid starch in a loooooooooooonnnng time! I love everyone’s ideas for dinner. I would love to eat with my father again and show him how his grandchildren turned out. I often wish I could have time with my children when they were young again (they are all grown up). They are not famous (but well loved!).

  168. The fabulous Julie allegedly said:

    I think Benjamin Franklin would be an interesting addition to the table. Louisa May Alcott or Dianne Wynne Jones would also be on the guest list (probably not for the same meal however). Thanks for offering all the give aways.

  169. The fabulous Judy Bartholow allegedly said:

    I would invite Rosemary Clooney and Bing Crosby so I could hear White Christmas in real life!!

  170. The fabulous Kim allegedly said:

    Thanks for a chance to win :0).
    I do love this fabric starch trick……
    I have a wall decorated with a piece of fabric held up with starch…….never thought about it for window decorations…of course your fabric makes me think of a dozen things I’d like to make with those adorable gnomes.

    Dinner guest…..so many interesting people out there….but I’d really like to talk to my mother as a young woman before she had us 7 children and see what she was like. she’ll be gone 6 years next week and I sure do miss her.

    Happy Sewing

  171. The fabulous JenniferB allegedly said:

    I would like to have Ronald Reagan over for holiday dinner- that would be interesting

  172. The fabulous Cory allegedly said:

    I love the starch project. Thank you. I will be decorating my windows this way. I would love to have dinner the Mary, mother of Jesus. Take care and God bless, Cory

  173. The fabulous Cynthia allegedly said:

    I would love to have my dad join us for dinner as he’s been gone over 8 years now. That’s more important to me than having anyone famous come to dinner. :-)


  174. The fabulous Violet Craft allegedly said:

    Dr. Drew - and Freud. I’d love to hear what they both had to say about the rest of the dinner guests, myself included!

  175. The fabulous Karen a/k/a The Lazy Quilter allegedly said:

    Eleanor Roosevelt - she seemed so cool!

  176. The fabulous Karen a/k/a The Lazy Quilter allegedly said:

    PS - I saw a post scrolling and thought it said Engelbert Humperdink, but it said Mary Engelbreit. Imagine THAT mix up! lol

  177. The fabulous Mary Lou Weidman allegedly said:

    Hey! I wanna know about that fab lamp shade-did you do it?
    And for dinner I would love Albert Sweitzer, Mother Theresa, Erma Bombeck and Ann Frank-would make for interesting conversation all over the boards…It would take hours and many courses-I would have said Mark Twain too but he was ornery sometimes…I want polite conversation

  178. The fabulous Jody Herbert allegedly said:

    I would invite Santa himself! The kids would just love that!

  179. The fabulous Joy allegedly said:

    Oh goodness I need one of those panels :)

  180. The fabulous jessica allegedly said:

    It would be my grandma. I miss her terribly and would love to ask her so many questions. And to have her meet my husband.

  181. The fabulous Sandy O. allegedly said:

    Well, Oprah for sure! And Freddy Mercury and Leonardo Da Vinci. I would LOVE to speak with Leonardo Da Vinci, a man I consider even ahead of OUR time, not to speak of his… Great giveaway, thank you!

  182. The fabulous susan allegedly said:

    Love the tutorial! Those little gnomes are so cute. If I could invite anyone to my dinner I would first want my mom, who passed away 6 weeks after I got married 33 years ago. After that Paula Deen - love that woman and what she does with butter!

  183. The fabulous dv girl3 allegedly said:

    Gene Kelly, I would love to have a dance lesson from him. Love the reminder about the use of starch in this manner, keep up the good works!

  184. The fabulous Christine allegedly said:

    I would have President Obama for dinner. If he couldn’t come, would love to talk with Mrs. Obama.

  185. The fabulous Nancy allegedly said:

    I would love my Gramma to come for dinner and, of course, Barry Manilow. Thanks for more Gnome cuteness!

  186. The fabulous Ileen allegedly said:

    I would want my grandmothers to come for dinner so we could cook, bake and talk together. For music Israel Kamakawiwo`ole. Buddha for prayer and enlightenment. And Robin Williams, funny man. What a group.
    Love everyone’s comments!

  187. The fabulous karen p. allegedly said:

    what adorableness! i’d love to have my grandparents as well…

  188. The fabulous Michelle allegedly said:

    Love the window gnomas! Let’s see who would I have for dinner??? Martha Stewart, Dale Chihuly, and possibly Diana Gabaldon. Although, I could be persuaded to give those up for some time with Antonio Banderas, but that’s another story…

  189. The fabulous Annette Crain allegedly said:

    I would have to say that I would be so happy to have my Grandmother Henrietta and her sister, my Great Aunt Stella to come to our dinner table. They both have been gone for years, but there is so much I would like to share with them.
    Happy Holidays!

  190. The fabulous Lisa allegedly said:

    Wow, this was fun to think about. I would love to have Laura Ingalls Wilder who wrote the Little House on the Prairie books. I would love to get her view of all the crazy changes in the world. If she has plans that night,lol, I would love to spend time with Gilda Radner.

  191. The fabulous superstitches allegedly said:

    Cute idea. Famous person-hmm-I think Lucy Maud Montgomery. We love her books.

  192. The fabulous Ann allegedly said:

    I would love to have Barry Manilow at christmas dinner because my mom is a big fan, and seeing her face light up would be the best christmas present ever.

    Love your gnomes, thanks.

  193. The fabulous Mimi allegedly said:

    I would love to have one more Christmas dinner with my parents… it would mean so much to me and my children. Thanks for the cute tute.

  194. The fabulous tina allegedly said:

    Those are wicked cute! And my wheels are spinning too. Do you not love Carol Duvall? I used to watch the holiday workshop shows with great enthusiasm and miss her dearly. Around my dinner table? Hmmmmm, I’d say Maya Angelou, Paula Deen, and Jim Morrison. (Now what in the world to make for dinner?

  195. The fabulous Pam Knies allegedly said:

    I would invite Lincoln, Cary Grant and Thomas Jefferson. What a hoot.

    I seardhed all over America for your Gnomas found the last three yards some where in Cal. and I live in N.C.

    Your could come to dinner too. Can we have it catered?

  196. The fabulous Linda allegedly said:

    Love to have one more Christmas dinner with my parents.
    Your fabric is SWEET !
    Thanks for sharing!

  197. The fabulous Melissa allegedly said:

    I’d love to have John Lennon sitting at my table.

  198. The fabulous Shari J. allegedly said:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win these cute prizes. After some discussion with my family we have agreed that we would like to have the followiong people as dinner guests: Charles Lindberg (hubby is a pilot), Elvis, Brad Pitt or George Clooney, whichever is free for the evening (for me), Janet Evanovich (favorite author of mine and my daughter)and Julia Child (for my son the chef).

  199. The fabulous chris allegedly said:

    i would want the two fat ladies to come over …but i wouldn’t want them to cook for me (i like my arteries)

  200. The fabulous Sue BM allegedly said:

    Ohhhh - I would have to have dopey, grumpy, doc, bashful, happy, sneezy and sleepy adn perhaps I could be snow white.

  201. The fabulous Joanna allegedly said:

    Dinner with my guardian angel who would entertain me with all of the close calls I’ve had and didn’t know about. Dessert and coffee with the Blessed Mother. Wine with Jesus.

  202. The fabulous Cindy allegedly said:

    Obviously YOU and of course Oprah and I would love to have Barbra Streisand….I know…I know….think of the conversations!!

  203. The fabulous Johanna allegedly said:

    oh my—just came across your site. It is wonderful!!!! I would invite my grandmother–she’d love this fabric too :-)

  204. The fabulous Virginie allegedly said:

    Woaa, those are cute and I love your house decorations.
    I would love to have dinner with Mary Poppins, even if she’s not real!!!

  205. The fabulous Emily Callender allegedly said:

    i would invite abraham lincoln =)

  206. The fabulous Katrina H allegedly said:

    Clinton from What not to Wear, Oprah, and Jane Austen

  207. The fabulous Diana allegedly said:

    I really have no desire to have someone famous for the holidays. I would love to have all of my realatives that have passed on to join the fun for one more night. Now that would be a party!!!!

  208. The fabulous Tricia D allegedly said:

    I was a huge fan of Princess Diana. I still have a teacup with her image on it. I cut out your Gnomes from the other day and they are on the front of my Christmas cards I’m sending this year.

  209. The fabulous Tammy Silvers allegedly said:

    Anyone for dinner? Hmmmm…..I would have to say - probably - Mark Twain. Would love to experience his wit and humor live and in person. I am a huge, huge fan of his work. While Shakespeare enthralls me with his eloquent lines, I’m afraid he might be too diva-ish and hog all the conversation. And while Edgar (Allen Poe, that is) seems to be a marvelous story teller, I think he might put a real downer mood on the gathering - so I’ll pass on them. But Twain - yeah, I think he would keep things interesting!

  210. The fabulous Brieanne allegedly said:

    I wouldn’t want any famous people over for Christmas dinner..if I could have any person this year, I’d pick my Mom and Dad, they died 4 and almost 5 years ago, and my kids are 5 and 3 now, it would be nice for them to know my family, and just to get a hug from my mom!
    I don’t think anyone truly knows how much you’ll miss them till their gone.
    And now I am the sappy commenter! But you asked!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  211. The fabulous Linda allegedly said:

    Love love love the fabric starch idea - will have to try it - safe for nosy dogs too! As to dinner - hmm, how about Charles Dickens? For our own telling of A Christmas Carol!

  212. The fabulous Mandy M allegedly said:

    OOOOH, I have SO admired this fabric from afar, I can’t seem to find a supply close to me (need to do some internet searching). I think I would like to invite Leonardo Da Vinci, so intelligent and able to think outside the square, a man well ahead of his time with an amazing imagination. (Please pick me you random number chooser…LOL!!)

  213. The fabulous Cris allegedly said:

    Mine would be Robert Redford and Paul Newman.
    Thank you

  214. The fabulous Dennis allegedly said:

    I would have JFK to dinner. I think it would be the greatest day of my life to have him sitting at my table. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Thank you for the give away.

  215. The fabulous Susan Spiers allegedly said:

    Einstein of course!

  216. The fabulous Kelsey Rose allegedly said:

    May sound cheesy, but I’m going to have to go with Jesus. To meet him in person would be such an amazing honor and blessing!

  217. The fabulous Amanda allegedly said:

    Robert Redford!

  218. The fabulous Llynn allegedly said:

    Viggo Mortenson. Need I explain why? sigh…

  219. The fabulous Marcia W. allegedly said:

    Finally, the comment form displayed. I would love to have a dinner made by Julia Childs and Jacques. Then, we would sit down and eat together with my mother, late father, and the late painter Bob Ross. These were the happy days for my parents - when they watched these shows as part of their daily schedule. Thanks for the giveaway.

  220. The fabulous Karen allegedly said:

    I would love to have my grandparents to dinner (one that I knew & the other 3 I never got to meet).

  221. The fabulous Cecilia Young allegedly said:

    I would have to choose to invite Jane Austen to dinner. I love her books. I like the way you decorated your room and the gnomas are cute. I love your fabric as well,great colors.

  222. The fabulous Ursula allegedly said:

    I’d love to have Ellen come to dinner. She’s so funny and such a caring person.
    Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful fabric. And I love your projects. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  223. The fabulous Verna allegedly said:

    That would be my mom who died 21 years ago when I was 38. I know she was not famous, but in my family she was a loving person the hub of the family, so that is who I would love to have for holiday dinner even for one day.

  224. The fabulous Sue allegedly said:

    My choice for a dinner guest would be Eleanor Roosevelt.

  225. The fabulous Ana B allegedly said:

    Marilyn Monroe… hands down.

  226. The fabulous Tammy c. allegedly said:

    Taylor Lautner… For my daughter.

  227. The fabulous Kristen allegedly said:

    I probably won’t win, but an ancestor or two would be fun. Queen Elizabeth or Ceasar’s wife would be interesting. That is one cool lampshade!!

  228. The fabulous Sue allegedly said:

    I would have Ricky Timms for dinner. His quilts are wonderful and he plays the piano so beautifully!

  229. The fabulous Nathalie allegedly said:

    It would be fun to experience dinner with Julia Childs, Guy Fieri, Alton Brown and Ree Drummond

  230. The fabulous Susan allegedly said:

    Oooh, fun question! Actually, I’m cribbing from an answer above–I’d love to have my Grandmother (Margaret Grace)and Great Aunt (Helen) so they could meet the great-granddaughter/great-grandniece who bears their names (Helen Grace).

    And I so love the Gnomas!

  231. The fabulous lisa allegedly said:

    very cute idea. I might not be able to use gnoma, but SOMETHING!

    I dont know who I want to have dinner with. sorry, no fun!

  232. The fabulous Laura Tawney allegedly said:

    It would be my grandmother that passed away in 1998 while I was visiting in Ireland. I really miss her and then the other person would be my ex-husbands mother that never got to meet any of her grandkids. She was so excited for us when I was pregnant with my first child and she died 4 days after he was born. She would have been a terrific grandmother.
    Laura T

  233. The fabulous Jenny allegedly said:

    Very cute idea! I may have to do this in my classroom, if not my house.
    As far as dinner guests go, I would have to invite my Great Grandma and Grandpa, Thomas Jefferson, Tom Robbins, and Anaïs Nin.

  234. The fabulous deb allegedly said:

    this is a no brainer…Martha Stewart:)

  235. The fabulous Martha allegedly said:

    I would love to have dinner with Queen Victoria. Also, either of my grandmothers would be delightful. Wish they were still around.

  236. The fabulous Louise allegedly said:

    Who would I have for dinner, I’m afraid with Christmas around the corner the only people I can think of would be ALL my family….. or maybe one of your gnomes!

  237. The fabulous Ginger allegedly said:

    I would like to have Benjamin Franklin to dinner any time! JRR Tolkien would also have to be on the guest list.

    I’ve done this on walls before, but had not thought about doing it on glass. Of course - you are a craft genius! I plan on doing some of these - I am always looking for ideas to keep the birds from hitting my glass door.

  238. The fabulous chris moore allegedly said:

    I would choose my grandpa, Happy Greenwood, because I miss him so much and he was my Santa Clause!

  239. The fabulous Megan allegedly said:

    Too flippin’ cute Monica!!! Gonna get me some STARCH after work!!

    Eat dinner with??? I think Eleanor Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson and ooohhh, ummmmmm probably Abigail Adams. And YOU! That group would NEED some humor but it would be interesting!

  240. The fabulous Hayley allegedly said:

    Love the Gnomas! They are so cute!
    If I were able to invite famous people to dinner i would invite Drew Berrymore for me. She’s my favorite actress. And I would invite Arnold Schwarzenegger for my hubby to be. He’s his favorite actor.

  241. The fabulous Joan Bailey allegedly said:

    I love your stuff, hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  242. The fabulous nanette allegedly said:

    I’m always slow to the party but I still want to play. Even with no prize it is still fun. BTW I just used my Holiday Happy to make appliqued christmas stockings on my 2010 block of the month quilt. It is ALL DONE and I’m taking it to the quilter this week (well maybe). It was fun to finish with a piece of Monica. Now to answer your question. I would have Bill Murray.

  243. The fabulous Margaret M allegedly said:

    Love the projects! Hope I can get going on one soon. It’s Dec 17 already! Yikes!

  244. The fabulous Sally allegedly said:

    OMG, those look so adorable in your window. I also love all the other decor I can see in that photo. You have such a flair.

  245. The fabulous Chase l Oh The Cuteness! allegedly said:

    Really cute idea, I will have to incorporate something like this into my decorations next year.

  246. The fabulous Kelly allegedly said:

    This is a great idea!!! Thanks for sharing. I missed it for Christmas this year, but maybe I’ll try snowflakes for the remainder of winter and eggs and chicks for spring/Easter.

    I blog about family, crafts and home at Creating a Famil Home.

  247. The fabulous marcy fearey allegedly said:

    Love your projects! So cute and great fabric choices.

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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