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The Traveling Quilts Bee - Round 3

April 24th, 2012

Round 3 of the Traveling Quilts Bee has made it’s way to my house.  I now have Elizabeth’s quilt-in-progress (here).

The beauty of this round robin bee is that the rules are really liberal - some participants are building to the quilt-in-progress (QIP) rounds, and some participants are making building materials.  I’m too chicken to use someone’s building materials (ie, Heather’s beautiful blocks) for fear I’ll muck them up, so I’m sticking to being a builder.

The instant I saw Elizabeth’s QIP, I KNEW that I wanted to have some fun in 8-bit and do something iconic 80’s like Pac-man.  I found some awefreakingsome paper piecing Pac-man patterns by Jennifer Ofenstein posted here.  It’s bananas how Jennifer has so many killer patterns.  How do people do this??  My mind boggles.
Traveling Quilt progress

I printed the patterns at a smaller scale so I could border them into 5″ finished blocks.  I don’t know what I did, all I know is I got printer-lucky.
Traveling Quilts Bee gets Pac-man'd

I grey’d-out Pac-man’s traveled path as he makes his way towards Clyde.
Traveling Quilts Bee gets Pac-man'd

As Pac-man heads toward Pinky and Inky (ish), I decided to do the “dots” in tall segments vs alternating squares of black and white with long white boarders.  In my head I heard Pac-man chomping his way over the dots - and I feel like the segments enhance the visual chomping sounds, and the long white boarders would have felt like Pac-man would have been gliding over the dots.  Pac-man is not a glider.  Not that there’s anything wrong with gliding.
Traveling Quilts Bee gets Pac-man'd

All done, and now Round 3 is off to Dan’s for Round 4.
Traveling Quilts Bee gets Pac-man'd

As I mentioned in my previous post, the secrecy ban has been lifted in the TQ pool (yay!!!), and now we can all watch the QIP’s as they grow.  For example I got to see Dan’s addition to my QIP, and just recently got to see Elizabeth’s addition to Amber’s QIP.  Yeah, incredibly, amazing stuff to see.  An abundance of awesomeness!

Posted in Bee serious |

31 Responses

  1. The fabulous Kristin allegedly said:

    Love your addition to E’s blocks! So glad you all lifted the ban. Can’t wait to see more.

  2. The fabulous nicke allegedly said:

    oh holy balls monica! amazing! love this! you outdid yourself! xoxo

  3. The fabulous Mary allegedly said:

    How fun is that? I loved PAC-MAN. The colors are sew crisp & bright. I need to learn paper piecing. Great job. Thanks, Mary

  4. The fabulous Kathy allegedly said:

    I love your Pac-Man quilt - so fun and colorful. Great job!

  5. The fabulous Jess allegedly said:

    Freakin’ awesome!

  6. The fabulous dana allegedly said:

    oh, nostalgia! Pac-man was my first video game ever played, at a pizza hut, with a very cute boy on our first date.
    VERY clever addition to the most excellent 80s quilt!

  7. The fabulous pam allegedly said:

    That’s fantastic! I can hear the music in my head right now!

  8. The fabulous Robin Correa allegedly said:

    Amazingly creative. I’m completely blow away…

  9. The fabulous Mary Ann allegedly said:

    oh so very clever Ms. Zombie!

  10. The fabulous Colleen M allegedly said:

    Very fun! Thanks for sharing everyone’s progress.

  11. The fabulous Mary Anne Drury allegedly said:

    HOW @#$%* CUTE IS THAT !!!!! BRILLIANT !!!!

  12. The fabulous duff allegedly said:

    gah! totally rad, dude!

  13. The fabulous Cradke allegedly said:

    Eek - the pacman blocks look awesome! Seriously, I just love them, you have mad paper pieceing skills.

  14. The fabulous Saffron Craig Fabrics allegedly said:

    What a cool quilt. Awesome bright colours. It is so 80’s made me flash back with happiness.

  15. The fabulous DianeP allegedly said:

    Your imagination blows me away! How great to add Pac-Man to those fabulous bright fabrics! Great job Monica!

  16. The fabulous Jane Swanson allegedly said:

    Oh LOVE! So darn creative!!

  17. The fabulous amy smart allegedly said:

    You are amazing. That is the coolest thing I’ve seen all day. Love it. I used to rock Packman.

  18. The fabulous amy allegedly said:

    Love the Pac-Man! I had to PIN this so I never lose it!

  19. The fabulous Baye allegedly said:

    Just stopping by from Flickr. I’d love to know the pattern for the piece on the top left, the squares with black lines. I’ve been traipsing about links, but can’t find the source. Can you direct me to the it? Thanks. Love what you all are doing!

    Thank you! The info is in the first paragraph of this post.

  20. The fabulous kendascrafts allegedly said:

    that is awesome! love the pac man blocks!

  21. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    Super duper cool!!!

  22. The fabulous Sandy allegedly said:

    I grew up when PacMan was the thing… now I’ve got the Pac Man Fever song stuck in my head! It’s looking great - what a great quilt idea! :P

  23. The fabulous Sherezada allegedly said:

    How very cool! Quilting is still a bit of a mystery to me, so to see how you folded the fabric around Pac and his ghosts is just awesome.

  24. The fabulous Brie allegedly said:

    I should’ve know you were a geek too :P haha I really need to come down and visit I can’t imagine it would be anything other then totally AWESOME!

  25. The fabulous Karin allegedly said:

    Oh, sweet! The blocks are awesome! That is going to be the best. quilt, ever.

  26. The fabulous Mary @ Sea Quilts allegedly said:

    The color … and the pattern … is beyond brilliant.

    Seriously ~

  27. The fabulous Helen LeBrett allegedly said:

    I love your fun, fun addition to the quilt!! what a totally perfect compliment to what was there :-)
    I haven’t visited your blog for awhile, so I just saw your post about your Winterfest fabric line coming out: Just wanted to tell you that I never buy Christmas fabric unless it’s on sale, but i will be buying yours as soon as it comes out!! The colors are so refreshingly non-Christmas and the images are so fun that I could make something out of it and be able to keep it out durring other times of the year! Great Job!! :-)

  28. The fabulous Chase l Oh The Cuteness! allegedly said:

    That looks amazing! Yet another reason to learn how to do paper piecing.

  29. The fabulous cindy allegedly said:


  30. The fabulous Heather allegedly said:

    That is so awesome!!! I can’t wait to see it (and all the others!) when they’re finished.

  31. The fabulous Charity allegedly said:

    My mouth just dropped right open when I seen the pac-man quilt. I loved it as a kid. I have my sheets and everything. I wasn’t sure what to do them before. But now I have a good idea of what can be done. Absolutly loving it!

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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CHICKEN & STARS PDF quilt pattern!
CHICKEN & STARS - PDF quilt pattern

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PATIO PDF quilt pattern!
Patio - PDF quilt pattern

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DELIGHT needlebook template PDF!
STRAWBERRY DELIGHT - needlebook template PDF

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SPRINKLE PDF quilt pattern!
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