Kids’ Crafternoon Blog Party & Give-away
November 19th, 2011
Shortly before I started “crafty blogging” (my blog has a past), one of the blogs that inspired me to make the switch was WhipUp.Net. WhipUp was one of the handful of sparks that made me want to taste the crafting rainbow from my own blog. Fast-forward to 5+ years later, and my rock-star idol and inspire-er Kathreen of WhipUp.Net asks ME if I want to take part in HER Kids’ Crafternoon Felting book. Not only was I incredibly flattered and honored, but I also had a holy crap moment! And that moment is still lingering.
So here it is, Kids’ Crafternoon Felting, published by Hardie Grant. The last of the four Kids’ Crafternoon series. WHAT an amazing book filled with great projects for kids. Great kids stuff that adults will like too. Dang cute stuff. Fun stuff for kids to make, fun stuff for adults to make for kids. Don’t let the title fool you - it’s for all ages. Just freaking cute projects, like the Zombie Critter Charms by Lisa Tilse:
Dachshund Moneybox by Timothy Haugen:
Who Loves Ewe by Cate Holst:
… one style for savory tastes.
There’s so much more to see and read about Kids’ Crafternoon Felting, so be sure to stop by the other AMAZING blogs on the blog party tour.
14 Nov: Lisa Tilse from The Red Thread
15 Nov: Suzie Fry from soozs
16 Nov: Larissa Holland from mmmcrafts
17 Nov: Pascale Mestdagh from Between the Lines
18 Nov: Christine Chitnis from Christine Chitnis
19 Nov: Holly Keller from Chez Beeper Bebe
20 Nov: Monica Solorio-Snow from Happy Zombie
21 Nov: Cate Holst from Go Make Me
22 Nov: Shannon Cook from Luvinthemommyhood
23 Nov: Jennifer Casa from JCHandmade
24 Nov: Kate from Picklebums
25 Nov: Steph Morgan from Modern Parents Messy Kids
26 Nov: Kara Fleck from Simple Kids
27 Nov: Maddie from Li’l Magoolie
28 Nov: Jackie Boucher from Oh Dee Doh
29 Nov: Bianca from Sadie and Lance
30 Nov: Tricia Hogbin from Little Eco Footprints
01 Dec: Lisa Siebert guest posting at Poppytalk
Hardie Grant has kindly given me a copy of Kids’ Crafternoon Felting to give away to one lucky winner. Leave a comment and I’ll use to pick a winner on this coming Thursday noon-ish, PST. If you have a memorable craft project you made as a kid - share it in your comment if you like. To start things rolling, my most memorable craft is the butt fugly felt gingerbread man I made in Brownies (in the 3rd grade, I think). My mom scoffed at me for calling him ugly, and said that one day I would love him like she did. Today I think he (Mr. B. Fugly) is beautiful and he hangs on my design wall and I smile at him every day. And Mr. Fugly smiles back.
November 25, 2011 Edited in:
Winner, winner! The Kids’ Crafternoon Blog Party book give-away has now ended. Thank you all for joining in on the give-away! Using for comments 1-90, the winner of the Kids’ Crafternoon Felting book is smack dab in the middle (shout out to Jan Brady!): Comment #45 - Kim!
Posted in Quilty n Crafty, Make Something |

What is it with making felt gingerbread men? I made one too, but I don’t know what happened to mine. p.s. you could tell people yours was a cross between that and a monkey.. LOL. no, really it is sorta cute LOL.
November 19th, 2011I remember doing string art and macrame plant holders. Those were the days! Thanks for the giveaway.
November 19th, 2011I love your gingerbread man. I made a lot of things during my childhood but very few seem to have made it into my adult life. I did make a pillow using hexagons that I loved.
November 19th, 2011My three year old son has just made a ghost out of felt that he loves and I absolutely treasure - his first project!!
Thanks for sharing this great book and your gorgeous gingerbread man.
Glad you still have Mr. Fugly! I love him! I have a pillow that I tossed years back and kick myself quite often about it. It was a cross stitch pillow that I had made as a kid (printed cross stitch). I’d like to still have it to see how far I have come. As of a few years ago, my grandma was still putting out things that I had made her for Christmas. I can’t believe she had kept them all of these years, and they were only made of construction paper.
November 19th, 2011I love holy crap moments! How exciting, Monica! Looks like an awesome book. As a kid I remember making tons of God’s eyes (I think that’s their name). I made mine with popsicle sticks and rainbow colored yarn. Best part was eating the popsicles.
Mr. B. Fugly is pretty cute!
November 19th, 2011I made stockings with my Granny when I was about 5 and will never forget it! Just felt and sequins but it was the beginning of a life long love of all things crafty.
November 19th, 2011Love this book, would love to win but it is on my wish list either way.
Oh, I adore Mr. B. Fugly! I remember taking a “nature crafts” class at the community center when I was little. It was surely a nightmare for my mother. Especially the pine needle baskets we made. OMG - we had to go out and collect what seemed like hundreds of bags of pine needles, take them home and BOIL them to get them clean and kill any little buggy critters living in them. Then you wrapped raffia around little bunches of pine needles and coiled them into a basket. Seriously, it was torture. :-) Thank goodness that wasn’t my defining drafty moment!
November 19th, 2011I love your gingerbread man! My most memorable craft was a little cross stitch Mrs claus. It was my first cross stitch when I was 10yrs old and it was from a kit. I just put it in a little frame a few years ago to put on the tree.
November 19th, 2011The first craft project I remember loving is a spiral that I cut out of construction paper to hang on the Christmas tree. I was in first grade and the fact that I didn’t cut the paper in two made me sooo happy. My parents still hang that sad little paper on their tree.
November 19th, 2011My dad and I made a milkweed pod with a babe wrapped in a torn piece of cloth in Indian Princesses. It’s actually quite precious and has held up all these years.
November 19th, 2011Thank you for the opportunity to win such a fun book. My children are all grown, but I have two wonderful grandchildren that I would love to spend a Crafternoon with.
November 19th, 2011oh, sooooo stink in’ cute! Oh man- I clearly remember a glitter covered popsicle stick snowflake tree ornament in kindergarten! Still have it :) LOVE!!
November 19th, 2011I still have a dirty, ragamuffin sock doll I hand stitched over 50 years ago. I came across it the other day while cleaning out closets and I still love it. It was my first attempt at sewing. God bless my mother for encouraging me.
November 19th, 2011this coming thursday, noonish? won’t you be eating turkey then, and NOT thinking about a winner? as far as a kid craft memory - i made something for my mom christmasy. i think it was supposed to be a potholder, but it was too fluffy for that, so i really don’t know what it was except for an excuse to put my hand in paint for the handprint, and write my name in glitter. :)
November 19th, 2011I have made some interesting crafts thru out my grade school years, usually using lots of glue and glitter.
November 19th, 2011Oh I had lots of little projects but none who survived. I do have the smallest shred of my first quilt, a cheater I made for my son in the late 60’s. Didn’t even have a sewing machine, had moved to CA with no family around so I rented one for 4 weeks. he loved it too pieces and it lived on the top shelf of his closet even as a teenager, it came down the week he had his tonsils out at 22. I grabbed when he moved out….no girlfriend would love it like Mom does. I love the mug cozies, oh to have time to play, can’t wait for yearend shutdown! And congrats!
November 19th, 2011I made some really awesome noodle and glitter ornaments when I was really little… my mom insists on saving them, and they still make it on the tree!
November 19th, 2011Would love to win this sweet book! I am remembering so many childhood crafts, how about a walnut shell owl brooch with felt beak and eyes?!?
November 19th, 2011I’d love this book! one of my favorite childhood crafts was a set of felt ornaments!
November 19th, 2011I love the zombies! So cute.
November 19th, 2011Thanks for the giveaway the book looks like so much fun! My grandma and I used to paint and decorate walnut shells into little animals for me to play with. Wish I still had some of them. In fact this makes me want to go out right now and get some walnuts…
November 19th, 2011Great book - my girls would just love this!
November 19th, 2011My earliest crafting memory is probably that macrame owl I made in the 3rd grade. Remember those - eek!
What a cute book! I don’t have any real memorable craft I did as a child. =/
November 19th, 2011This book looks like so much fun. I know my 7 year old daughter would just love it.
November 19th, 2011Thanks for the giveaway! I remember making ornaments in school for my parents’ Christmas gift, and of course, paper snowflakes.
November 19th, 2011My two most memorable craft projects, both with my grandma >.
November 19th, 2011Aw man. My squishy face emoticon screwed up my post … resubmitting … summer spent making t-shirts with puffy paints, and holiday spent making wreaths with foam and fabric swatches
November 19th, 2011Thank you for your wonderful bog and a chance at a great book. I remember making a whole team of reindeer from clothes pins with ribbon for reins.
November 19th, 2011I had one of those potholder looms as a kid and I loved making up things on it. I swear I gave potholders as gifts for two straight years. Actually, I’m surprised my mother didn’t pick up a different loom for me to work with after she was gifted at least 2 dozen of those things.
November 19th, 2011The craft book for kids looks great. Some fantastic projects in it! I remember making little shell animals when I was a kid. We’d collect shells from the beach and I’d make them into little mice and sell them at the local craft shop.
November 19th, 2011Oh my, how far you have come!
November 19th, 2011I made a little stuffed bear for my lttle newborn cousin when I was 14 yrs old. I never thought about it until today. I guess it wasn’t a beauty :) Thanks for the chance to win, the book looks great!!
November 19th, 2011I’m sure I made a lot of really ugly things when I was growing up, but the one I remember most is the blue/green/white tie I crocheted for my Dad. He was such a good Dad, he even wore it to work a few times! After he passed away, I found it still hanging in his closet, even though he had given away most of his work ties when he retired.
November 20th, 2011This book looks great!
November 20th, 2011Thanks for the giveaway and have a nice week.
I was always crafty as a child and I can remember making a camera from cardboard - it was a gift and it turned out amazing!! That was a proud moment!
November 20th, 2011i fondly remember the time my sister and i sat in the attic, next to my mom’s scrap box making Barbie a new dress. mine was purple with yellow tropical flowers…and not much more than a piece of fabric wrapped around Barbie!
November 20th, 2011Just how much cuter can “stuff” get!! Love these and how much fun! xo
November 20th, 2011Thank you for the giveaway! A craft that I remember was making Christmas ornaments at. One year in elementary school I made a cute little Angel out of paper, feathers, glitter, markers, and one of those styrofoam balls. :) can’t believe I just remembered that! :)
November 20th, 2011Okay, so I have this trivet that I made in Preschool that I keep in a box of important papers and such, hidden away for some special day to pass it to one of my daughters. Funny how things we make become so special to us. I would display it but my kiddos are all so little still that it would end up broken. The other thing that comes to mind is the doll blanket I crocheted when my Mammaw taught me to crochet. This too is ready to pass along some day, likely when my youngest is old enough to need it for her dolls.
November 20th, 2011My daughter made maracas out of Dr. Pepper cans as a gift one Christmas. I just can’t get rid of them–they’re too sweet (and very cool).
November 20th, 2011This looks a great book!
November 20th, 2011I can remember making felt gingerbread men too - I also made them with my own children!
Your cozies are adorable!
November 20th, 2011i would really like to get my hands on a copy of this book. i think my 13 year old daughter would have lots of fun making some of these projects together.
November 20th, 2011What a fun book! When I was little, we made these paper ball Christmas ornaments with construction paper and paste. They’re horribly misshapen and falling apart, but I still have them in my ornament box and put them up every year.
November 20th, 2011OMG that book is awesome! How have I missed the others? I have twin 8 year old nieces who will be getting this for Christmas. Love it!
November 20th, 2011P.S. Monica, Did you seriously just say butt fugley? I thought my dad made that one up! :)
Lucky me- my parents had craft supplies and encouragement for us kids from the time we could sit up. When I first learned to sew with patterns and a sewing machine, I made my father a shirt. I had to sew over the buttonholes a few times to get it right, but he wore it with pride. As an adult, I made him a perfect shirt to replace the flawed one, but he wouldn’t stop wearing that first shirt!
November 20th, 2011Oh I LOVE Mr. B Fugly! You need to make him a wife. ;)
Your mug hugs are adorable. So you. ;)
My first favorite craft was a felt mouse. The pattern was in my sister’s craft book. I remember it so well because I made several. 2 brown pieces for the body, one white piece for the bottom, 2 little pink pieces for the ears, a snippet of yarn for the tail and black embroidery floss for the eyes, nose, whiskers and toes. It finished about 3″ long and 1/5″ tall.
And then you know what I did, don’t you? Yep, I miniaturized it! (It’s gotta be a DNA thing with me …)
November 20th, 2011My daughter is at the age where crafting starts to be fun…the book sounds wonderful. my first craft I remember are little paperboxes we made in kindergarten, I still make them at christmastime for the adventkalendar.
November 20th, 2011OH CRAP! Just reread this on my desktop (where you know , I can actually SEE the print) and holy cow you’re in this book! Love the sweet and savory. You’re so clever. congrats. xo??
November 20th, 2011Love the gingerbread man! When I was a Brownie scout I made my mother a pin and some earrings out of shells at day camp. She died in 2003 and I found them in a small box in with her other jewelry. I am 60 now so that tells you how long she had kept them.
November 20th, 2011My mom used to have an industrial size sewing machine in our basement that she used to make boat cushion for a local upholsterer, anyway I used some pieces of her leftover naugahyde (pleather) to make a giraffe, I was so proud of my little creation that I thought I would share and sent it to my cousin as a gift, she had no idea what it was and laughed at me, crushed my little crafting heart, but I soon recovered and moved onto other things.
November 20th, 2011I would absolutely LOVE a copy of this book. I have two boys who LOVE to make crafts and this would be such a fun and inspirational book to share with them! Oh, and they LOVE zombies, so we’ll have to make a few! Thanks for the giveaway!
November 20th, 2011Love Mr. Fugly, part gingerbread man part yeti!
November 20th, 2011The first craft project I remember making was sequined and beaded ornaments also gluing macaroni shapes on cigar boxes and spraying them gold.None of them has survived but the memories have.
November 20th, 2011I think one of my most memorable was the ashtray I made for my parents. Wow have time changed! Thanks for this great opportunity - the book is sweet as can be!
November 20th, 2011Oh, mr. B.F. is ugly…but he is fun! I would LOVE to win this book. Hey, how come Amazon isn’t selling it??!!!
November 20th, 2011I love playing with felt. Felt is definitely not just for kids. Adults can enjoy playing with felt too…heheeeeheheh..
November 20th, 2011this would be wonderful for my daughter’s spontaneous: “can we do craft?”
November 20th, 2011thank you for the opportunity!!
I am a major crafter and I can trace it back to one cross stitch kit that my great aunt gave me. I have no idea where the finished project is now but I still remember exactly what it looked like and it started a lifetime love of crafting so it has to be my favorite!
November 20th, 2011My mom was the camp fire leader and she was very creative. My favorite craft was a wall hanging with 3 pictures. We used felt and pom-poms. I know one of the pictures was a tree and maybe a wreath. I can’t remember the third but it was fun to make. We also painted wooden Christmas ornaments with acrylic paints. They were 3 dimensional. My mom had and still has great ideas.
November 20th, 2011I don’t remember much crafting when I was a child but it is something I want my kids to remember so we do a lot more now. This book would be so fun to look through and work through with my 6 year old.
November 20th, 2011All those projects look so cute!! Looking forward to this book :D
November 20th, 2011I remember learning how to sew and crochet with my Grandma. Sadly, while I still now how to sew I’ve forgotten how to crochet. One of these days I’d love to learn again. I also remember learning macrame in Girl Scouts. Thanks for the great giveaway!
November 20th, 2011If your last name is Fugly, it’s just cruel to have your first name be Butt. How unfortunate.
My favorite childhood crafts? Two words: Plastic Canvas. I LOVED plastic canvas and am on a crusade to bring it back. I totally loved the feeling of the scissors cutting off all the fringe and having little plastic pebblets fly off if you cut it at just the right angle. I remember when they started making canvas in rounded shapes and I about died.
This book looks like a treasure. Kathreen is my idol.
November 20th, 2011I love the little bracelets! Those are a perfect giveaway gift for birthday parties!
November 20th, 2011In 7th grade, I crocheted a purple Scottie dog and papier mache a Broom Hilda puppet head and sewed her witch dress. I also did macrame and carved linolium blocks. Pretty crafty I was!
November 20th, 2011We used to have plaster of Paris moulds. My mom must have been a saint to put up with the mess. My aunt still has my handpainted Dougal from the Magic Roundabout on her windowsill 40 years later.
November 20th, 2011Love the felty projects, and especially your cup cozies. Those strawberries are gobble up good looking!
I have an elementary school era burlap with felt Christmas angel that has so much glue it is not able to be folded. For many years I have meant to repair it so it will hang off a rod once again. This may be the year it gets hung on the wall once more.
November 20th, 2011Oh, is that a gingerbread man? I thought it was a monkey!! ;0) I made loads of rubbish stuff as a kid and I always assumed mum loved the stuff I made her. Then when I was about 13 I made her a clay ashtray and she actually said “darling, it’s lovely, put it on the table and I’ll accidentally smash it later”!!
November 21st, 2011I was considered a crafty person when I was in grade school by others. I even made a crochet beaded purse. Thanks for the give-away. I love it because I recently pick up felt craft and eager to try these projects.
November 21st, 2011I just loved drawing - especially rabbits!
November 21st, 2011I made a ridiculously ugly “surfboard” pillow in my home ec class… it was bright yellow with green stripes and black footprints on it. Simply awful, but my first intro to sewing. At least it has THAT redeeming quality!
November 21st, 2011Thanks for the chance!
I still have a ’sampler’ I did for the local show when I was about 7. Your Gingerbread person is beautiful.
I have my fingers crossed for a book thank you.
November 21st, 2011i love your gingerbread man. the only craft project i can remember from when i was a kid was a little clay pinch pot i made in kindergarden. my mom kept it on her makeup table until they moved while i was in college.
November 21st, 2011I love the hand felting. The gingerbread house is beautiful!
November 21st, 2011My most memorable crafy memory was the one that got me started quilting.
November 21st, 2011I was 6 years old and refusing to go to bed. So my Granny sat me down and taught me to sew a 9 patch. Huge stiches and all, I loved that little block. And it got me started sewing and quilting!
Thanks for the chance to win. My memorable childhood crafty experience was making a dried apple headed wizard — that I still have some 35+ years later. I spent hours sewing little gold beads and stars onto his robes….my kids think it is amazing (although, they thought it was pretty gross that his head was made from a cut up dried apple!)
November 21st, 2011There are two crafts from childhood that I loved. The first one was the wreaths made from a paper plate with the center cut out and then you used a pencil to glue little squares of tissue paper on it. The second one was the wreaths made with the little bundles of yarn, that you would tie to a hanger. This looks like a great book!
November 21st, 2011My kids would LOVE this book! And it would give me some new ideas.
November 21st, 2011I’m always on the lookout for a cool, crafty book for my kids, and this one looks great! My first crafty project? Making a purse at my great aunt’s house. (I musthave been about 5 years old.) She was a seamstress, and would let me go through all of her scraps, pick whatever I wanted, then make whatever I wanted. Always had fun at her house!
November 21st, 2011Is it terribly wrong that I really just want this book to do crafts with my girlfriends?! I mean, I would totally let my daughter make stuff too! Love it!
November 21st, 2011Oh you had me at that weiner felt dog and then Mr. Fugly, oh so handsome and memorable. I have a half finished horse cross stitch sitting here from my childhood. love embroidery now but the memories of arguing with my Grandmother over why I hated using a needle and why did I have to learn to sew linger over the piece so I don’t know if it will ever be finished….hmmm that just gave me an idea to go rework it! Happy Thanksgiving may your turkey table be full of laughter and creativity!
November 22nd, 2011Actually, as a young adult I made felt pig, cow and goat ornaments for our Christmas tree. My kids still make fun of them but I love them.
November 22nd, 2011My favourite craft I made was crocheted bookworm bookmarks…probably because my grandmother taught me how to make them!
November 22nd, 2011Oh, Monica, you have made another day for me. I have had such fun thinking of all of the ‘dolls’ I made…pot holders…embroidered dish towels..little purses made out of covered cottage cheese containers., etc. Wonderful memories. When my grandson showed an interest in what I was sewing…I started teaching him how to sew. We created an “earless elephant”..he did most of the sewing..I only did the tight spots that needed to be extra order to stand all of the ‘love and hugging’ it was going to get. He slept with it til they moved to a new home..four years later. He is so open to learn is such a gift to his grandma..the making of memories for both he and I. I would love the book you have participated in, felt is perfect for children because it doesn’t ravel.
November 22nd, 2011Hey Monica! I made a sundress for my baby doll when I was in second grade (her hair stands straight up)and yes, I still have her, wearing that scary dress… poor thing. It is fugly too. Maybe Mr. B and my dolly could get a latte together and swap memories? LOL. Keri in Calif.
November 22nd, 2011I loved doing crafts with my mom and grandmother as a kid. We used to cut pretty pictures out of catalogs during the holiday season and decoupage them to wooden disks to make pins. One time, a local store owner agreed to sell them by her register and the 8-year-old me made $40 that Christmas!
November 22nd, 2011I made a gingham apron in JR High home ec. It took a semester to finish the project. I did cross stitch on the pockets. Very fancy.
November 22nd, 2011I begged my mother to let me use her sewing machine when I was 8. My first projects were Barbie clothes! Still sewing!
November 23rd, 2011Thanks for the giveaway.
I always did crafts with my grandmother. We made cards, covered little match boxes with paper and glitter, you name it, we made it. The one thing I remember the most was a little fish I made from a small Styrofoam ball, some bone rings, a couple of sequins and beads. It was adorable. My grandmother kept it on a shelf in her music room until she moved to Florida. I wish I knew what happened to it.
November 23rd, 2011Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Monica!
Really liking the savory colors of your cup cozy, Monica!
The lavender, teal and sage really look great against the black background. You have a wonderful eye for color!
November 27th, 2011