Driving Miss Daisy
November 9th, 2011
This post has nothing to do with Miss Daisy, or even driving - it just sounded like a good title. And I like saying it. I also like saying Jalalabad (Afghanistan) - but that’s really hard to work into a title. My other title option was Friends with Benefits - but that would give an impression of… hey, not so bad of an impression of me if anyone wants to think that. Truth is, I’m surrounded by kind, fun, amazing and talented friends. Seriously talented. <name dropping alert>So when Elizabeth asked a bunch of us in our circle-o-friends (aka Sweet Hot Yams) to pattern-test a new pattern of hers (Perfect Zip Bags) - we jumped on it! </name dropping alert>
Elizabeth made us all little kits with fabrics, and zippers, and hardware - all with us in mind. Elizabeth made my kit with mostly Echino because she knows I love it so. <name dropping again>I even had some of Mo’s fabric from her Party Dress line (pink and green “pearls”) to add to it! </name dropping again>
I’m not a pattern reader, so this was a new challenge for me. Because I was a Tester - I now HAD to read the instructions. I was committed. So a funny thing happened on the way to the bar… a priest, a rabbi and a cowboy… all told me to read and I shall learn new things. And my imagination was right… I learned new things. An S-load of new things! Elizabeth’s pattern is so thoughtfully written and her ways of describing techniques are so clear and easy to understand. I feel so empowered with all that I’ve learned. And cute bags afterwards - that’s gravy. Now all I can think about doing is adding zippers to everything.
Elizabeth has posted photos of all of our bags on her blog. Not only that - Elizabeth is having a give-away of <more name dropping>Violet’s </more name dropping> Peacock Lane and my Happy Mochi Yum Yum! Hip, hip, Jalalabad!
Posted in Quilty n Crafty, I Heart Oregon, Make Something |

Oh Monica, you crack me up. I love your bags, and honestly, the patterns I have used of Elizabeth’s are always great. I love her designs!!
November 9th, 2011Okay, now I’m going start working “hip hip Jalalabad” into my everyday conversation.
November 9th, 2011Too funny and how exciting for you to find out you can FOLLOW a pattern! Nice.
November 9th, 2011Every time NPR reports on the International Atomic Energy Agency, I have to have IAEA in my head. I think it is hands down the very best acronym out there and it’s fun to say.
Now when they report on Jalalabad, I’ll be thinking… Hip Hip.
November 9th, 2011Oh great now I have that tune from that movie in my head THANKS for that….great job on pattern following!
November 9th, 2011I like that bag and I like “jalalabad”. I also like to say “behemoth” and “leviathan”
November 9th, 2011You’re too funny. Awesome sewing skills going on there. Don’t get any funny ideas though — no matter how well you sew, you’re still going to have to keep up with your “duties”, er “benefits”, er whatever you want to call them. Hip, Hip Away.
November 9th, 2011How old is that Elizabeth woman? She looks all of 15! I call foul on the talent pool ;)
November 9th, 2011Sew cute!
November 9th, 2011i kinda lOVE leaving comments here to see my Yam-Givin name…
ps… bitchin bags! ;)
November 9th, 2011Birds with skulls! Perfect! Love the bags!
November 9th, 2011Love the bags and the fabrics…well they are YOU!
November 9th, 2011Love, love the bags. They are just so cute.
November 9th, 2011Love the bags, they would make great gifts for granddaughter. Also glad to see you blogging.
November 9th, 2011I agree, great post title. Who says they have to always match the content?
Yummy bags, you name dropper you! I ran right over and played the giveaway game :)
November 9th, 2011I’m so proud of you for following directions. I know how hard that is for you. :) I love the bags, the fabrics are so cute. And I love how famous you are and all the famous people you know so I can name drop too! :) hahahahaha Love you and miss you tons.
November 10th, 2011Very cute bags… AND you put a BIRD ON IT!
November 10th, 2011Love the bags! As always, love your post too! Thanks for brightening my day once again.
November 10th, 2011Funny , I told my son that I was thinking about calling him Pythagoras or endoplasmic reticulum because I like the words. His name is Keith. Beautiful bags, like the fabric.
November 10th, 2011These are great bags! Thanks for posting such fun!!
November 10th, 2011Great Blog! I love your humor! Life is too short, you gotta’ have fun! and if it includes fabric, scissors and some yarn then all I have to say is Hip, hip, jalalabad!!
November 11th, 2011HOW cute !!! …. and Look Look Look … See Monica read …. Read Read Read Monica …. Guilt Guilt Guilt is what you felt from the rabbi and priest to read ….. but one “Lil Darlin” or “Howdy Ma’am” from a cowboy and Monica will Drool Drool Drool on those pattern instructions ! (me too !!!!)
November 11th, 2011Can’t wait to try out the patterns myself. You make it seem so doable.
November 12th, 2011Monica, thank you so much for being our dork. :) My daughter and I have whole conversations that pretty much only include all the phrases and words that tickle us. Love the bags. So many ideas now d**n it. :) Off to plot, plan and scheme. Hip, hip, Jalalabad!
November 12th, 2011