Movin’ on up
July 3rd, 2011
Fish don’t fry in the kitchen; Beans don’t burn on the grill.
Took a whole lotta tryin’, Just to get up that hill.
And down the hill. And back up the hill. Up another hill.
Around 3 mountains (South Sister, Middle Sister, North Sister)…
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show here we come!
The Portland Modern Quilt Guild is converging on the 36th Annual
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show™ on Saturday, July 9th - and we even have an exhibit there! I hope everyone who’s going, will stop by and visit us. We’ll be in the courtyard between Paulina Springs Books and Jennifer Lake Gallery (Violet and I have the first shift).
At the Stitchin’ Post from 1-3, PMQG’s Susan Beal will be there to do a book signing for her crazy awesome Modern Log Cabin Quilting book during the show. Susan’s signing is not to be missed!
A bunch of us from PMQG that are attending the SOQS are armed with a phone and twitter account. No doubt we’ll be tweet’n and a twitpic’n - so keep an eye on us!
Cherri of Sew On: @Cherri_sew_on
Christina of A Few Scraps: @afewscraps
Elizabeth of Oh Fransson!: @elizabethagh
Gabrien of Dahlia Handmade: @dahliahandmade
Heather of House of A La Mode: @HouseofALaMode
Heather of oregonsurfers: @oregonsurfers
Irene of Mushroom Villagers: @mushroomvillage
Jen of BettyCrockerAss: @bettycrockerass
Jill of Made on Main Street: @mom_street
Joan of wishes, true and kind: @joanhcallaway
Kristin of Sew,Mama,Sew!: @sewmamasew
Me: @Happy_Zombie
My “Sisters” twitter list:
Meg of Megs Monkey Beans: @megsmonkeybeans
Rachael of 2nd Ave Studio: @2ndavestudio
Traci of HipFabric: @hipfabric
Violet of Violet Craft: @violetcraft
(If you’re a PMQG member going to the SOQS and have a twitter acct., please let me know and I’ll add you to the list)
Some of us will be at Sisters for four days in a vacation rental (Yammer Time!). Sweet Hot Yams + sewing machines + Sangria: things may or may not get out of hand… and I will deny everything.
Posted in I Heart Oregon, Field Trip |

pretty good odds… i’m bringing the karaoke machine, Cards, Booze!!!… {whoops} i mean… sewing machine, patterns, good tennis shoes for walking???
can you say..”Yammie Caravan”???
July 3rd, 2011I so wish I could go!! It’s just a short 6 hour drive…and lots of money for gas that’s keeping me away!
July 3rd, 2011I’ll be there! Hope to see you.
July 3rd, 2011oh man, have a ton of fun…wish I lived much closer :-)
July 3rd, 2011sounds like heaven:D would like to join you instantly, beam me up Scotty!
July 3rd, 2011Have a great time ladies,,,sisters will never be the same…in a good way ~xo~
July 4th, 2011Hey, I just noticed on the map you’ll be passing by my home by I 205 and Orchards,,,I’ll look for the flying banner of prairie points!! ~xo~
July 4th, 2011Makes me wish I lived in Portland.
July 4th, 2011I got a hat, sunscreen, and multiple pairs of sunglasses. I think it’s gonna be fun! I’m way more excited than I should be!
July 4th, 2011Ooooh …. another road trip! Can’t wait to see all the beautiful quilts and hear about your adventures.
I’ve always wanted to go to the Sister’s quilt show, but it’s a looong drive from the East Coast.
Thank you, Monica, for taking us along for the ride!
July 4th, 2011Sounds like you’re all going to have a super time! Photos are a must so we can get a glimpse of the fun. :)
July 4th, 2011Have a happy 4th, Monica!
Wow, now I’m depressed. Second Saturday in July is better in Sisters. I’ll probably be doing something boring, like sitting inside with the A/C on. Have fun.
July 4th, 2011Man oh man, batten down the hatches, she”ll be coming round the mountain! (I’m just so jealous, friends, cards, booze and quilts…in no particular order)
July 4th, 2011Just moving to Portland this week…maybe next year?
July 4th, 2011What happens on a road trip, stays on a road trip! I would love to be there, but will have to settle on blogland this year!
July 4th, 2011I’m still trying to figure out a way to ditch the family reunion and head East. You never know. I may pop up when you least expect it. bwahaha!
July 4th, 2011This would be a fab trip! Have a great time!
July 4th, 2011OMG, Sisters won’t know what hit ‘em. Love your road trip graphic, that’s a hoot!! I was there 2 years too early…boohoo to miss you all! Have a wonderful time. I know the courtyard exactly, so I will be able to picture you all there, holding court in the yard. Go yams!
July 4th, 2011Oh Monica - I was all boring snoring this morning just sitting around waiting for the 4th festivities around here and now I’m all aflutter! I better go start packing! wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!
July 4th, 2011Sounds like gabbing, stitching, singing, drinking, and plenty of girl time is in your immediate future!
July 4th, 2011Have a fantastic time ~ I’ll be watching for photos since I can’t make it this year. What an awesome representation of PMQG quilters!! Have fun!! :)
July 4th, 2011Oh have fun! Maybe next year!
July 4th, 2011You guys are going to have a blast! I can’t wait to hear all about it, so don’t deny everything. I want to hear some YAM stories!
July 4th, 2011I am so excited it will be my first year and I get to hang with all my great new Guild friends!!
July 4th, 2011I’m so excited! Can’t believe it’s this weekend… yay!
July 5th, 2011Sisters may never be the same! Wish I lived on that side of the country, sounds like you are going to have a blast.
July 5th, 2011i’m depressed, i’m going to be missing you all and sisters…have a FAB time and say hi to susan for me…she’s coming to kc in september!
July 5th, 2011Oh how fun. It’s probably a good thing that vacation rental’s walls can’t talk. Is this going to be much like the old saying from Vegas everyone says? LOL
You guys all have a blast and drive safely.
July 5th, 2011I’ll be there too! My folks live near Sisters and I planned our vacation around the quilt show. ;)
July 5th, 2011Hope to get the chance to meet you.
Love the cute Oregon pic you made! I can’t wait for Sisters either, it’s going to be a great weekend. See you there girlfriend!
July 6th, 2011Have a great time! I haven’t gone for a couple of years, but it is always fun. Have an iced coffee at the Sisters Coffee Co. for me!! Give Violet a hug.
July 7th, 2011I SO wanted to go. I live near Yreka and the drive wouldn’t be bad, but a thing called work got in the way! Have tons of fun!
July 7th, 2011I am not part of the Portland group (I live in northern Idaho) but I AM going to be in Sisters! I have wanted to go for years but something else always took precedence. This year I am going! Dh and I are headed out early in the morning.
July 7th, 2011I am so printing out your schedule!! How exciting! I’m going to be at the Sisters’ show this weekend and the chance to meet you is so exciting!!! WHEEE!!! :) :) :)
July 7th, 2011dang, I feel so jealous I could spit at you. Drink heavy, for me, ‘kay?
July 8th, 2011TOTAL. FLIPPIN’. BLAST. Next time, less sick, more drink, more sew.
July 11th, 2011