4 down, only 107 more to go
June 9th, 2011
Twitter is so harmless… if you don’t go on it! A few days ago I saw John tweeting about a quilt-a-long he was in… interesting, interesting… my curiosity piqued. Then I notice the QAL is based on a book I already had. And then I saw Katy was tweeting about it. And then I saw Amanda’s tweets. Before I knew it, it was as if John, Katy and Amanda each poured the Kool-aid right through my USB cables. Bathing in the Farmer’s Wife QAL Kool-aid. So now I’ve made a fresh pitcher and am ready to pour it back… to pass it on. I get a toaster-oven when I get someone to join in the FWQAL fun. That may or may not be true.
The FWQAL is hosted by Amanda and Angela, and there you will find all the nuts, bolts and Kool-aid of the QAL. Oh, and they have a FWQAL flickr group, too. If that doesn’t get me a new toaster-oven - I don’t know what will. My first four:
C’mon. You know you want to. Jana said/tweeted it best, “Do it! All of the cool people are… you’ll be popular… one time won’t hurt!” (sounds like I have some toaster-oven competition - game on, Jana.)
Posted in Quilty n Crafty |

Yay!!! You joined in…I knew you would! Now I know I’m in the cool group!
June 9th, 2011Oh…forgot to say LOVE your blocks!
June 9th, 2011great blocks! i got my book last nite and am raring to drink the kool-aid! twitter is dangerous, isnt it!
June 9th, 2011You’re killing me. Look at those fussy cut squares. Mmm toast.
June 9th, 2011I have a serious crush on your fabric! These blocks look beautiful.
June 9th, 2011Your blocks are darling! That fabric is just so yummy!
June 9th, 2011having been a ‘farm wife’ for real, I feel I must join the cool crowd too,,,and show y’all how its done!! Now I’m thinkin’ I should use some feed sack fabrics,,,to keep authentic(lol) but we’ll see ;) ~xo~
June 9th, 2011Oh. My. Goodness. Those fabric combinations have me drooling! I just signed up for my first ever quilting bee on Flickr, and I’m really excited. You’re giving me a lot of inspiration! Still so glad I found your blog. :)
June 9th, 2011I think I knew Jana in high school. :-) Your fabrics are adorable. Can’t wait to see more of your blocks!
June 9th, 2011Why??? Why must you taunt me with your awesome-y new fabric goodness when I can’t purchase it yet? That’s it…I’m totally gonna start a boycott of FWQAL until Happy Mochi Yum Yum comes out. ;)~
June 9th, 2011i immediately thought of happy mochi yum yum when i read about the QAL a few days ago. nice to see it in action!
June 9th, 2011I laughed my socks off watching you getting sucked in to the FWQAL! Even Pat Sloan has been sucked in now as well. It’s like one of those deadly whirlpools at sea - you can’t escape but go down kicking and screaming wondering how you got there!!!
June 9th, 2011the farmer’s wife is absolutely adorable in your happy moshi yum yum.
June 9th, 2011Monica!! My Hero!!! When is this fabric available for the pheasant people of your country? LOL I cannot WAIT to get some of this!! I still love my Holiday Happy fabric and it makes me smile every time I look at my projects from it. I can’t WAIT to be all ‘yummy’!!!!!
June 9th, 2011I am going to start calling you Jim. Not as in “It’s Dead Jim.” As in Jim Jones. You are SOOO guilty!!!
June 9th, 2011You and Sherri sucked me in. If only I’d gotten a bundle of Happy Mochi Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy at Market! Now I’m just crabby because I have to commit to fabric (gotta be a line - not brave enough to do scrappy)
June 9th, 2011FLOWER SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 9th, 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not crabby any more :)
Oh yea I am i… My box of traditional civil war era beauty is about to come to the table! Yippee!
June 9th, 2011I had no interest in making this quilt until I saw your blocks in your fabric OMG!!!! So friggen cute!!!!
June 10th, 2011Your Happy Mochi fabric really makes the Farmer’s Wife’s blocks come alive! Love the fussy-cut piecing - you are a great quilter!
June 10th, 2011Okay, I’m in. I’ll be a bit behind, though, since I JUST clicked “order” on the book, and still have a brand-spanking empty new blog to start posting to. And I really have no idea how to deal with Flickr or Twitter but hopefully just blogging and following you and Angela will keep me up.
June 10th, 2011I’m so happy that you are joining in the fun! Your blocks are absolutely gorgeous. Love the fussy cutting!
June 10th, 2011Oh Monica - your blocks are fantastic! You might be pushing me along towards doing this - although I really want to do a Hobo Quilt first … gah!
June 10th, 2011Such sweet little blocks! Loving the happy mochi. I asked about it during the WV Shop Hop- not there yet. Got home and checked FQ Shop- not there yet, either. Trying. to. be. patient.
June 10th, 2011your coming right along ;) gr8 blocks, it will be awesome to see an old school quilt in new school colors. can’t w8 for the finished project! i am afraid im gonna have to pass….still hope you win that toaster over!
June 10th, 2011Monica I so love your Happy Mochi Yum Yum FWQAL blocks… I think I am simply going to burst waiting for the fabric to arrive in the shops! X
June 10th, 2011I will not cave, I will not cave, I will not cave. Damn peer pressure.
June 10th, 2011Good GAWD! That is a HUGE quilt! Are there 55.5 weeks in the summer to complete? That’s a YEAR+ dedicated to this project. You are CRAZY QUILTERS!!!!
[Translated: I can’t wait to see the final product!]
NOTE: Keepsake Cottage in Bothell has Holiday Happy on AWESOME sale, for anyone that just didn’t get enough of the Happy Gnomes last year. I suppose they are making room for some HAPPY MOCHI YUM YUM due out ANYDAY!!!! (Already have my name on the waiting list and checking in twice a week. I mean, really? I HAVE to go to Country Village AGAIN this week to check? Twist my arm!!!)
June 11th, 2011Monica!!!! If you are doing 4 blocks a week, you CAN do it in one summer. You’ll be like the Phineas & Ferb of Quilting…[Que Title song: “There’s 104 days of summer, to quilt my Farmer’s Wife blocks”…]
June 11th, 2011Wow!!! That’s going to be a beautiful quilt!
June 12th, 2011This is giving me something to look forward to after Maui!
June 13th, 2011What an inspiration to read about both of you girls!!! Both bring joy and colour and fun to my life. Thankyou!
June 14th, 2011