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NorCal - My trip-o-rama HOME

September 16th, 2008

First stop… my brother’s house. Why? Because my mom told me to. And plus this is where we called home for our visit. My brother never lets an opportunity pass without reminding me the hierarchy slash his positioning on our parents speed-dial.
NorCal NorCal
Audry Doggie… she would have to be given the title of my niece.  Human in fur. Kookoo for Cocoa Puffs dog she is. Loves to watch tv, especially the Olympic swimming and diving events.   Everyone is forbidden to turn to the Animal Planet channel.  Yeah.  Audrey Doggie gone wild.  Yes that is carpet she is on (no wonder Audrey’s KKFCP). Bad, bad, bad HGTV episode (results) that was never aired. <— Edited in:  Not because of the results, but becuase of a production issue.  Not saying it was Chayse Dacoda’s doing. But you know, don’t say anything if you can’t say anything nice. So I’ll just be quiet now.

How to make a butt fugly storage facility look beautiful. I’m obsessed with this building and marvel at the akamai thinking of the designers and planners.
Grrrrreat design
The storage building is on Ygnacio Valley Road in Concord near Cal State EB (I still want to say Hayward). The Luthie church (you can’t see in the shot, but the sign is visible)… I was kicked out of a Sunday service when a was a little one (for talking too much - go figure), and sent outside. My mom says I wasn’t “kicked out”… that I was merely being punished for bad behavior. Joke’s on you Pastor CrabbyPants… there was a playground outside.  And that was my inaugural trip on the Sinners Road to Hell & Damnation.
Grrrrreat design

More trip-o-rama to come… unless I get struck by lightning.

Posted in I Heart California |

17 Responses

  1. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    Isn’t it wierd to even have a Cal STate EB in Concord at all? I’m trying to think exactly where that is.. but maybe kind of by the CVHS. MY ALMA MATER? The church is familiar.

    Anyway, Can’t wait to see more. I enjoyed meeting the fam and of course SEEING YOU AGAIN. Miss you tons. xo

  2. The fabulous Natalie allegedly said:

    You do a good *trip-o-rama!* Seriously, HGTV did that on purpose? I need details… it’s so intriguing. Looking forward to next installment.

  3. The fabulous Nihal allegedly said:

    Hi there Monica,
    I would like to give you my award. It would be my pleasure if you would accept it! You really have a great site! I enjoy reading it as always.
    Please stop by my page to receive it.
    Keep up the good work!

    Congratulations on winning!


  4. The fabulous Ellen Crimi-Trent allegedly said:

    ha, I was always told I “talk to much” in school and funny how that comes in handy when you blog!! My brother also is a big teaser which after 42 years has become quite annoying and not funny.

    I am trying not to get distracted by looking at blogs, but as you can see I am here!! Okay back to that bird print I was working on, along with some Xmas,Halloween, Everyday and oh I don’t know lets throw in Val while I am at it!!

  5. The fabulous MichelleB allegedly said:

    So, seriously - if HGTV does bad designs, they don’t get aired? Spill, girl!

    Looking forward to seeing more of your trip.

  6. The fabulous Ashley Ann allegedly said:

    Sounds like we were about the same age when I took the Sinners Road to Hell & Damnation also! Your furry neice is so cute.

  7. The fabulous Anyone Can Quilt allegedly said:

    Sounds like you have a kooky bro like me. I love the picture of Audry on the fridge with the googly eyes. She’s so meeeeesssmeriiiizinggggg…..

  8. The fabulous carol allegedly said:

    I’ve been kicked out of A LOT of places but church was never one of ‘em. Go figure.
    My eyes are still tearing from this post. Partly from the humor, partly from the carpet :)

  9. The fabulous Em allegedly said:

    Fun furry neice. If my son saw that carpet he would want it. I guess if HGTV were designing for 13 year olds it would have been a hit.

  10. The fabulous Doris at threads of conversation allegedly said:

    Sinner’s Road! HA! That is too hilarious, and seriously, did they paint that carpet, or is it tiles?

  11. The fabulous Sandi allegedly said:

    Love the church story. The day I was baptized, the sermon was about speaking your mind. I started crying and wouldn’t stop, so Mom scooped me up and trekked down the aisle. As she got to the back of the church, the pastor said, “Now there’s a young lady who knows how to speak her mind!”

  12. The fabulous kathleen allegedly said:

    LOL. and so ironic that the storage facility is called “mt. diablo”, near your old church that you got punished at! (although true, playgrounds are hardly punishment)

    Love your brother’s jersey… and when I come back up to Astoria for the weekend to see shawn’s HGTV episode ;), I want to hear the rest of that story. Dish girl!

  13. The fabulous Paula allegedly said:

    You know, I’ve been wondering for a LOOONG time about what happened to that HGTV episode and why I never saw it, but kept forgetting to ask you. Question answered!
    You’re vacation looks funner than our little spastic sidetrips we’ve taken this year. Thanks for taking me along!!

  14. The fabulous Nanna J allegedly said:

    How I am loving that story of your Road to Hell! I don’t think I can pinpoint when mine started, but I’ve been on it so long, I just can’t remember anymore. Fun, ain’t it?
    What a gorgeous storage unit! Who knew they could be that pretty?
    Love the dog on the carpet - great photo! I can’t believe HGTV wouldn’t air that program! I’ve seen lots of other ones where, in my humble opinion, had a fugly outcome, so what’s the deal?

  15. The fabulous Marco Solorio allegedly said:

    Part 1: Okay so here’s the skinny on the HGTV show that never aired (this is Monica’s brother, Marco, with the sweeeeet checkered carpet). The show was hosted by two people, a man and a women. I forget their names, but the woman has been on other HGTV shows but it was the guy’s first time hosting a show. Well, after editing the first couple of episodes (including the one that had my house), the producers didn’t like the guy host. They wanted to re-shoot key shots at my house with the guy. I wasn’t going to have it. I own a production facility (no ties with the production of this show) and I know what’s involved in that. They told me it was going to only take and hour or two, but it would have taken at least a day.

  16. The fabulous Marco Solorio allegedly said:

    Pt 2: Frankly, I never wanted to do the show in the first place (let alone have it aired nation-wide) but my girlfriend at the time did (mostly to have one of the rooms re-done, not so much that it would be on TV). The fact that they wanted to re-shoot and were bound by that in order to have the episode air was my ticket out of it (and my ex-girlfriend got the room re-done so she got what she wanted). Thank goodness it worked out that way… the last thing I want is an episode of me and my ex-girlfriend floating around TV/internet. The room was hideous, for the most part. My dad was kind enough to repaint the walls to their original white color so all that’s left is the ugly checked carpet in that room (which are in fact square tile things)

  17. The fabulous Marco Solorio allegedly said:

    P.S. This 750 character max limit sucks! I can’t blab my mouth on and on and on and on and on and on and………

    Just for you little bro… I upped the max limit to 751 - knock yourself out, Pelonecito. You’re so very welcome (the things I do for you). - xoxo RatGirl

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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