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July 28th, 2008

If happiness came in stacks, this is what it would look like.

minny muu

My special delivery from Japan. A glorious collection of Lecien’s darling Minny Muu.

minny muu

It’s as if someone crawled into my head and designed fabric just for me.

minny muu

Too cute for words, even though there are words. I’m pretty sure it says something in French.

minny muu

Wish I could show what I’m going to do with it - my secret project for Lecien! But that will have to wait until Fall. I’m pretty sure I’m going to make another Merry-Go-Round, and I’m thinkin’ I may do one out my Minny Muu’s secret project leftover fabric.

Minny Muu

If there was an awards show for Best Comments Ever (and the Oscar goes too…), hands down my blog would win. Wolfgang Puck would be catering my after-party, and all you wonderful peeps who leave me the nicest (and funniest) comments would be the guests of honor. I’m so touched by each and everyone of them and I thank you so much! Sometimes I even show my parents, and remind them that those notes they’d get about me from school when I was a kid - notes from the principal, the counselors, the teachers… that one day they’d read something good about me. Thank you for proving me right! Please forgive me if my email replies slack in the next few weeks… but I’ve got me some sewin’ (and a couple of bloggie-goodies too) to do. Whoo whoo!

Linkie-Love: My favorite online retail resources for Lecien:

Posted in Quilty n Crafty, So Stinkin' Cute |

58 Responses

  1. The fabulous raesha allegedly said:

    It seriously took me 20 minutes to wipe up the drool from my keyboard before I could type this comment….that has to be some of the most luscious fabric I have ever seen IN MY LIFE!!!! I love you and I miss you!!!

  2. The fabulous TLC allegedly said:

    Great fabric!! I went to my LQS today and noticed that they had some American Jane patterns. I was hoping they would have the Merry-Go-Round one but they didn’t. I was so bummed! I want to make one too!! I must want to be like you (the most lively zombie I have ever known!).

  3. The fabulous Lynne in Hawaii allegedly said:

    Ooooooooooo! Deer in the headlight moment! Mesmerized by the cutest, most wonderful fabric ever! Wowza! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like it.
    Drool here too!

  4. The fabulous jacquie allegedly said:

    maybe i could stalk your mail carrier…i guess folks get in trouble for that. on second thought,i’ll admire it from afar.

  5. The fabulous sharon allegedly said:

    OMG!!!!!!! That is some delicious wonderful awesome fabric!!! I love it of course. Can’t wait to see what your whipping up over there.

  6. The fabulous Diane Nagle allegedly said:

    Those fabrics are so beautiful! Love them. Also the American Jane pattern you are making the quilt from is georgeous. I have a question though, how do you turn the binding on an inside corner? That one stumps me. I love the pattern.

  7. The fabulous Kathleen allegedly said:

    Can I send you my address? You could redirect it all to me, cause I dying of jealousy here!!!

  8. The fabulous Amy allegedly said:

    Wow, that fabric is AWESOME! Fall - we have to wait until fall to see what you do with it! WHAAAAA

  9. The fabulous AmyDe allegedly said:

    “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s fabric.” “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s fabric.” “Thou shalt not covet….

    I’m trying not to - REALLY - I am!

  10. The fabulous Jennifer from NY allegedly said:

    Oh wow Monica, that fabric is soooo cute! I really really love it. That is just my taste as well. I saw on www.fatquartershop.com that they have the Christmas Minny Muu, but this is even cuter. I can’t wait to see what you do with it! Your designs are so inspiring!

    Jen in NY

  11. The fabulous Jennifer from NY allegedly said:

    Oops, sorry about the URL, didn’t really mean that! :o)


  12. The fabulous donna allegedly said:

    You have all the fun!! I am sooooo jealous. That fabric is adorable especially those little ladybugs. I can’t wait to see what you have in mind for it. Lucky, lucky you.

  13. The fabulous Connie W allegedly said:

    Oh my, seeing them makes me gasp in admiration! Gimme gimme gimme! ;-D

  14. The fabulous Susan allegedly said:

    Now I am wasted for the rest of the day after seeing that first picture–I am going to just sit here and stare at it–beautiful.

  15. The fabulous Sara allegedly said:

    oh my word! i love love love this fabric! can’t wait to see your secret project when you are done! i am a sucker for anything with french words on it … and the colors are beautiful!

  16. The fabulous kristen - gock's frocks allegedly said:

    those are definitely droolworthy! can’t wait to see what you create with them! Have fun!

  17. The fabulous MichelleB allegedly said:

    I can hardly wait to see what you make with it! It’s lovely. Have fun working with it.

  18. The fabulous Anina allegedly said:

    Scrumptious fabric goodness! Yummy!

  19. The fabulous Thimbleanna allegedly said:

    Wow! We may never see you again. Lost in the folds of that fabric. What a life!

  20. The fabulous elizabeth allegedly said:

    That is all.

  21. The fabulous jen duncan allegedly said:

    Yikes! I sure wouldn’t want to pay that postage from Japan. You got yourself a BUNCH of sweet fabrics there miss zombie! We’ll all be so anxious to see what you’re doing with it!!

  22. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    Ohh you got some of the cool side of the line! I love them all together!

  23. The fabulous Kelli allegedly said:

    Wow. You must feel like the luckiest woman in the world! 37 meters of Japanese fabric? And it is super cute? WOW! That’s like winning the Tour de Craft. You are wearing the yellow jersey my friend.

  24. The fabulous Moog allegedly said:

    At what point do you stop stroking the fabric and start cutting into it? It is, as my sister used to say, “too-licious.” What a happy, happy fabric collection! You can’t help but smile when you see it.

  25. The fabulous Hunnybunny allegedly said:

    Fabulous! I can’t muster more than that.
    Your Merry GO Round is beautiful too. Want to loan me some talent?

  26. The fabulous Amy @ parkcitygirl allegedly said:

    You lucky duck! That fabric is adorable :) Can’t wait to see what it becomes!

  27. The fabulous Ravenhill allegedly said:

    Oh, you can’t show me more fabric!!! I already have a Japanese fabric addiction issue! These are so beautiful and sweet with the small prints! I can only imagine what beautiful things you have in store for all this fabric!

  28. The fabulous Ellen Crimi-Trent allegedly said:

    ooh how yummy I could just eat all of those fabrics up!! They look just sooo amazing I cannot wait to see what you do with them!

  29. The fabulous Lemon Tree Tami allegedly said:

    Ooooh such gorgeous colors! Hmm, they’re such teeny tiny prints and so luscious that I bet they’d make awesome tiny log cabins. :-)

  30. The fabulous Mary allegedly said:

    Flattery will get you everywhere, my friend. ;) What a beautiful stack of pretties which I’m sure will be turned into something even more delightful by oh-so-talented you.

  31. The fabulous Tamy allegedly said:

    I applaud your courage to actually USE some of that fabulousness! The colours are too sweet…Gosh will stay tuned to see what lovliness you come up with!!

  32. The fabulous jodi allegedly said:

    Love it all. Can’t wait to see what you do. ~jodi

  33. The fabulous ozjane allegedly said:

    oh dear……serious fabric envy here.

  34. The fabulous June allegedly said:

    Those fabrics are beautiful and I love the way you’ve photographed them in all their glorious colors. I think I’d be tempted to treat them like pieces of art and make a giant shadowbox to hang on the wall for displaying the colorful layers. Oh, what fun you’re going to have with these delightful materials.

  35. The fabulous Cath allegedly said:

    OH! That DOES look like a stack of happiness! I love it!

    I love your quilt, too. It looks wonderful upon the cat perch and I bet they will appreciate it very much… um, got another chair somewhere?

    *sticky tape is my friend, lol*

  36. The fabulous Anyone Can Quilt allegedly said:

    oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh…….it’s all so perfectly cute. I’m in a traaaaance… x

  37. The fabulous Doe allegedly said:

    Waaaah, waaahhh! Me want some cute fabrics! look who’s the fabric pimp now. Love it all! Thanks for sharing.

  38. The fabulous Marsha allegedly said:

    I love those fabrics! They are so cheerful and fun. I love your blog too! Thanks for sharing.


  39. The fabulous Paula allegedly said:

    Hurry!! Get sewing, I can’t wait to see~ and I want quilting lessons one of these days. I want the merry-go-round quilt, I want all that fabric, I want a minute to mySELF!!!!!!!!! I probably want Darlene’s purple quilting tool too…Oh, and that red table….

  40. The fabulous adelle allegedly said:

    Happiness in stacks. How true.. ooh noo.. don’t cut it up. hehe.. hang it up everywhere.. imagine a room with all it’s walls covered in it! And all the furniture was pink and orange!

  41. The fabulous Jennifer allegedly said:

    LOVE that fabric! Where or where can I buy it??

  42. The fabulous Mary Anne allegedly said:

    (GASP!!) ETHEL!! I mean Monica!! I just HAVE to have that fabric …. but I’m over my fabric budget for the month …. er year…. er, century …. but I just HAVE to have it …. I have to come up with a plan ….. but Ricky, er I mean Dave can’t find out about it ….. hmmmmmm…

  43. The fabulous Sue allegedly said:

    Yup, that looks like a stack of happiness alright! I’d have a hard time cutting into it, I’d kind of want to just leave the stack sitting there like a piece of artwork or something. Pretty fabric is so great, I feel sorry for people that don’t have the fabric addiction.

  44. The fabulous Jackie allegedly said:

    OMG, fabric happiness galore!! You lucky duck…jealousy abounds! What fabulous fabric and to be doing a super double secret project (maybe triple) for Lecien, how cool is that? I will be waiting with eyes wide open (except when sleeping) to see your, I’m sure, wonderful project!

  45. The fabulous Malphi allegedly said:

    I just want to eat that fabric! It’s like a great big lollipop! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it!

  46. The fabulous Christy allegedly said:

    I can look at those happy fabrics for hours!;)

  47. The fabulous *emilie* allegedly said:

    oooooh jealous !
    what an amazing collection !

  48. The fabulous Carol allegedly said:

    You lucky dog! I would have to sell a kidney to buy all of that Japanese fabulousness. Hurry and show us what you make!!

  49. The fabulous cathleen allegedly said:

    Oh my goodness! Heart attack here! I LOVE, ADORE all this fabric loveliness. It would take me a long time before I could cut into this. I would be too happy playing with it. Would you like to see my fabric stash? Come on over!!

  50. The fabulous Jona allegedly said:

    Did you say “IF happiness came in stacks….”? Silly girl! OF COURSE it comes in stacks…and bolts…and fat quarters…..But I think you’ve got that happiest stack of all right there. I can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned!

  51. The fabulous Nanette allegedly said:

    Your comments show you are much loved and admired. You get a A on your report card Monica. I see Pam got the same fabrics. I’m in envyville. They are super darling! Of course. Just about any fabric from Japan makes me salivate.

  52. The fabulous Jennifer Klages allegedly said:

    Luscious! If only I could feel that gorgeous fabric through my monitor. Very purty!

  53. The fabulous Des allegedly said:

    I can’t wait to see what you do with this. I bought some while at quilt market and my little fat quarter stack still sits. Get busy! :)

  54. The fabulous Kia (Good Enough Mama) allegedly said:

    Ohmigosh, those colours are to die for!! Gorgeous! So sunny and delicious. :)

  55. The fabulous Sweet Cottage Dreams allegedly said:

    Adorable fabric!! LOL about the comments! You have a terrific and happy-to-visit-kind-of blog! Always inspiring, too.


  56. The fabulous Em allegedly said:

    A-maze-za-zing fabric. Ohhh the possibilies. My first time to your blog. Loooove it!!

  57. The fabulous claire allegedly said:

    hello, I am French and I discover your blog which is splendid, j’ adores these Lecien fabrics, can you give me the names of the online stores where I can order them? thank you very much friendships

  58. The fabulous michelle allegedly said:

    I love the Lecien Folklore line, too. It washes up so nice and soft.

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

This blog's content, photos and original graphics/artwork are copyrighted. Please do not use, copy, reproduce or distribute. All projects are strictly for personal/non-commercial use only. © 2006-2016

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CHICKEN & STARS PDF quilt pattern!
CHICKEN & STARS - PDF quilt pattern

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PATIO PDF quilt pattern!
Patio - PDF quilt pattern

Visit my shop for the STRAWBERRY
DELIGHT needlebook template PDF!
STRAWBERRY DELIGHT - needlebook template PDF

Visit my shop for the POOCHIE BAG
PDF sewing pattern!
Poochie Bag - PDF sewing pattern

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SPRINKLE PDF quilt pattern!
SPRINKLE - PDF sewing pattern

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BADGE HOLDER PDF sewing pattern!
Badge Holder - PDF sewing pattern

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    Holy shitballs - I went to QuiltCon

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    copyright © 2006 - 2015

