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Happy 7th of July

July 7th, 2008

I can’t even make it on time to my own blog to celebrate the 4th of July. I had big plans to show my 4th of July Friendship Sampler quilt that I always use for watching fireworks under… but I think I’ll save that for October, (thus getting me on time for next July 4th). We had a great 4th… spent it with friends who are family to us. Ate, ate, ate and ate… and mixed in some Wii bowling to help burn it off (so we could make room for more food). And true to Astoria tradition… our day was chilly and overcast with occasional sprinkles.

My contribution for our food fest was dessert. I couldn’t remember my banana pudding recipe, so I made 2 desserts - one as a back-up. As it turns out, and after scouring the internet of it’s 710,000 recipes for banana pudding… I remembered mine. And wrote it down. I call mine Banana Lasagna, because Bananas With A Crap Load Of Layered Delicious Fattening Stuff is just too long for a recipe card. The key secret is whipping cream… not pretend whipped cream like Cool Whip. And funny story about my pudding shot. I had my camera on a lilliputian tripod in front of my dish… and before I knew it - my camera was submerged in the pudding. And yes. I did lick my camera. Who wants to lick the mixer beaters camera?!
Banana Lasagna

I blame Jon & Kate + Eight for the next dessert. Never mind that we’ve gone through our stash of tivo’d episodes, and have succumbed to watching reruns because we are THAT addicted to this show, but we’re taunted with great food as well! In one episode, Jon and Kate discuss the sticky buns she made for Christmas morning. Well that bee flew up my butt and stung me hard! Obsessed, I had to find a recipe. Combing through mountains of sticky bun, monkey bread and cinnamon roll recipes… and because I am extremely lazy (especially when it comes to cooking and baking)… I came up with Munkie Bunnies. An all in one eazy no-cheezie make ya fat and happy recipe. Of course I had to make this LIKE THREE TIMES.
Munkie Bunnies
Really fun to watch the progress of the munkie bunnies getting all jacked up - so in the name of science… you have to make this. Seriously. Just please don’t blame me if you get fat.

Recipe cards
Click on the recipe cards and print at 100% - and you will have 4×6” recipe cards.

Linky Love:  Nilla Wafers, Rhodes Bread DoughCook and Serve Butterscotch Pudding and Instant Banana Cream Pudding.

Posted in Bake something |

43 Responses

  1. The fabulous Doris at Threads of Conversation allegedly said:

    Love the recipes…and those cards…what program did you use to create them?

  2. The fabulous ellen crimi-trent allegedly said:

    These look very tasty, humm I might have to try them out!! Happy belated 4th and mine was filled with us having to leave the movie theater 1/3 the way through Wall-i-e due to someone pulling the fire alarm! This forth will go down as our all time worst!

  3. The fabulous jenny b harris allegedly said:

    Ack! I think I gained five pounds just reading your post! Thanks for the recipes, cute cards!!!

  4. The fabulous Anina allegedly said:

    Another Jon&Kate fan over here!
    One stick of butter. One pint of heavy whipping cream. Which one is better for you?

  5. The fabulous Susan allegedly said:

    How cute are those recipe cards?!! Thanks. Love your blog. I am intrigued with Astoria; will have to visit one day.

  6. The fabulous Jennalou allegedly said:

    Love the cards…. and the recipes sound great! I’m definitly going to try these for my next girls night out.

  7. The fabulous Melissa allegedly said:

    I love these recipes. I just made sweet rolls yesterday and I have been feasting on them all day.

  8. The fabulous Nanette allegedly said:

    Sticky buns are going to be made at my house!! It was one of my dad’s favorite things. I have yet to find a recipe like the ones from my childhood in pennsylvania. So I’m going to try this.

    Jon and Kate - she bugs me or I’d watch that show. My house was nearly like that at one time when my 8 were little but luckily I had some space in between with my twins kind of in the middle.

  9. The fabulous MichelleB allegedly said:

    My mother used to make monkey bread - so far I’ve not succumbed. I might have to try this, however. What I want to know is, just how do know how to do all of the fancy schmancy computer stuff! All well, I should just be glad that CAN do such cuteness.

  10. The fabulous Sandra :) allegedly said:

    MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy (and PML @ the camera falling into the pudding, haha!)– I’m coming to YOUR house to eat — empty plateS in hand!!

  11. The fabulous sharon allegedly said:

    OMG that looks soooooo good. I wanna go in there right now and whip me up some fat goodness.

  12. The fabulous Thimbleanna allegedly said:

    Ooooh…..those look YUMMY! Thanks for the recipes. I LOVE anything with a banana in it. (Well, duuuhhhh…Anna Banana!)

  13. The fabulous Wendy allegedly said:

    Mmm, these look good. Lol at your recipe directions. I know you don’t care(!), but I’m assuming the instruction to not use a plastic bowl has something to do with keeping the ingredients as cold as possible, thus glass or metal instead of plastic. I like that the banana lasagna makes only a 9×9 dish which is perfect for me to eat alone!

  14. The fabulous Little Acorns allegedly said:

    I love Jon & Kate + Eight! . . . So good to hear that someone else is a hooked on it as I am. I soooo admire them. . . & love the way they balance each other out so well. ( . . & what patience!) Anyway - ohhh that cinnamon recipe might just do me in . . . yum! (. . & cute cards!) Oh, & Happy 4th. . . (this is an early greeting. . . for next year!)
    xo, Bren

  15. The fabulous Suzanne allegedly said:

    This is just so yummy looking. My tongue is hanging out and I want to eat my computer screen.
    I had never heard of bannna and lasagne together.

  16. The fabulous carol eldridge allegedly said:

    looks good…I am off to the Atlanta Gift show so I won’t be doing any baking this week. Maybe when I get back I will try one of the recipes.


  17. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    Oh dear. The only thing saving me is that I can’t heat the oven up today.

  18. The fabulous jen duncan allegedly said:

    Oh MAN Monica- You’re killing me with this post! I could just print the pics and eat the paper.

  19. The fabulous Natalie allegedly said:

    You are hilarious and an evil temptress… must eat Munkie Bunnies. I want Munkie Bunnies. Now.

  20. The fabulous Doe allegedly said:

    This is perfect! Thank you for sharing the recipe. I guess I don’t have to send the little monkey (aka Sophie) to fly over there after all!

    Muchas gracias mi amiga!

    You better not tell me it’s only 61 degrees over there! You funny meanie!

    Nah… It’s all the way up to a scorching 73. I’m sure that at any minute now our weather peeps will be issuing a severe heat alert. xo-m

  21. The fabulous Mary Anne allegedly said:

    YIKES —excuse me while I loosen my pants … I feel the bloat just reading about those sinful desserts !!!! (this is where maternity pants would come in handy!) …. I especially appreciate the serving size (i.e. the part about serves one 16 year old boy!!! since I have an 18 year old and a 15 1/2 year old bottomless pit boys, I’ll be needing 2 vats of that stuff!)

  22. The fabulous tamy allegedly said:

    this looks too fab!!
    I am a monkey bread fan but this has such a yummy twist to it!
    I do hate but have to ask when you say bread dough, is this the “pillsbury canned” stuff!?!?
    I usually use the low fat buttermilk buscuits stuff…maybe I will just give it a whirl!!
    thanks for sharing

  23. The fabulous jenny holiday allegedly said:

    Ohhhhhh mannnnnnnnn I want both right this second!!!!!!!!

    Nothing wrong with licking pudding off a camera. Nothing.

    Happy Summer!!!!
    xoxo Jenny

  24. The fabulous Sophia allegedly said:

    Wow. Those look so good!!! Perfect for a birthday breakfast. I have to say that I too, share your addiction to Jon & Kate + 8. That there is some quality TV! Cant wait to try these recipes! Thanks!

  25. The fabulous kimbles allegedly said:

    YUM!!! Banana Lasagne looks too good! Just one question (I live at the bottom of the world in NZ) What are Nilla wafers? Are they spongey, or wafery?

  26. The fabulous Debbie allegedly said:

    Oh, Yum! Thank you!

  27. The fabulous Yellowgirl allegedly said:

    Mo’niqua….Ryleigh and I were just talking about making Monkey Bread when I saw your post….great minds! Printed off your adorably Monica recipe cards and made them last night….baked them this morning….she was in heaven. B is making the Banana lasagna today. That sounded really great to him….thank you thank you….love and hugs…L

  28. The fabulous Mary allegedly said:

    You know, they don’t taste nearly as good if you lick the picture on your laptop screen …

  29. The fabulous Robin allegedly said:

    I am so glad our family is not the only one doing the TIVO thing with Jon & Kate plus 8. Our family loves this show. Thanks for the recipe for Munkie Bunnys-YUMMMMM!

  30. The fabulous Jennifer from NY allegedly said:

    Mmmmm, thanks Monica! Munkie bunnies is the cutest name…and something so cute can’t make you fat, right? Right?! They look really good. The banana lasagna too. Can’t wait to make them. Your recipe cards are darling.

    Happy 4th, can’t wait to see your quilt next year! LOL

  31. The fabulous Kathleen allegedly said:

    After tightening my belt to offset rising fuel costs I suppose I shall have to loosen it again to offset the effects of Munkie Bunnies!! I’m making the “goop” right now!!

  32. The fabulous mo allegedly said:

    I am so loving those monkie bunnies. It reminds me of back in highschool when I would use Rhodes vread dough and wrap balls around cubes of cheese and then drench them in melted butter and bake them all in a bread pan together. So good! I love frozen bread dough!!

  33. The fabulous Nikki allegedly said:

    Love,Love,Love your blog! The recipe cards are fantastic! Thank you so much!

  34. The fabulous CJ allegedly said:

    Wahhhh, I can’t see the photos :( But I have printed off the recipes and plan to make them in two weeks when I have 3-4 extra kids here to help my 2 kids eat it all up. I think they will LOVE both of these. Thanks! But wahhhhh on no pictures.

  35. The fabulous Paula allegedly said:

    I want some banana pudding, I want some banana pudding!!!! I will even lick your camera if that’s what I can get…

  36. The fabulous Nanna Jamma allegedly said:

    Okay, I am seriously licking the ‘puter screen! I had to quit the lick fest to write to you, darn it! I think your recipes are yum-O, and I will have to make them…..NOW! I am also addicted to Jon & Kate.
    Thank you for sharing your sweet recipes, MJM!!
    I heart you!!

  37. The fabulous Donna allegedly said:

    YUM YUM YUM!!! I think I need to repeat that. YUM YUM YUM!!! Those are two of our favs. I’ll need to try them soon! Astoria sounds like the perfect little place. I have always wanted to get to the west coast. One of these days, sigh!!

  38. The fabulous stephanie allegedly said:

    thanks for the cards, they are wonderful! i wish i could put all my recipes into these cards. yes what program did you use and where do you get the great graphics? thanks again

    I used Photoshop… and I made all the graphics. Thank you Stephanie! - monica

  39. The fabulous Kelli allegedly said:

    The first and only time I’ve seen Jon & Kate + 8, I watched six hours worth. It was such an entertaining show!

  40. The fabulous sheree allegedly said:

    Well these look delicious and I am already fat, so I’ll be trying this out soon! Thanks for sharing.

  41. The fabulous Busy Little Quilter allegedly said:

    Thanks for the recipes and the cute little cards. Now my recipe box will have recipes from you!

    I’m a John and Kate +8 fan, too. I’m not really sure why other than my daughter has 4 children. You would think I wouldn’t watch it, but I’m always telling my daughter to watch because she would find that her little family is normal.

  42. The fabulous Angelina allegedly said:

    As usual I’m late to the party. Hey, that is so cool that you can do those cards. How did you do that? You have way more talents than you ever own up to. I think I’m going to have to download these.

  43. The fabulous Annita Aguillard allegedly said:

    Looks absolutely delish! thanks!

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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