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For Juana

November 1st, 2007

I first heard about the Mother’s Day Project through Raesha on her post about Carrie. As soon as I read it I was off to sign-up. Being a veteran myself and a wife and a mother to veterans… I feel so honored to be able to participate in something so wonderful. You can read all about the project here as well as sign-up for yourself.

My stitchery tribute is to Juana Navarro Arellano of California, who at the young age of 24 was killed in Iraq on April 8th, 2006. Juana was born in Mexico and at age 13 became a US citizen. I stitched her name in red since the Mexican, US and California flags all have red in them. As I was stitching this tiny teenie small name, I thought to myself that this was the hardest thing I’ve ever stitched. And it seemed so fitting because I’m sure this is the hardest thing Juana’s family has ever gone through. I found it comforting to not only have had a difficult time stitching this, but for actually doing it. For me Juana is not just a press release or a statistical number. I know her name and have learned about her much too short life.

Posted in Do Something |

13 Responses

  1. The fabulous Angela (Cottage Magpie) allegedly said:

    Wow, what an amazing project. I just sent in my info so I can participate, too. My stiching skills aren’t nearly as good as yours, but I’m hoping that it’s the thought that counts. I’ll be proud to help, thank you for letting us all know about it. ~A

  2. The fabulous raesha allegedly said:

    A - it is totally the thought that counts:) These women are so special and deserve all the love and recognition we can give you. I’m so glad you participated, Monica, and we got to learn about Juana.

  3. The fabulous June allegedly said:

    This is so wonderful! I had not heard about this project so I’ll go over to the site and read about it. Your work is exquisite as always and I am so touched by your loving heart.

  4. The fabulous Angelina allegedly said:

    In spite of my feelings about the war, I totally appreciate the point of this project. Not agreeing with the war doesn’t mean I don’t think our soldiers shouldn’t be honored, and especially women. What’s even better is to see a Mexican-American being remembered and honored.

    Mexicans have added so much to our country and get marginalized so much and even those born here are often considered less American than other Americans. So…I’m happy to see Juana honored here in this project.

  5. The fabulous Paula allegedly said:

    What a wonderful project. Really meaningful to those of us with military families. I’m going to pop over and check out the site.

  6. The fabulous Natalie allegedly said:

    Thank you Monica.
    Your post really touched me, and I signed-up to help. I also mentioned you and this project in a recent post of mine. I know when I stitch, my thoughts are always about loved ones, prayers for them and memories… it becomes like a meditation. If they need me to help, (I have a hope that they won’t need another name stitched, but what will stop this war that soon?) then I know it will be a very powerful experience.

  7. The fabulous Natalie allegedly said:

    Fixed it!
    Thank you for figuring out my url was goofed.

  8. The fabulous Doe allegedly said:

    Such a lovely project to remember and honor one of the many fallen soldiers who sacrificed themselves for this country.

  9. The fabulous Nicole allegedly said:

    This project really touched me. It makes it all quite personal, doesn’t it?

  10. The fabulous laeroport allegedly said:

    I received my name on Thursday, Pfc. Rachel K. Bosveld, who was just 19. Tragic. I so wish there was something more that I could to do bring an end to this war.

  11. The fabulous norththreads allegedly said:

    This is so sweet of you!! What a wonderful thing to do.

  12. The fabulous Nan allegedly said:

    As usual, I am far behind in my blog reading. What a wonderful project, and your post touched my heart deeply.

  13. The fabulous Reina allegedly said:

    Well Juana we went together to school and I remember having breakfast every morning with u and my sis. We miss u alot!! We pass through ur cemetery every morning and I always look ur way!

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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