Frack attack
October 22nd, 2007
Jeopardy anyone?
A: $24.75
Q: What does it cost to visit That silly lil’ Doe’s blog?
A: Frack
Q: What is an addiction to fabric called, especially when pimped by Doe?
A: Frackhead
Q: Who/what is a person on Frack?
A: Frapendant
Q: What should be a fabric stash claim on our tax returns?
A: Pic Tease
Q: Who is a person who sends you a snippet pic of something mysterious she’s sending you - and it’s driving you bonkers with anticipation?
Posted in Stuff |
Ha, it always costs me something to visit her blog too because of the ideas that start spinning!
October 22nd, 2007A. Frackus
October 22nd, 2007Q. A group of Frackheads at a 40% off fabric sale.
That is too funny Moog. That 40% off sale would describe Fabric Depot to a T. I guess that makes Fabric Depot the Frackhouse!
October 22nd, 2007AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH polkadots on red. Gotta be…(ha ha I’m not telling)
October 22nd, 2007I know what it is! The anticipation is half the fun, though, isn’t it?
October 22nd, 2007Too frackin’ funny!!!!
I could send you another picture……..nah! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Thanks to Pam and Pieces for not spilling the beans!
October 22nd, 2007Oh, that is too funny.
I followed you here from Sillylildoe’s blog because you cracked me up (get the pun?)
:) Bren
October 23rd, 2007Well, I must say I have never been fracked before, and I will say I LIKE IT!!
October 23rd, 2007This is not the first time you’ve been a ‘pic tease’! I kinda like that, too! Looks very cool, whatever it be!!
Oh Man, I need a frack fix at our favorite frackhouse….Fabric Depot. I MISS IT, I NEED THAT LINT COURSING THROUGH MY VEINS!!!! ARRRRGGGG!!!!! Ok, I’m done. That Silly lil’ Doe has a beautiful blog. Thanks for pointin’ us over to there. :) Ooo, I can’t wait to see your mailbox love!
October 23rd, 2007I love pictease that just makes me laugh
October 23rd, 2007mary
Um funny thing is, is that I wanted to go buy that fabric too once I saw the quilt lil doe made….thank goodness I’m not the only one!
October 24th, 2007I have wasted a lot of years in the Frackhouse getting high on fiber…I just bought a book called The Painted Quilt ( by Linda & Laura Kemshall) and then I had to go buy soda ash and then I had to buy dye and white fabric- I don’t have much plain fabric, I am a novelty, dots, stripes, checks and gnome, oh, and cupcake/food kind of frackhead! So then yesterday as I was also making panna cotta brains and hearts I washed and then soaked the fabric in soda ash- today hopefully after work I will do a little dying and rubbing with the Paintstiks..after I find the image templates that I also had to buy and my sewing sanctuary swallowed feverishly….does your stuff disappear suddenly? I looked for 2 hours for the hot glue gun yesterday and was nearly in tears and shaking like a chihuahua when Fred got home and helped me find it. How can I lose the glue gun? I thought I was organized…but then the frackin frack hits my veins and I am lost, again… your mushroom and your red and aqua and yellow…happy happy joy joy
November 1st, 2007