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Mimi goes shopping

May 1st, 2007

As promised, I took Mimi to Redwork Club and some shopping fun at Anna Lena’s. She had fun!!! Maybe it was a bit too much fun, as she got a bit cranky when it was time leave. I don’t know if it was all the sugar she consumed, or if it was a fabric high she was on. Anyhoo, I’ll let Mimi tell her story…

Going to Redwork Club was a blast! I got so much attention at Show & Tell time - I was a rock star! I got to meet Mum’s talented and creative friends and got to see all the pretty things they’ve made. What a fun group of ladies they are! A special treat… I got to meet my Great Auntie E and I can see why my mum loves her so much. Great Auntie E is mum to my cousin Mimi Mae. That’s right… she is mum to my cousin! I was hoping to meet Mimi Mae, but that will have to be another day.

Great Auntie Happy (yes… that’s really her name - how cool is that!) brought along her little baby and she and I became fast friends. She’s not really a little baby as she’s about 50 years old. I guess we really DO shrink as we get older! I was disappointed that Happy’s BFF Mary wasn’t there, as I wanted to meet her and her new baby Mimi Lou too (OMG… I have yet ANOTHER cousin!). WOW… what a week. Not only do I have two new cousins here on the coast, but my sister Sophie made her debut AND I found out I have a kiwi cousin Blossom down under!

Time to go shopping! How handy to have shopping carts in the store! I’m guessing Aunt Karen had them especially for my visit. Though it was kind of dangerous as I was not strapped in. I must admit, I was a little dizzy from the sheer bliss and excitement of seeing so much yummy fabric, especially all the 30’s! Wow… it’s 30’s heaven here! Ok, NOW I understand why Mum wears $3 t-shirts and $15 jeans… so she can spend all her money here instead! And wow… look at that bundle of Moda Cherries Jubilee I scored. Ahem… Mum scored. Say… that fabric looks familiar. Where have I seen it before??? ;)

Toys and toys and toys and toys! And books! And stamps! And more toys, oh my. I’m so curious, ha!

Oh SEW pretty! I got to snuggle up with Darlene’s new fabric line!

And then I got to bask in the glow in some of Auntie Karen’s creations!

All this shopping… I’m starting to get hungry. OMG… Peas & Carrots. Oh so, so, so, soooooooooooo yummy! I want to feast on these!

I have a sweet tooth now. Holy crap, there’s not only fabric… but there’s fudge here too! I wonder if anyone will notice if I slip behind the fudge counter and take a little nibble…

And now I must nap.

Napping in the splendor of Auntie Karen’s Wash Tub Prints. Sigh. Bliss. Um… this fabric feels kinda warm. Oooops. Mum forgot that I need Pampers at nap-time.

Hearts and Crafts,

Posted in Quilty n Crafty, Mimi's Adventures |

21 Responses

  1. The fabulous Mary allegedly said:

    Looks like Mimi had quite the day! I hope she’s come down from her sugar high.

  2. The fabulous capello allegedly said:


    i need darlene’s fabric line.

    oh yes, i said NEED.

  3. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    OMG. WHAT SUPER PHOTOS. And that tin in the back of Mimi when she’s basking.. seriously, I think I’m going to need that. Let me know how I can acquire it. Soon. Please. I beg of you.

  4. The fabulous lindiepindie allegedly said:

    You funny girl! It looks like you and Mimi had a grand time at the fabric store. You and Mimi and your camera. I can hear you giggling as you take each picture, “Maybe just a little piece of chocolate right here…” :o)

  5. The fabulous Happy Valley Quilter allegedly said:

    What a super fun blog you have!!! This is my first time here, but I’ll be back!

    Let Mimi know that I’ll follow her to any quilt shop that also has fudge. I don’t think it gets any better than that…unless they also have diet Coke!

  6. The fabulous Doe allegedly said:

    I think something is going on between Mimi and C. George! She’s practically beaming standing right next to him! LoooooooK!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, you 2 are having too much fun at the store. Arrrgh! I definitely have to have Darlene’s new line. And look at Auntie E, she could barely keep a straight face. She looks like she is in a middle of giggle fit! She saw you stuffing your face with fudge behind the corner, didn’t she? Am I right?! And you call that nibbling! HAH! LOL!

  7. The fabulous Jessica allegedly said:

    oh my dear lord. I have GOT to have the entire Peas and Carrots line. Quickly. And Darlene’s fabric is making me drool embarrassingly. Mimi, that store is amazing! I may just have to make the trip out there sometime. And you look fabulous, my dear! Quite the model!

  8. The fabulous debbi allegedly said:

    I LOVE those fabric bundles…in fact the one in the cart and the one in the pic under the curious george display I HAVE to have! Do they have specific names????

  9. The fabulous Kim Sherrod allegedly said:

    That’s funny! I love Mimi and am digging her adventures! I am adding you to my blog. You are rockin!

  10. The fabulous Kelli allegedly said:

    How in the world do I get my own Mimi? LOVE!

  11. The fabulous jenny b harris allegedly said:

    Eye candy!!! And your adventures of Mimi are too funny… adorable!

  12. The fabulous Kathy allegedly said:

    I so love Mimi and her adventures! I’m kinda jealous of all the special treatment she got! I think I’d be kicked out of the store if I curled up for a nap amid all those bolts.

  13. The fabulous Monica allegedly said:

    The bundle fabric is Moda’s Cherrie Jubliee by Sandy Klop’s American Jane collection. It’s been out for a while now and out of “print” saddly. Very hard to find. I’m soooooooooooooo hoping Moda brings it back.

    The fabric in the photo under the C. George photo is Darlene Zimmerman’s new line called “Mama’s Feedsacks” from Robert Kaufman.

    Target.com! I bet you can get one in time before you leave for Mozambique. :o)

  14. The fabulous cindy allegedly said:

    Lucky Mimi, getting to go shopping with her mum and even getting a treat. Looks like it was a super wonderful girl’s day out. :)

  15. The fabulous Cottage Magpie allegedly said:

    OMG! Mimi’s adventures are SO FUN! I love reading them, along with everything else. And dang it, where was I when they were serving fabric and chocolate simultaneously! MAN! I’m only a couple of hours away, for goodness sake! :-)

    Of course, I suppose it would help if you actually knew me and stuff. :-) You guys all sound like you’re having so much fun there. I need to check it out. Road trip!

  16. The fabulous sabine allegedly said:

    Oh , this is a shop I can only dream about! Here in Belgium nobody ever heard about Curious George… I received the book from a friend who went to New York, and so my children and me could enjoy his stories.
    This pictures make me green of envy ;)

  17. The fabulous Lauri allegedly said:

    I got my Kitty! (I had to name her Kitty, because when I yelled, “Mimi’s here!” nobody knew what I was talking about! rofl! But you’ll be amazed at how well she acclimated to our home life! (Gotta get those pictures up!)

    But I must make sure she NEVER reads about Mimi’s adventures…like fabric shopping…or I’ll be in big trouble!

  18. The fabulous Monica allegedly said:

    Whooo hooo Lauri! You do know of course, Mimi has text messaging capabilities to her cousin Kitty, right? I think you should take Kitty shopping!

    Happy pre-Mother’s Day and congratulations on your new baby! Get those pictures up!!!!

  19. The fabulous Deanna allegedly said:

    I am absolutely swooing for all the fabric love…how do you find all that gorgeousness?? Jo-ann is the best we have around here…Sigh

  20. The fabulous Deanna allegedly said:

    Um, that should be “swooNing”. I don’t swoo anymore… :)

  21. The fabulous Karen allegedly said:

    Now I know what that wet spot was on the floor underneath the fabric rack. I expected better–not of Mimi, of her Mama!

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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