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Mimi takes a vacation - G’Day Mum!

March 15th, 2007

Whoo-hooo… an email from Mimi! Now I’m really pumped - as she’s visited her brother and his family on the New South Wales coast.

G’Day Mum,

I’m now in Sydney, Australia. So much to see, so much to do, so little time. It was a long trip here and those pesky OZ customs workers had to check my Box, inside and out. Not to mention they undressed me and checked all my parts. As least one of the men had nice warm hands (and made my bobbin tingle). I know this happens to you every time you mail a package here (the inspection, not the tingle), I just didn’t think it would happen to me. Your name must be flagged on some hot-list here.

Anyhoo… I went to see my dear brother and his wonderful family. We had a great time and DB told me I was going to be in for a wild ride once I got home to you in Oregon (I hope that’s not code for “I’ll be working my popo off”). Oh, and DB wanted to know why you didn’t send any Spam Musubi in The Box with me - and says yours is the best ever!

After much laughing and hugging (and DB’s killer meatloaf), we went to the Sydney Opera House and tooted around the harbour. One guy in a sailboat asked me if I’d hop on board and help him fix his torn sail, but told him I was saving myself for you. I know, you can thank me later.

I asked if we could go to IKEA in Sydney, but on the way there… I got swept up in a huge peace piece march. It was fun, loud and very passionate. I can’t tell you how many times I got tripped over, but I’m ok… no scratches or smudges. This one nice mate said I could be Rosey Ruiz (whoever that is) and be at the front of the march. I’m just minding my own business when all of a sudden there’s trouble… police, tear gas, zip ties… and the next thing I know - I’m in the slammer.

I pretended to be starving (I have to admit, I was looking rather thin after all that marching), and asked my nice guard if I could have a meat pie. When he left to get it (and forgot to close my cell door)… I made a dash for it and skedaddled outa there, fast! Not to worry, I have no police record. I told them my name was Pipi Von Aquapüff - a German diplomat on a top secret mission by order of the German and Australian governments.

Just outside of the jail, a hot OZ UPS driver (another hot UPS guy in shorts!) scooped me up and put me back in The Box and said it was time to head east across the Pacific. Where am I heading to next??? 


Posted in Mimi's Adventures |

7 Responses

  1. The fabulous cindy allegedly said:

    I’m thrilled she got to see her bro. Those Spam Musubi thingies look pretty good. I can’t get my family to eat spam, tho. Too bad. When I come out, we’ll have to make some. :) I’m so glad Mimi was ok in that wild Piecing march. Those quilters can be WILD WOMEN! (and men). :)

    Oooo, I can hardly wait to see where she will go next.

  2. The fabulous capello allegedly said:

    ah, man. mimi missed the closing of the roxy in ny. damn!

  3. The fabulous Michelle allegedly said:

    Oh, mimi!
    I wish I could go on an adventure half as fun as yours.

  4. The fabulous elizabeth allegedly said:

    Sigh…Mimi’s already had a much more interesting life than I have…

  5. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    JAIL BREAK. Good gravy.

  6. The fabulous Angelina allegedly said:

    I’m jealous that she got to be in the front lines of the Piece march. (Have we had them in the states, because that is something I could really get on board with!)

  7. The fabulous Sarah allegedly said:

    I am thoroughly enjoying Mimi’s travels… I can’t wait to see where she goes next!

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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