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Mimi takes a vacation - Viva La France

March 14th, 2007

I’ve been on pins and needles waiting for Mimi’s correspondence. Worrying and wondering, fretting over her safety and possible STD’s. I can breathe a sigh of relief, I think.

My dear Mum,

I’m sorry I made you worry about my little sojourn in Amsterdam. You’ll be happy to know that as I was leaving the cafe with Deiter - my UPS man saw me and whisked me away to safety and back into The Box I went. The hot UPS guy (in his cute shorts no less) suggested I see another side of what the world has to offer and sent me to some lovely museums in Paris. I did go to some flea markets in Paris and seeing all the beautiful fabrics really knocked my presser foot off. Oh Mum, I wanted to buy them all for you… but there’s no room in The Box (even less room now after all the delicious food I ate in Paris). We’ll just have to come back together, k.

After my time in Paris, I needed a little sun and surf, so I headed down to the French Rivera. Here I am in Saint Tropez on a “bathing-suit optional” beach getting a little sun (and fun, moo ahh haa ha). Oh, and can you please tell Auntie E that I took her advise to get some sunscreen - thanks Auntie E… as you can see I needed it ALL OVER me (no tan lines for moi ;)!

I hope you are more relaxed about my vacation. I’m trying my best to behave! I think I’m off to a new continent next. I picked up an iBook so now I can read your blog as I travel (it gives me something to do while I’m in The Box). Can you please thank all your wonderful friends for their great comments and travel suggestions? I hope they keep the suggestions coming! Thanks!

With love,

Posted in Mimi's Adventures |

10 Responses

  1. The fabulous Kathy allegedly said:

    I think I might actually be a bit sad when Mimi’s World Tour ends. :) I’m sure her MUM will be happy she’s home but I will miss reading about her MISadventures!!!

  2. The fabulous cindy allegedly said:

    Good Gracious! I hope she wasn’t traumatized, being so young and all, seeing naked MEN! tee hee Although, I guess she’s getting quite worldly with all her travels. I hope she makes it home soon so you can hug her and love her and kiss her….:)

  3. The fabulous Angelina allegedly said:

    I love the modesty stripe. Must learn to do that.

  4. The fabulous Wende allegedly said:

    Are you throwing a “welcome to your new home” party when she finally arrives? And does this mean that Mimi will get a regular column on your blog?? :D

  5. The fabulous Lindiepindie allegedly said:

    Miss Mimi, if you are reading, please, in the future don’t take your clothes off in public, dear. It just isn’t proper. :o)

  6. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    Mimi has me in ’stitches’.

  7. The fabulous elizabeth allegedly said:

    Well, “Auntie E” is relieved to learn that Mimi CAN follow at least SOME good advice…but I worry about that girl, I really do. Hope my little one is still safe in her box. In Illinois. Where nothing can happen.

  8. The fabulous debbi allegedly said:

    The heck with my job…the first thing I had to do when I got to work was check your blog! The adventures are better than soaps could ever be.

  9. The fabulous Katie allegedly said:

    Haha, you’re cracking me up! Mimi’s a little risque, now isn’t she? You better watch out, she might come home with some grandchildren!

  10. The fabulous Lisa allegedly said:

    I live in Saint-Tropez!!!

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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