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Mimi takes a vacation - Adventure in Amsterdam

March 13th, 2007

I don’t know how she travels so fast… but my little Mimi is now in Amsterdam!

Dear Mum,

I made it to Amsterdam, and while it was a fast trip here - I’m still in one piece and my travel box is still in great shape. Those UPS guys are great!

So much to see, so many places to go. I rented a bike because it’s the best way to travel here in Amsterdam. Everyone rides a bike or rides on a boat. Lots of interesting shops here, as well as some of the career choices. Everyone here is so nice and friendly, and lots of great little cafes. Here I am waiting for my espresso. Ahh… it’s so lovely to sit outside in this nice weather. I made a new friend, Deiter Van Puffmystuff. He’s inside getting my espresso. I wonder what’s taking him so long?

Deiter suggested we go inside so I could try something new. Deiter said my bobbin was wound too tight and said he has something to take care of that.

What was I saying? Dude, where’s my box! Man… I’m suddenly craving Cheez-It’s and Easy Mac. What’s happening to me? Hmmm… I’m really liking Amsterdam! I think Paris is my next destination. Or maybe it will be to Deiter’s flat… (I just can’t seem to take my eyes off his seam ripper)

Posted in Mimi's Adventures |

11 Responses

  1. The fabulous Tink allegedly said:

    Yah know… Mimi seems to um get around quite a bit.

    Just sayin’.


    It is so not weird that I am checking up on your blog to see where your Hello Kitty sewing machine is right? Completely normal. yup.

  2. The fabulous capello allegedly said:


    you totally shouldn’t have had the brownies.

  3. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    Mimi is a bad influence.

  4. The fabulous cindy allegedly said:

    I hope she doesn’t start smoking and drinking. She’s quite young! But that beer looks good. Not like I can find many good beers in Wisconsin. They think MILLER LITE is beer! psha!

  5. The fabulous Kathleen allegedly said:

    I love Hello Kitty and sewing and I’m having such fun following her around the world. Will Deiter lead her down the road to ruin? Will she be able to sew a straight line when she reaches you? I’m staying tuned to find out!

  6. The fabulous Robyn allegedly said:

    Man! Mimi is living the good life! Hopefully your fabric stash will be as good as the stash she had in Amsterdam! This is so much fun to check back each day and see what Mimi is up to. Will she by any chance go to Budapest? I have relatives she can say “Hi” to from me! hehehe Or maybe she can make it thru Dublin on St. Patty’s day and have a few pints of Guiness!

  7. The fabulous Tuesday allegedly said:

    I am really worried about Mimi…she seems to be heading down a scary path in her new found freedom…I hope she comes to her senses and PROMPTLY makes her way home to you soon.

    AHH, who am I kidding…MIMI, let me live vicariously through youuuuuuu…..LOLOL ;)

  8. The fabulous Claire allegedly said:

    Dude, you are killing me with these posts! HILARIOUS!

  9. The fabulous Paula allegedly said:

    Oh Mimi, Mimi, please come home soon. Your mother is heartbroken and your daddy can’t stop pacing the room. Big brother just sits in his room and cries… If you absolutely HAVE to see the world before coming home safely to your family, I sincerely hope you remember to stop in Australia to visit your oldest brother. Family is so important dear Mimi…

  10. The fabulous elizabeth allegedly said:

    Even tho I haven’t heard ONE WORD from my little girl, you better believe I’m gonna be doing a sniff-test when she gets here because if she was in Amsterdam with Mimi, she’s GROUNDED.

  11. The fabulous Jessica allegedly said:

    ah….to be young and in Europe…


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    PS: Sorry I was so wordy - when all you want to do is click the dang submit button. Please knock yourself out and get wordy right back at me.

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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