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Mimi takes a vacation - London Calling

March 13th, 2007

I got an email from my little Mimi. Apparently she found an internet cafe. Who knew she could type!

Dearest Mum,

I’m now in London. I’ve been told you’ve always wanted to go here and I feel kinda bad that I got to come before you did. Anyhoo… I found this lovely park and I decided to strech out and relax a bit. There’s a big clock behind me (I overheard someone call it by name… Big BOB I think). Dang thing is loud! How am I supposed to nap?

After my so called nap, my quest to meet The Queen began. I looked, and I looked, and I looked. No luck. Maybe she was busy vacuuming and queening the palace. I danno. I did find this guy, Mr. Pincushion Head. He wasn’t too friendly and didn’t answer me when I spoke to him. I even offerd to fix a busted seem in his pants that I saw from my vantage point (um, more like a DISadvantage point). Not even a “thank you” from the guy. I guess he figured his snazzy red jacket would keep his bangers and mash hidden.

I hope this email finds you well. My next stop is Amsterdam.
With love,

Posted in Mimi's Adventures |

6 Responses

  1. The fabulous kathleen allegedly said:

    You’re hilarious… this is so funny!

  2. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    Mimi gets around. Lets hope her London Bridges don’t go falling down.

  3. The fabulous elizabeth allegedly said:

    Wow. Mimi is definitely more adventurous than my HK…I haven’t heard a peep from her. Hope they poked airholes in her box.

  4. The fabulous capello allegedly said:

    amsterdam? mimi’s gonna get a little action, eh?

  5. The fabulous cindy allegedly said:

    Sara is over me BUSTING A GUT over Mr. Pincushion Head. You are making me fall out of my chair with all your Mimi correspondence…keep it coming, keep it coming! :)

  6. The fabulous Lindiepindie allegedly said:

    What a great idea for a pincushion!

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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