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Blocked in China?

March 12th, 2007

Dear China,
Was it something I said?

Just linky good fun.

Posted in Stuff |

9 Responses

  1. The fabulous Paula allegedly said:


  2. The fabulous kathleen allegedly said:

    I read something recently that they’re sending kids in china away for being too addicted to the internet… heh.

  3. The fabulous Pam allegedly said:

    Well I said it as well. Whatever China.

  4. The fabulous Tink allegedly said:

    Delurking since I actually know the answer to this…go figure.

    Most blogs are blocked in mainland China. It has nothing to do with any sort of content (Although ‘m sure there are rules for that also). I honestly think that they block any site that uses “blog” in the url. I say this because I never had a problem accessing mine when I was in there but I use Typepad so the url is different. Exception to this is Guandong where the US consulate is located. Additionally Hong Kong is also fairly open and not blocked.

    So there you have it more than you ever wanted to know.


    PS…I stumbled on your blog the other day when reading about the Hello Kitty sewing machine on another blog (forget now). Very enjoyable thank you for sharing.

    I’m so glad you delurked and your info is fascinating! Makes a lot of sense too, although very sad. - Monica :)

  5. The fabulous Tink allegedly said:

    Wow…shabby job of proofing there. I’m off to bed!

  6. The fabulous Tuesday allegedly said:

    Ba ha…mine just said ‘available’…*BUT* there was a disclaimer underneath as to ‘why’ some url’s may be blocked . So, whatever THAT means ;)

    Blah. I want the sewing machine…bad. You are TORTURING ME!!!!!!!!! ;)

  7. The fabulous capello allegedly said:

    my site is available in chine. nee-ner-nee-ner-neeeeeenr! :-)

  8. The fabulous Deanna allegedly said:

    Mine is blocked too…Darn Commies! There are still commies, right? ;)

  9. The fabulous Lindiepindie allegedly said:

    Yes, I’m blocked as well. So sad, since I’m sure there are a lot of readers who would love to access crafty websites! I’ve always wondered why I didn’t have any readers from China!

Farting around with needle & thread and then blogging about it.

Monica Solorio-Snow
Happy Zombie

Pacific Wonderland
Astoria, Oregon

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